Presenting The Lord's of Stonewall Imperial Guildship!

Unknown Person

Presenting The Lord's of Stonewall Imperial Guildship!

April 23 2015
It is my great pleasure to announce that like our Republic sister guild, The Lords of Stonewall finally have a guild flagship of their own! :cheer: It's called the Stonewall Shadow and doesn't have too much going on for it right now but check back soon as that will change. We're planning to add Galactic Trade Market kiosks, mailboxes, item modification stations, appearance modification stations, guild bank and personal bank access and more!

If you've got any decoration items you'd like to donate, go to the guild bank kiosk on Vaieken space station and place your items into open guild bank tabs. Each time you do a pop-up will appear asking if you want to donate it to the guild, click yes and the item will disappear from your inventory and will not reappear in the guild bank, rest assured it is there though and available for us to place on the guild ship.

Guild officers are able to move the guild ship into planetary orbit of most star systems in the game where it can then offer orbital support to any guild members playing on the surface. It's presence boosts xp, damage, defense and many other things once we expand its functionality. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. :)
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