The Stonewall Gaming Network utilizes Discord for all of our network. Discord is a voice and text chat application for gamers with desktop, mobile and web apps. Using Discord is optional, but highly encouraged. If you feel uncomfortable talking, you're still welcome to join the text chat or listen in the voice channels.
By default, Discord will send you notifications every time someone sends a message. As we're a pretty active community, you may receive a lot of notifications. We suggest changing your server settings to limit notifications to only when you're mentioned.
To change the notification settings, right click the SGN logo and click on Notification Settings. This will bring up modal window as displayed below. Set each channel to Mention and click Done to save the settings.
Discord allows you to join many different servers and you may wish to use a different nickname per server. Discord allows you to do this by letting you change your nickname for each server.
To change your nickname for a server, right click its logo on the left side and click Change Nickname. This will bring up as window where you can enter the nickname you wish. Click Save to save your changes.
For SGN, we suggest using a nickname that's easily recognizable, like your SGN username, Cryptic @handle or GW2 ID. Don't use something like a character name that can change frequently or name that is totally unrecognizable.