What can I say? I love RPGs and actually play in honest-sit-at-a-table-with-other-real-people Pathfinder pen and paper RPG. Sadly covid killed the last game I was playing in, and have not found one to replace. So mostly playing MMOs and single pl... Read More
What can I say? I love RPGs and actually play in honest-sit-at-a-table-with-other-real-people Pathfinder pen and paper RPG. Sadly covid killed the last game I was playing in, and have not found one to replace. So mostly playing MMOs and single player games right now.
I once loved working for Johanson Technology as an IT. I never knew what my day will bring from working on legacy equipment to installing Windows 10 PCs, or any sort of printer. I looked forward to helping them with their Window server issues too. Problem was the trade embargo's hit them hard, and I got laid off. Then covid hit the world harder, and I built a home server and everyone is on a domain.
I currently rescue ball python called Eve (think Mass Effect) My favorite pets in the past were a chameleon and a ball python named Mr. Rogers. I am a huge anime fan & I cross stitch. In other words, I am weird as well as being ace and being OK in this female meat sack...but would be just as happy in a male one. Read Less
Captains Log Entry Konia Lanas: Who knew being in command could be this boring. Since I was assigned to my first warbird, I just wanted to fix stuff and build stuff. Turrets that blow up your enem...