[EVENT] Fall Festival
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-----------------------------F A L L - F E S T I V A L - E V E N T

Sunday 4th October 2015 sees The LITE event, "Fall Festival" take place, where all the fleet is invited to come and take part, and enjoy themselves!!
We will be putting on a Dance party.. PLUS a few competitions for all to take part in.
Here are the events for the day.
We will be putting on a Dance party.. PLUS a few competitions for all to take part in.
Here are the events for the day.
8AM - OPENING CEREMONY : We all meet up for the launch of the days events, where we will start off an event day in StoneWall fleets traditional style.. a dance party! So bring your disco globes and your party outfits! We will also announce the winners of Qs Challenge at 8.30 PST! Are you excited?
All Day - RANDOM ACTS OF TRIVIA : Keep your ocular implants peeled in the events chat channel for random trivia questions. Be the first to answer and win prizes! The questions will be heralded by [Ding Ding Ding!!! Random Acts of Trivia Incoming!]
12PM - Q&A WITH BRANDON : Get your pens and pencils out as you get the chance to quiz Brandon "CapnBranFlakes" Felczer on his career within the gaming industry, how he got there, what's the best path to get in the industry yourself, what it was like working on STO, any secrets he can share, what's his favorite cereal.. ask away! And remember... only come with questions you'd ask in front of your grandmother... PG13.
All Day - RANDOM PvEs : We will be running random PvEs throughout the day. It will be fun, chaotic, and complete madness. Grab your shovels ! Phasers !
2PM - FALL FASHION SHOW - Think Fall/Autumn wear, what are the colours of Autumn? whats the weather like on Earth? do you need an umbrella? Prizes will be handed out to the best Fall Fashion wearer!
4PM - CLOSING CEREMONIES WHITE TIE - Gather up once more.. but this time its a ball, so wear something posh & fancy, maybe ask someone as your dance date.
Small Door prizes will be handed out, as a thank you for attending.
We will be giving this ball, Downton Abbey Realness!
So Gather Up your Autumn/Fall Fun,
and join us this SUN 4th OCT Starting at 8AM and through the day!