Gareth GXV3


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 11 2016
Share Snaps!!

Thank you once again Morale Dept for the weekend event, looking forward to the next ones!!!!!
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[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 10 2016
Quote by GXV3
P.S, does anyone want to team with me tomorrow for the Costume contest team entry?

what's ur ideas? :)


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 10 2016
Quote by Voleron
Had fun at the few events I was able to join today - thanks Cai, Eurrsk and everyone else!
P.S. Did our team win the trivia?

we got 2nd place n u were right with "towel" just the question was a bit ambiguous! lol :)


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 10 2016
Quote by caijamin
Also, we'll have regular meetings

Do I need to stand, state my name and my reason for attending, at each session?
Unknown Person liked this


Fractal Video Guide

January 10 2016
Thank you! Many more to come! I'll probably do more live commentary in the future. I almost had a breakdown near the end... one of my video tracks that took me many hours to cut and get right got messed up and I had to re-do and fudge some new video tracks in. I'm pretty new at this, so I have a lot to learn. I'm sure it was something I screwed up with, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Only room to improve now. :cheer:


R&D information

January 10 2016
Lots of great advice in this thread already, so I won't repeat anything and just add my 2 ec.

The way I play crafting is to just pick one thing to specialize in, produce that thing a lot, and then sell that thing to get ec to buy other things. This reduces the amount of doffs you have to buy and gets your toons to level up faster in a certain school (and get a better crit rate). It also makes the system easier to understand at first and the market easier to follow.

But then I think of it all as ec. The materials I get as drops are just ec because i could sell them, the ones I use for crafting are just ec because I buy them. The stuff I make is just ec because I can sell it and the stuff I buy is just ec because that's what I pay for it.


T6 dreadnaught vs t6 battle cruiser

January 10 2016
Gravity's right: neither is better in an objective sense, it just depends on what you want to do with it.

I personally prefer the arbiter because:

*Intel seating = OSS + other goodies that I like more than command
*50% higher base turn rate
*less engineering seating (1 cmdr seat is enough for me, cmdr + lc is overkill)
*lc universal instead of ensign universal means more flexibility
*mastery gives resistance to kinetic damage, and in pve that's usually what'll kill you

5/3 weapons isn't that important to me since I'd run beam arrays on both.

The yamato get a hangar, an extra device slot, and slightly more base hull, but I don't think that outweighs anything above.


Gekli Escort - the lost Gekli accolade

January 10 2016
I got this one pre-DR and I remember seeing it a few times in the patch notes in 2015 but not really thinking much about it. I found this thread and apparently this was a problem pre-DR too, just sometimes.

Usually when something appears as "fixed" multiple times it means that it's permanently broken. I'm guessing this is just something buried somewhere in the spaghetti code* that STO runs on that can't be completely fixed without breaking a bunch of other things, like the loot critter bug.

*A term I've seen thrown around enough to get an idea of what it means without actually knowing the technical limits of it.
Edited January 10 2016 by alex284

Unknown Person

Fractal Video Guide

January 10 2016
Great video El, very professional in terms of presentation and your commentary.

Well done :)
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Unknown Person

[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 10 2016
We are indeed! I'm going to set up a special place in the forums for the accolade hunters club where we can share tips! Also, we'll have regular meetings where we can get them together!

I'll finalise the details this week and make a thread! :)

I'm glad you had fun with the admiral search xD
3 people liked this


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 10 2016
I had so much fun with the Admiral search! And the quiz, though it left me feel a little stupid - it was really difficult :D
I'm looking forward to doing more accolade hunting with you! I thought I'm the only one interested in getting them..
Are we going to have some special place like a thread in the forums or something to ask for help and talk about accolades in general? I mean, is the Accolade Hunters Club just a name or will we really be able to gather from time to time and share infos and tips and stuff?
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Gekli Escort - the lost Gekli accolade

January 10 2016
Well just a few hours after I posted this I got in a mission, we got the Gekli and I just let someone else do it and now I have all the accolades I need :)
I tried flying on top of it, didn't work either.
What do you mean by spatial planes?
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Dave (Voleron)


Fractal Video Guide

January 10 2016
Nice video! Makes me want to play GW2. Especially like the intro!
Unknown Person liked this


Fractal Video Guide

January 10 2016
So... my first video guide with commentary. I'll leave this here. :P

Let me know what you think, what you'd like to see in the future, any comments/suggestions. If there's anything the video wasn't able to answer for you, please ask below and I'll be sure to shoot you an answer or look into it.

Thank you Stonewall!
5 people liked this
Edited January 10 2016 by Elquin
Dave (Voleron)


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 10 2016
Quote by GXV3
P.S, does anyone want to team with me tomorrow for the Costume contest team entry?

I would! Sadly, I'm working.

Had fun at the few events I was able to join today - thanks Cai, Eurrsk and everyone else!
P.S. Did our team win the trivia?
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 10 2016
P.S, does anyone want to team with me tomorrow for the Costume contest team entry?
Gareth GXV3


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 10 2016
Great day1 event, looking forward to part 2 tomorrow!!

Well done Cai & Chris, Had great fun, see you tomorrow! (sun)
Unknown Person liked this
Bren Ohmsford


X needs an Invite

January 10 2016
It seems like the SW:TOR bug has bit me! I'd like to request an invite to the guild for my character, Bai-jin (Jedi Knight, Republic).

Thanks! x


Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

January 09 2016
On another note, if any of you are interested, I have, along with a few other gaymers created an organization. You are very welcome to join up and help shape the organizations future. Here is the link:

Also please note that the organization is still in development, so your ideas and or suggestions are welcome, and most likely would be implemented into the organization. What you see in the orgs. description is not final, as we are slowly fleshing out what it is and what we would like to specialize in. And of course if you already have created one, I’m sure we could collaborate or combine them.

The idea of the org thus far, is to cater to outlaws, but not become directly involved with their shenanigans.
Edited January 09 2016 by Sail