Star Wars the Old Republic May 4th Celebration Event

Adam Green


Star Wars the Old Republic May 4th Celebration Event

April 27 2015
As a lot of the Star Wars fans know, traditionally May 4th is celebrated by Star Wars with the moniker "May the 4th be with you". This year SW:TOR is celebrating this day by providing subscribers with XP boost to the Epic Storylines in game. Last year SW:TOR with a 12x XP boost and have been referring to that event as an inspiration for this year's event, however they haven't provided when this event will end...until now!

Here are the basics they are offering:

- Log in between now and May 4th to receive the M4-1S Astromech Droid. (There is no mention of whether this is just for subscribers or not, but it will probably be available for everyone.)
- On May 4th, subscribers will get the 12x XP boost to their main storyline quests.

Here is the big note: This XP boost will not end until this Fall !

Here is the link to the information on the official website.
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Pnutt Buttah


Star Wars the Old Republic May 4th Celebration Event

April 28 2015
YAY!! I'll be re-subbing for this! I really enjoyed the first 12x event. Although I've played on and off since launch, I've repeatedly lost interest due to my class stories getting lost in all the side missions. I'd rather binge on the story, then circle back to catch up on all the other leveling content.