

Elder Scrolls Online

March 25 2015
If you are referring to the end of the Main Story at level 50 where you have defeated Molag Bal, ESO still sends you to the second of the 3 factions, giving you the 'Cadwell's Silver' quest for you to advance in the Veteran ranks and Champion system. Then you go to the 3rd faction. Daggerfall Covenant goes to Aldmeri Dominion first, and Ebonheart Pact goes to Daggerfall Covenant first. I don't know which faction AD goes to first. Also, if you just have the Beta installed you will still have to buy the game to play regardless of whether you buy a sub or not.
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Stephen Douglas


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 25 2015
Thank you very much, this is interesting to think about.


First City Rework

March 24 2015
Isn't it a bit too soon for First City to get another remodel? Those of you who don't remember or don't know the last look of it please play the Fek'liri missions :) changed when Crossfire was released. I can't wait to try out the new mission but unless the make it look even cooler then they should leave it at that and work on other KDF aspects
Edited March 24 2015 by Frozenlily



March 24 2015
Thanks for doing this I've submitted my build for review I could use some help in optimizing this build again thanks
Edited March 24 2015 by GeoM68
Shawn Birch


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 24 2015
My Main character (Parker) is an engineer. I use a combination of rep sets on my BoFF's. I am not a super elite player but I can hold my own. Here is how my away team is set up:

Parker (Captain)
Omega Force Set - Stacking Bonus Team Ambush Field stacks up to five times depending on how many in the team are using it. In my case, with my away team, it stacks 3.

Intelligence Specialist 1 (Eng)
Omega Force Set

Intelligence Specialist 2 (Tac)
Adapted Maco Set

Intelligence Specialist 3 (Sci)
Maco Set

Omega Force Set

This is by no means a gold standard but has worked well for me. Once in a while I switch out my BoFF's so I can use a variety of their skill sets just to change things up a bit.
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Elder Scrolls Online

March 24 2015
I hope they fixed the part where you land in elsewhere after cold harbour.... That turn me away xD now I order to download is it free because I have the beta downloaded or do I need to buy the cd still?


Elder Scrolls Online

March 24 2015
I've been feeling the Fantasy MMO thing lately, which is why I've been playing Neverwinter and if people are actually playing I'd be potentially interested in joining.
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Dawn Alderman



March 24 2015
I had submitted a ship for review and assistance. I would like to withdraw that request. I think it is in the best interest of the fleet if you focused your time and effort on other members.

Many thanks to Gr_vity for helping me optimize my previous ship.
Sej @Ereiid


Tactical Readiness Livestream 5: The Shipwrights in Action

March 24 2015
Quote by Seannewboy
Quote by Gravity
I will cut you

**Gets popcorn ready**

Conveniently enough, if Milmar does spontaneously combust, we can probably pop the popcorn right over him!

I plan for everything!

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Stephen Douglas


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 24 2015

At least you got a response, i've been asking for weeks and no one responded to any of my questions. even here the experienced people haven't answered.
Edited March 24 2015 by Zoxesyr


Tactical Readiness Livestream 5: The Shipwrights in Action

March 24 2015
Quote by Gravity
I will cut you

**Gets popcorn ready**
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Tactical Readiness Livestream 5: The Shipwrights in Action

March 24 2015
I will cut you
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Sej @Ereiid


Tactical Readiness Livestream 5: The Shipwrights in Action

March 24 2015
I shall be submitting a Dauntless for the sole purpose of having Milmar spontaneously combust on-air!

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Unknown Person

6th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Meetup!

March 23 2015
Quote by sparkz88
I'll be there! Maybe I can get a bottle of something Scottish into the country, haha :D Doubt I will be able to shop when I am over there for booze :S

There's a COSTCO not far from the Rio, that's normally where we get our booze as it's much cheaper and bigger than anything you'll find in the convenience stores inside the hotel itself. Also, a nice Scotch is always welcome. :)


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 23 2015
I asked this in game last week and overall the response was the M.A.C.O. rep set.

I think any of the rep ground gear is going to be alright though.
Tsar Agus


Tactical Readiness Livestream 5: The Shipwrights in Action

March 22 2015
Sometimes you love a ship but you just don't know how on earth you can make it work or you have no idea how to really take advantage of it. Is the console worth it? Can I do real damage with it, what kind of damage? Is it worth the energy and effort to make this work.

So for this livestream we invite you to submit a ship that you want to see us work on. We'll select 3 from the submissions and we'll build it live during the Livestream. you can submit your ships through the Shipwright form which can be found Here:

We'll do more of these Shipwright in Action Livestreams and we'll try unless it's absolutely necessary (Read: We have a severe disagreement as to how to build it) we'll try not to do the same ship twice

This livestream will be on 3/28 at 4:30 PM

The Livestream Channel: www.twitch.tv/whiteonmyoji

If you want to review and get caught up on our past livestreams they can be found at www.youtube.com/user/WhiteOnmyoji/videos

If you submit a ship to be built live even if your ship is not chosen you'll be entered in a drawing for a prize. The quality of the prize will increase base on the number of submission and livestream viewers.

The Tactical Readiness Dept have been working hard data mining, PvPing, plenty of trial and errors (more errors than anything really) and experimenting with different things. We are more than excited to bring this to you.

Chief of Tactical Readiness Department
4 people liked this
Edited March 22 2015 by WhiteOnmyoji
Stephen Douglas


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 21 2015
I'm starting to redo my away teams. If money were no object, what is the gold standard of away team equipment for both captain and Boffs?

My first team to update is a Fed Engineering capt.

I realize I could find multiple answers depending on what I want to focus on, so here are my priorities

1) survivability/defense - I'd like to have the team be able to take a few hits before going down (please insert jokes here)
2) hitting power/offense - what contributes to overall damage done? including boff and capt skills, traits, etc.
3) is there anything particularly good to upgrade to MK14?


First City Rework

March 21 2015
True enough backyardserenade. They ramped up to the ESD redesign with lots and lots of blogs and pictures and concept drawings.


First City Rework

March 21 2015
When ESD was revamped we got hints of that on the forums and on Twitter months before its release (AFAIK). The actualy storyline why the revamp has to happen wasn't revealed until the episode came out. Either they're going the opposite direction now or this is really 'just' a fun re-use of the First City map.

Personally I doubt that we will see a new First City, especially given that it was actually already revamped a couple of years ago - of course it's not the easiest to navigate social map, but still. I think we would've seen hints and screenshots by now, just to build the hype. But I'd like to be surprised, of course.


First City Rework

March 21 2015
Maybe I wasn't clear I was saying ESD got a remodel as a story mission was launched in which ESD was pretty much destroyed.

I was thinking this could be a story reason for a first city remodel.
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