Space combat in STO
Y'see, when I'm in a deep space encounter zone fighting against the Romulans, Remans, Klingons or even the Dominion, I feel pretty good about my build because I can hold my own and kick some serious booty but then when I get into a Red Alert zone where I'm facing off against the Borg and I'm in the arena with 4 other players who put me to shame because they can knock over that huge Borg ship in less than a minute, I start feeling as though the game's not worth playing anymore and I'll do doff assignments for a few days just kinda moping.
That having been said, I'm really glad the shipwright team was able to give some really good suggestions about how to make my character and my ship's build a little beefier. Can't wait to try it out!
That having been said, I'm really glad the shipwright team was able to give some really good suggestions about how to make my character and my ship's build a little beefier. Can't wait to try it out!