The leadership of Stonewall Fleet is separated into several departments. Each department is run by an Admiral, the Chief of that Department, with Fleet Captains who assist with the duties of that Department. Each Department Head then reports to the Chief of Operations, the Fleet Admiral.
The leadership of Stonewall Fleet is constantly looking for interested and capable members to help in leading the Fleet. If you're interested in becoming a Fleet Captain, please contact the Admiral of the Department you're interested in and let him or her know you'd like to become a Fleet Captain. The Admiralty will then review your application and contact you with their determination.
Admiral promotions happen on an as needed basis. When a position is available, a request for applications is posted in the Briefing Room and all interested parties are encouraged to apply. Applicants will be judged based on their skills, abilities, length of service in the fleets, and their involvement in the community.