[EVENT] Dilithium Bonus Weekend of Greed! (Part VI)

D O U B L E · D I L I T H I U M · B O N U S · W E E K E N D
F L E E T · E V E N T S !
On Saturday, January 16th and Sunday, January 17th, the Fleet Resources Department and the Membership Management Department will be hosting a series of fleet events, to coincide with the bonus dilithium rewards weekend in Star Trek Online.
In the spirit of the bonus dilithium weekend, we here in the Resources and Memberships Departments feel that this weekend should be ALL about lining your Captain's pockets with dilithium and prizes, in a toast to the quadrant's greediest Ferengi and traders! To that end, we'll be hosting a number of dilithium related events over the weekend, and encourage you all to come out for the fun!
E V E N T · T R A I L E R !
(This video BEST viewed at 1080p resoluion and in full-screen mode site)
D A I L Y · G R O U P · M I N I N G · E V E N T S
Does mining at the Vlugta asteroid and at the Fleet Dilithium Mine bore you to tears? Not this weekend! Save your dilithium dailies and join us on Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern as we round up as MANY fleeties as we can and crowd Stonewall Fleet's dilithium mine, to see if we can beat the record for LARGEST number of consecutive miners on the map! Once finished at the fleet mine, we'll venture over to the Vlugta mine for more mining!
Let's all go as a group! We'll be meeting up in-game and on TeamSpeak to collect our DOUBLE mining rewards! We'll also have some fantastic mining tunes lined up for you on TeamSpeak, to make your mining adventure a little less dull and a lot more entertaining!
D I L I T H I U M · T Y C O O N · C O N T E S T !
In this new take on an old favourite, we'll be running the Dilithium Tycoon contest once again, this weekend. Simply screenshot your BEST dilithium mining mini-game score by typing /screenshot_ui_jpg and post your screenshot to this thread, any time between Friday, January 15th and Sunday, January 17th, for your chance to win 10 Master Keys!
Get ready to mine like you've never mined before, if you want to add some additional dilithium to the amount you collect this weekend!
D O O R · P R I Z E S !
Every attendee of our daily dilithium group mining event, will be automatically entered to win being some door prizes! You don't need to do anything but show up to be registered to win! We'll hand out the door prizes at the end of the daily group mining run!
P R I Z E S !
Various exciting prizes are on offer and are too good to be missed!
V O T H · B A T T L E Z O N E · R U N S
In an effort to provide fleet members with even more dilithium, the membership management department will be running an hour-long group Battlezone run, Saturday AND Sunday, through the Voth zones on the Solanae Dyson Sphere. The runs will be after the hour-long group mining event each day, so be sure to join us on both Saturday and Sunday for two hours of group dilithium earning fun!
E V E N T · S C H E D U L E*All Times Listed Are in Pacific Time
