[PRIDE EVENT] Scavenger Bingo
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: i, center
-----------------As part of Stonewall Fleet's 6th Pride Event
Special thanks to @voleron

BRIEF: Last night, Admiral Voleron, Beamed up to Stonewalls cargo ship that was storing all of the Fleet Admiral Nicks personal shiny and valuable inventory items..
Voleron was witnessed to be slightly intoxicated and was seen exiting the transporter room humming a rendition of Britney Spears "hit me baby one more time".
The eye witness saw him stumble a few times as he walked through the corridor, "he was a long time down on Risa, he must have been hitting all the bars he could" the eye witness says.
He was then seen outside a door labelled (in child like crayon writing) "Nicks stuff keep the hell away".
The winess stated that Voleron was mumbling/slurring something about wanting to find a box of biscuits while simultaneously pressing buttons on the door to Nicks cargo hold.
Eventually Voleron gained access.. but in his drunken excitement he stumbled through the door whilst giggling like a little girl.. and fell against the cargo holds space doors... EVERYTHING of Nicks precious items were FLUNG out into all corners of the galaxy...
Volerons been a great fleet member so I don't want him getting into trouble.. please help us find all the items that went missing... before Nick realizes.
MISSION: During pride.. at the Scavenger Bingo event, I will supply you with a card that shows all of the inventory that was lost, please help in finding the items, in exchange for amazing prizes
[HINTS] Start preparing ..
- Be sure to clear a 5x5 space in your inventory
- Dust off your fastest ship
- level 50+ may only enter this event (sorry)
- play some dabo or do a few dance moves on risa before pride
- acquaint yourself with the Alt, Tab as you will be switching back and fourth here
- this event has a 1hour and 45 minute limit, make sure you have the time

13 possible winners, ranging from easy to Super extreme hard
- Super Extreme Prize (all items on card /Blackout) =

- Cross Extreme Prize (if you get a Cross ( + ) =

- X Hard Prize ( X ) =

- Column Hard =

- Column Hard =

- Column Hard =

- Column Medium =

- Row Medium =

- Row Medium =

- Row Medium =

- Row Medium =

- Row Easy =

- Column Easy =

(Some prizes maybe added, caution in very rare circumstances prizes maybe subject to change)
Some of these prizes have been generously donated by: @chemistryset @crmonkey @wintercrow @gxv3 @frozenlily @Notaredshirt + more of you lovely fleeties
Keep checking back to this thread daily for more prize's that will be on offer, plus much needed Hints for this particular event.
More details of the weekends MANY events can be found [- HERE -] be sure to mark your attendance
This thread will Change during This particular event, and will be a handy Guide for you to follow.
JULY 11th & 12th 2015
Sheshar was generously donated by @wintercrow