[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

Stonewall Fleet members, Please acknowledge this post and take time to read what is written within.
Within the STO wide community there are 1000's of fleets, with millions of members, but only one... ONE fleet shows such community spirit, such an online family bond such as this one.. what strengthens this online bond is its members.
We are lucky to have such great, helpful, spirited and generous members that help out and take part in events, or helping new members adjust into this family.
But the reason for this post, is to call forward one member who truly stands out.. and is in danger of going unnoticed by his fellow fleet members as he is rather humble in not accepting acknowledgment for his work.. and his donations.
@Robin74.. in the last 4 months has not only given his personal time, to aid new members in this fleet through his work as a Fleet Captain in our Memberships Department.. but has also donated a rather generous, and quite outstanding 4,048,120,185 (4 billion EC) worth of items, including ultra rare ships, from x2 bug ships.. to x3 Elachi She'shars and many many more items.. including some that have gone unnoticed.
Including Buying EVERYONE in the fleet a raffle ticket or 2 during last Treksgiving raffle event.
All of his donations are still yet to be handed out at Event days within the fleet.. and some of you have been lucky to win his donated items.

With that said.. having ran out of awards to give @Robin74..
The Admirals of this fleet would like Robin to accept a small token of our gratitude for Robin to enjoy solely for himself, away from STO.
Thank you very very much Robin, for all that you do.. and have done.
Please accept this ££Voucher from ALL the admirals to be spent at Firebox.com (my personal favorite geeky/gadget website)

Stonewall Fleet members.. Please take some time out and join the Admirals in thanking Robin on this thread, for his truly amazing generosity, in ensuring that you all have a great time playing in our events and taking part to win his great donations