Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
While most of you know CapnBranFlakes as the former Community Manager for Star Trek Online, I’ve known him much longer, since before the game had been launched. Even back then Brandon was a huge fan of Star Trek Online and very proud to be a member of Stonewall Fleet.

Shortly after the launch of Star Trek Online, Brandon joined the leadership of Stonewall Fleet becoming Admiral of Intelligence (what is now the Fleet Morale and Fleet Resources Departments) where he served with distinction for three years. During that time, Brandon started and formed many parts of the community. It was his idea to start The Stonewall Times which he ran as Editor-in-Chief until his resignation. As well, he put together and ran the Crafting Corp which organized fleet crafting and launched the original Crafting Store. During that time he formed and ran the Priority One podcast which is now the premier STO podcast.

In 2011, Brandon became the Community Manager of Star Trek Online and had to resign his position here. Since then, he’s gone on the work in community management in two other titles and help grow their social media presence. He plans to do much the same here and the rest of the leadership is excited for him to rejoin the team.

Please join me in congratulating him on his promotion!
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Edited August 19 2015 by nicholasjohn16


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Welcome back!

P.S. About time you quit lazing about.
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Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Welcome back BranFlakes! :) Congrats!
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Unknown Person

Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Welcome back, Brandon! :cheer:
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Shawn Birch


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
So happy to have you join the leadership. Welcome!
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Dave (Voleron)


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congratulations, Brandon :)
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Gareth GXV3


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Welcome back Branflakes!

Sorry your office is such a mess... the paper work has piled up! eek!
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Brandon Felczer


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Thank you very much Nick and fellow fleeties! I'm beyond excited to rejoin the Admiralty. :)

As many of you know, I left STO to move home closer to family -- it was the hardest decision I've ever had to make because I loved working with the community so much and I knew I would be leaving my dream job. Since moving home, I've felt like there was a hole in my life, and that void was formed because I was no longer working on something Star Trek related. I always thought about seeking out a more active role in the fleet after the move, but family issues and my new job (which I absolutely love) prevented me from even looking to turn that into a reality. It also prevented me from being able to play STO as much as I wanted to.

I recently attended the STRenegades movie premiere, and seeing Trek up on the screen really made me realize how much I missed being in the ST universe. That lighted a spark, and I started playing STO again that weekend (I hadn't previously played since March or so due to the move and new job), and then went to STLV which turned the spark into a bright flame. To my luck and surprise, I was browsing these forums and saw that there was an opening for an officer role that lined up with much of my professional experience since I resigned in late 2011 (I had to when I joined Cryptic, as it was a conflict of interest). I applied and here I am :) I really couldn't be more excited. I'm sure there are others that expressed interest in the position, and I'd love to chat with you all if you're willing and would love to be a mentor to you and anyone else looking to move into leadership or PR roles, whether that's here or IRL.

In terms of what you can expect, well, there's a lot. Maybe I could do a deep-dive for an upcoming issue of the Times? For now, I'll be fleshing out on plans to: 1) Ensure that the various social media accounts remain active, are fun to engage with, and stay up-to-date, 2) ensure that fleet members are aware of upcoming events and that officers who are running the event have proper, high-quality promotional plans, 3) ensure that there are proper recruiting plans in place so that the Stonewall Gaming Network is visible, desirable to be a part of, has a good reputation, and is accepting, and 4) other miscellaneous officer duties (hehe, "duty").

Last but not least, I really want to thank Nick for the support he's given me throughout the last almost 6 years. If you didn't create this fleet, I would have never become an officer, which means I wouldn't have had the visibility to have been asked to do the first podcast that I was on, which means I wouldn't have been asked by Mark to do Priority One, which means I wouldn't have got the job at Massively, which means I would have never worked on STO, which means I would never have made it to Riot (which is also going to enable Pat and I to be able to adopt our first child)... so basically, I owe you my first child :P Really though, Nick, I love you like a brother. I honestly do
12 people liked this
Edited August 19 2015 by CapnBranFlakes


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Well, I guess I should say "congratulations".....xD
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Tsar Agus


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Mazel Tov!
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Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congratulations!!!!!! Emoji Dance PARTY!!!! (/*o*)/ (^*-*)^ (~*.*)~ \(*o*\) ~(*.*~) ^(*-*^)
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Kidd Kasper


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congratulations Brandon! It's good to have you back home. :cheer:
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Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Welcome back, Brandon! You left before shortly after I joined the admiralty. Was sad to see you go but am really happy for you that you get to relive all the fun as though you never missed a day. I know you'll bring the same passion to this position that you brought not only to your former role here, but also brought to your Cryptic duties. As a welcome back present, you can have either 100 tribbles or 100 lockboxes (no keys). :-)
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Ryan Thompson


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congrats and glad to see you back :D
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Unknown Person

Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congrats to you, Brandon! :)
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Joseph Leyland


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congratulations Brandon! There's nobody better for the role
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Lars Zandor


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Your resume speaks for itself; you're the best man for the job! B)
Congratulations and welcome back to the fleet leadership! :woohoo:
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Edited August 19 2015 by Lars_Zandor


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
akoochimoya! you were far from the duties of your fleeties but now you have come home :)

congratulations and yes, a Times article slot awaits your deep dive :blush:
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Stephen Carville


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 20 2015
Congratulations Mr Brandon

Welcome home.

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Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 20 2015
Wow, Brandon, congratulations and welcome back.
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