The Office of Tactical Readiness
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D E P A R T M E N T · O V E R V I E W
Welcome to the office of the Fleet Tactical Readiness Department! The department consists of one Admiral and three Fleet Captains, when fully staffed. Further information about the organizational structure of the department can be found in the welcome center portion of the website.
While officially knows as the PvP department we provide services to the fleet beyond PvP. Our Primary duties includes:
Plan and facilitate PvP Events
Promote Fleet PvP Events
Lead and develop the Hazard Team
Assist membership with space and ground builds
The tactical readiness department is committed to the success of players who are trying to achieve the highest possible performance. Whether it be in PvP or whether they are looking to gain entry or advance in the DPS League we will assist you in your goals.
D E P A R T M E N T · S E R V I C E S
Livestream Tutorials and Overviews
The amount of new information, ships and powers can seem that they are coming at a torrential rate and can be quite confusing. Through the Twitch Livestreams we will go over and explain various ships, powers and mechanics and changes to the game. They are archives and be accessed on my YouTube Channel
The Office of the Shipwrights
Sometimes you have this great ship that you don't know that to do with. The office of the shipwright can help you with that. Submit your build and depending on the que we will get you back a ship as soon as possible.
These used to be a regular occurrence but sadly with the increasing disparity in power levels this has tapered off. With the Livestreams and the Shipwright I hope we can get more people on equal footing and we will be able to hold tournaments again.
D E P A R T M E N T · G R O W T H
We are constantly looking and exploring ways to refine our services and add ways that we can serve the fleet more. If you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to submit your suggestions to me.