Space combat in STO

Michael Paquette


Space combat in STO

March 29 2015
Y'see, when I'm in a deep space encounter zone fighting against the Romulans, Remans, Klingons or even the Dominion, I feel pretty good about my build because I can hold my own and kick some serious booty but then when I get into a Red Alert zone where I'm facing off against the Borg and I'm in the arena with 4 other players who put me to shame because they can knock over that huge Borg ship in less than a minute, I start feeling as though the game's not worth playing anymore and I'll do doff assignments for a few days just kinda moping.

That having been said, I'm really glad the shipwright team was able to give some really good suggestions about how to make my character and my ship's build a little beefier. Can't wait to try it out!
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Dave (Voleron)


Space combat in STO

March 29 2015
Your damage output depends on what kind of ship you're flying too. A cruiser won't have the burst damage potential that an escort will, for example, so it's about being comfortable in the role that your Captain is filling. The problem is that a lot of challenges you encounter in STO require DPS to overcome them, and a common complaint used to be that they were thereby marginalizing the science and cruiser ships.

The good news is that as the game evolves, we've seen them roll out gameplay mechanics and mission elements that flesh out the support roles a little more.

Personally, I don't chase the DPS dragon and enjoy flying my ship and engaging in my own adventures outside of the damage focused PvE queues. Foundry missions are great for feeling as though you're legitimately Trekking (aka exploring) with your own ship and crew. After all, the best Captains didn't pwn every species in the galaxy with their ship's damage potential; they were great explorers, diplomats and tacticians. Maybe give the foundry a try if you're looking for something to do in between DOFF assignments.

I've linked our foundry folder thread that has a tutorial video on how to get started with playing foundry missions, and also lists foundry missions published by Stonewall members, if you're looking for a few to get started. Maybe you'll find something there that you enjoy!

Happy Trekking!
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Vince Librandi


Space combat in STO

March 29 2015
It is intimidating coming across some of DPSers in a queue. I know I felt that way when I did my first STF (I avoided doing queues when I first started out, fear of looking dumb I guess and I was happy playing the story content). As I moved further along I did learn bit and pieces here and there but it has taken me a good 3 1/2 years to get to this point. There is a steep learning curve in the game that it just never explains. This is one thing I hope the devs fix but till then its really the fleets that end up helping players.

The biggest damage boost you can do isn't via equipment (although it certainly helps) its via the strategy of how you fly it and what you do it certain situations to boost your damage.

So without knowing your build or how you like to fly your ship its hard for me to help via here but Ill make the offer to help just hit me up. Any ship can do it (even the space bus oddy I'm flying atm can and I'm a tac).

Don't give up there is a light at the end of the tunnel just needs a buff that's all.
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Space combat in STO

March 29 2015
last night my neggyveggyvar only managed 1.4k DPS :blush: ....the others around 20-30k. part of the fun is learning to improve too, and the shipwright service is quite something, learnt a good few tips too!
Stephen Douglas


Space combat in STO

March 29 2015
I have a healing-tank and I do quite well in the space combat. I like STFs with the other fleeties because my ships seems to be appreciated.

I don't do the pug PvE queues anymore.
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