Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

CJ Record


Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 13 2015
from today's news post:

Information about the return of the Lohlunat Festival is on its way soon. As part of this year's summer event, we will be retiring the Risian Lohlunat Pearls and introducing a new item for earning your summer starship.

Before this happens, though, we want to give you the opportunity to trade in any leftover Risian Lohlunat Pearls for something special. Beginning on Thursday May 14th (just after Maintenance completes) we're opening access to the "Summer Buyback" store. This special store, accessible from your Event Reputation Store button, will be offering a selection of unique prizes in exchange for your existing Risian Lohlunat Pearls.

Here are the items that will be available:


1 Specialization Point200 pearls
1/2 Specialization Point | 78,200 XP equivalent125
1/10th Specialization Point | 15,640 XP equivalent30
500 Specialization XP1
Event Buyback Tech Upgrade - Universal (Large)
+25,600 Tech Points / No Research / No Dilithium Cost
Event Buyback Tech Upgrade - Universal (Small)
+12,800 Tech Points / No Research / No Dilithium Cost
Elite Queue R&D Material Reward Package
All varieties. Player chooses contents.
Starship Emote Pack: "Smile" and "Sad"40
Starship Emote Pack: "Thumbs Up" and "Thumbs Down"40
Starship Emote Pack: "Live Long and Prosper"40
Starship Emote Pack: "Rock, Paper, Scissors"40


Each of these packages unlocks one or two new powers, which can be slotted into your Starship Power Trays. Activating any of these Powers will display a brief holographic symbol above your ship while in System or Sector Space. All share a brief cooldown period, so as to discourage noisy over-use of this new feature.

Our hope is that having a few quick communication options at your fingertips may help even total strangers communicate with one another with ease, while flying among the stars.

While these will remain exclusively available on the Summer Buyback Store for the time being, these Emote Packs will eventually also become available for Gold-Pressed Latinum.


Purchasing any of these items will immediately reward the buyer with either 1 Specialization Point, or an amount of XP equivalent to the fraction (1/2 or 1/10th), or the amount (500 XP) indicated. These cannot be traded, and only players that are already Level 60 will be eligible to purchase them.

While the lowest denomination package may be purchased in bulk, it’s important to note that larger packages are more cost-efficient.


These packages are exactly identical to the rewards given upon the completion of an Elite Queue. Players will be able to choose which Material they prefer to receive, by purchasing the corresponding pack: Craylon Gas, Argonite Gas, Dentarium, Trellium-K, Plekton Particle, or Radiogenic Particle

As with the standard Elite Queue R&D prizes, all of these packages include all of the following:

10 Common R&D Materials
10 Uncommon, Rare or Very Rare R&D Materials
7 Rare or Very Rare R&D Materials
3 Very Rare R&D Materials
Common, Uncommon and Rare Materials are Random, while the Very Rare will always correspond to the Material type purchased.


Interesting that they're retiring the two T5U ships completely.
4 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 14 2015
are the ... ship emotes.. a joke??

to many flashy, sparkly things going on latly in space, its like im fighting in a night club.
2 people liked this


Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 14 2015
those evil devs...

i saved all those pearls for nowt :evil:


Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 15 2015
I only had one char who had any significant number of pearls, my Fed Tac who for some reason had 640 on in her inventory. I don't remember why I had them when only two chars needed to get 1,000 pearls for the event ships. When I traded them in, I got 2 spec points, 4 large tech upgrades, and the Live Long and Prosper emote to honor Leonard Nimoy.
Jamie O'Connell


Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 16 2015
So much for bothering to do the event. I've always been slow on gaining rep, in anything, because I cannot always make it online...so basically it seems as if only those who can show up daily get the rewards anymore. Thanks for a big Fuck You Cryptic. This is greatly going to determine my avg playtime these days while I search for a new game. I can sense that STO is starting to get made to be a game to slowly die...Call me crazy, but I've called it in many mmorpg games prior.
Unknown Person liked this


Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 16 2015
Quote by medgirl1025
So much for bothering to do the event. Thanks for a big Fuck You Cryptic. I can sense that STO is starting to get made to be a game to slowly die..

yeah i've worked hard to grind enough so i didn't have to grind for the next summer and winter events (winter 2 years running!)...that's coz last winter, I spent virtually all the time running that silly run, it used to be my fave event, it was such a cool place to be with but they made it grindtastic that i didn't even spend much else doing anything else - even for summer last year i didn't even manage to do a single hoverboard race :( for once i was hoping i could enjoy this year's events as i saved all those for this very reason...just to have a proper break, but no, they decide to change the system of taxation...and 1000+ rage comments on the forum later thye finally conceded a slight change but still the grind goes on.

i remember when the Borg STFs gave out the randomness nature of it - yes it meant you had to do it forever to get all the setpieces but in a way, it was still that chance attached to it...then it turned into the holy reputation system, and one by one, it's turned into work...something i returned home from work to do...more work. there is very little fun left in this game for me now, the only thing left is you guys and the fleet...perhaps i will just ignore the grind this year, and enjoy risa properly as it was meant to be. displaying my horny horgans! :blush:
Jamie O'Connell


Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 16 2015
the only thing left is you guys and the fleet...perhaps i will just ignore the grind this year, and enjoy risa properly as it was meant to be.

You and I are of the same mind.