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E V E N T - R E F L E C T I O N - D A Y

S U N D A Y - 6 T H - S E P T E M B E R
BRIEF: (confidential)Recently we captured a intruder, (This is how he was caught) and interrogated him as to why he was caught on our fleet base, with a few persuasive methods at our disposal.. we found out that he was from the mirror universe!
His plan was to steal some of our resources and technology and take it back with him to his universe. However.. that was not the greatest threat we learned..
They have developed a piece of temporal technology that creates a vortex that envelopes our quadrant, and sucks everyone in to theirs!
Our top Science officers cannot find a way to stop this vortex from forming, and they believe that once we have been transported to another universe, or minds will also be wiped, Making us think that we belong there!
This take over will take place on Sunday 6th September, Here is what we think will happen to us once we are in the mirror universe ...
E V E N T - D E T A I L S
For Reflection Day, we will all jump in our chosen mirror ships.
We encourage you to build up your mirror ships, in a standard that you never normaly would..
E.g.. using different weapon types that you never normally use,
Use Engineering based consoles more than you use, Make a tank build, Make a cannon build.. or a torp boat.
The day is about having fun, trying something different for a change.
You must have a mirror ship to join in... if you havent the EC to buy one... no worrys, Stonewall fleet will give you a mirror ship on request (we may not have the ship you request, but a close version of what you want will be given, while stocks last)
[PvE runs - through the day](Participants will be asked to climb in their mirror ship, build the ships up, encouraging Everyone to use weapon types & Builds you never normally use, then , get group runs going, pew pew, Marks & R&D packs flowing!!)
[Mirror PvP Battles - through the day](The same as PvE runs, but against teams of ourselves, if your not used to PvP, DONT WORRY! its all about having fun with your fleet mates)
[Costume comp - dress as your altunative self = 5pmBST/12pmEDT](Dress yourself up as what you see your character to look like if he was from the mirror universe, we will have the traditional catwalk show where you can show your alternative outfit off infront of a panel of judges, get creative! The winner & 2 runners up will get a prize!)
[Get Back in our ships for More Runs, Ground & Space][Pub quiz - wrap up Reflection Day on TS with a pub quiz = 7:30pmBST/2:30pmEDT](Join us in Teamspeak, for a fun Pub quiz, where I will place you in teams, and you get your thinking caps on, the winning team will be placed up on these here forums for all to see!)
[Forum comp - Your Mirror Bio](Shortly, I will be opening up a new thread in these forums, where I encourage your creativeness, and ask you to write up a bio of your mirror universe toon, it can be anyone of your toons, but I suggest you concentrate on your main toon.. or maybe you would like to do them on a few of your toons.. its up to you.
You can take inspiration from
This Bio Thread and if your feeling ultra creative.. why not post your normal toons bio in that link I just provided, where you may be in with more of a chance of winning a prize ((Link to Mirror Bio will be Live Shortly)) The Mirror Bio Submission Competition will Start now.. & end the morning of 6th Sept )
Remember, The Day is about Having Fun, and trying something different for one day!The Resources Department Look forward to seeing you On Sun 6th Sept!!
A Resources Department LITE eventThis is going to be so epic!! Thanks for organizing this :)
Brandon =/\=