Twitch Build 2 (T6 Presidio) - A DPSers take

Vince Librandi


Twitch Build 2 (T6 Presidio) - A DPSers take

March 29 2015
So here is may take on the same ship. All beams broadside your target for max damage. 2-3 kms is best but you will need to use all the healing ability's to keep up your damage resistance

Grab the techs from the Btran doff (

For how to run the ship go my forum post on Aux2bat here

This will bring down your cool downs such that you can fire APB and FAW together followed by TT

The three partgen plasma consoles are there for the DPS boost and more importantly to increase the damage from your tykens rift.

For the future of this build I would look to get a leach at some stage (and if you do add a full 9 points to flow caps) and go for the Bioneural infusion circuits and the tacyo kinetic converter (very powerful consoles) but save your way there don't get them immediately but it is a good thing to know what to aim for (replacing the rcs and the neutronium)

This build could also be done in a drake mode with a either reciprocity or a single zemok (both expensive but ill save that for another post) which would allow you to use your sci abilities without the need to time it between a2b cycles.

Any questions hit me up.
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