I made a better guide. Go look at that!

This is the best place to get dilithium in STO. One turn through the battlezone and you'll get four- to seven-thousand dilithium, plus 5 Voth Cybernetic Implants (which you can convert to dil), plus a mess of Dyson reputation marks (more dil!). And on dilithium event weekend, this place is packed.
Special gear requirements: Use a long-range weapon like a split-beam rifle or a sniper rifle.
Can this fail: No, it's a battlezone!
Where does it fail: If there aren't enough people in your instance, it can be frustrating. Switch instances if there are fewer than 5-10 people with you, depending on how patient you are.
The quickest way to turn the map to spawn the V-Rex is to capture the Omega points. There are 7 in total.
2 in Park, 2 in city and 3 in Outskirts (you'll get used to the zone names in time)
These points are highlighted in the image above.
Turning these points alone will not spawn the V-Rex but it will give you the largest control over the map. *Imagine each point holding a percentage of control and these points hold 10% each.
But is it hard: It's hard to understand what dinosaurs with lasers on their heads has to do with Star Trek, but, no, it's not hard per se.
1. Beam into the Command Center. This map gives some people trouble with their graphics cards, so if you're on a low-end machine then turn the graphics and resolution settings to low.
2. Talk to Commander Arnold to get the daily missions. If this is your first time in the Voth BZ, then you'll have to do each mission before getting the next one. On your later visits, you can get all 4 missions at once. Here is what you have to do for the dailies:
a) Kill Voth. You get more dil if you kill over 20, then 40, then 60 Voth. Bigger Voth count for more than one kill.
b) Capture 2 points. They have to be in the region indicated on your map if you're alone or they can be anywhere if you're in a team.
c) Collect Battlezone Credits. These drop after a Capture Point is captured.
d) Call in reinforcements, using the Battlezone Credits you collected. You'll need to call an Ensign and a Lieutenant to complete this mission, so you'll need 30 Battlezone Credits.
3. There is a better explanation that you get the first time you enter the Voth BZ about how it works (with visuals!) and that you can re-access in the Command Center. But here's the quick version. The map is divided into 3 main regions, which are divided into several Capture Points. There are 3 kinds of Capture Points:
a) Communications Relay: Stand in the circle and kill the Voth. If there are more players than Voth, the capture of that point will advance. More players in that circle means the point will be captured faster.
b) Generator Control: Start the device at one end of the track. You can accelerate it by using the console right next to where you started it. You then have to kill Voth to guard it. Use other consoles to keep it moving (they'll shine when they need to be used). The enemies can overpower a single player, but two or more players will have no trouble here.
c) Artillery: There are 5 generators. Kill the Voth around each generator and use the consoles to disable it. The generators reset if you don't move fast enough. If you're alone, you can kill the Voth and do the first two consoles on each generator and then quickly go through the third console on each generator at the end because they won't reset if they aren't completely disabled.
4. Once enough of the Capture Points have been turned blue, the giant V-Rexes will appear. This is the important part. You were getting 42 dil for each Capture Point you converted, plus a bit of bonus dil was being saved after each point that you can only get if you help kill at least one V-Rex. You also get 672 dil for each V-Rex you kill, plus a bonus of *at least* 2000 dil if all 3 V-Rexes are killed in 10 minutes (which almost always happens).
So as the bar on your right that shows the progress of the whole battlezone turns almost all blue, look for the Omega Silo in your region and start moving there (unless your Capture Point is almost captured). Kill that V-Rex. Once it's dead, head immediately to the transporter to go to one of the other two regions and get credit for another V-Rex.
As for fighting the V-Rexes, just throw everything you have at them except for Concussive Tachyon Emission because it heals their shields.
5. After the zone is secure, there's a couple minutes of break and then the zone resets. Return to Commander Arnold to turn in your daily missions.
It's over! Or not! You can do it again as many times as you want!