[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

Dave (Voleron)


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 30 2015

TO: Pollockjaw
FR: Admiral Voleron
RE: Promotion to Fleet Captain

Attention to orders!

One of the great honors and privileges of being an Admiral of Stonewall Fleet is to share in the positive experience it affords others and to our community.

A founding principal of Stonewall Fleet is to seek out new forms of diversity, to spread the Federation ideals of unity and acceptance, and to boldly go where no one has gone before. As a long time Star Trek fan, I am reminded of that very simple ideal every time I watch the introduction to an episode of Star Trek the Original Series or The Next Generation. Yet for so simple a statement, it carries such significant weight; not only to our past and the present, but also to our collective future.

In any fleet or membership based group, there must come a vision - one which is guided by the decisions of senior leaders to help influence the actions of others toward a common goal. They are tasked with the welfare of the membership, including delegating such authority to those who embrace and best represent the principles of the group as a whole.

By the powers vested in me by the Admiralty of Stonewall Fleet, I hereby announce the following promotion to the rank of Fleet Captain, effective immediately and as of this date:

As a Fleet Captain, @Pollockjaw will be responsible for general Fleet Captain duties such as assisting members in game, conducting fleet invites, hosting fleet events and general forum/chat moderation just to name a few. Fleet Captains participate and assist with the day to day operations of this vast community that we all appreciate and care about.

If you are in game and need assistance, feel free to reach out to any of the Fleet Captains, or to any Admiral that may be online at that time.

Please join me in congratulating and welcoming @Pollockjaw to his new role as a Fleet Captain!

12 people liked this


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 30 2015
Yay :D Welcome to the team Pollockjaw :D
Unknown Person liked this
Tsar Agus


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 30 2015
So he taking over Milmar's cell...err office in the dungeons...err vaults then? :-P

Good Luck and Congrats!
Unknown Person liked this


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 30 2015
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
So he taking over Milmar's cell...err office in the dungeons...err vaults then? :-P

I didn't know we had dungeons? Now where's my training manual for Kinky-Manoevures III :blush:
Unknown Person liked this


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congrats Pollockjaw ;)
Andrea Maria


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congrats, Pollockjaw and welcome to the team! :)
Gareth GXV3


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Ohhh congrats Pollock!!

:woohoo: :side:
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
w00t! Gratz!! \o/ *big hugs*

Unknown Person

[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congrats and a big welcome! :) (great intro btw!)


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
*Throws confetti*

Kidd Kasper


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congo Rats!

Edited March 31 2015 by kiddkasper
Shawn Birch


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congratulations on your promotion Pollockjaw and welcome to the team!
Lars Zandor


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
So, when does his, uhhm, 'unofficial' inition start? :P
2 people liked this
Shawn Birch


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Quote by Lars1091
So, when does his, uhhm, 'unofficial' inition start? :P

I am sure I don't quite know what you are talking about Captain...however, I am headed off to Vulcan for a conference on [classified] so when the Cat is away, so to speak...


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Quote by Parker
however, I am headed off to Vulcan for a conference on [classified] so when the Cat is away, so to speak...

ooh logical party? :silly:
Shawn Birch


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

April 01 2015
Quote by calx
Quote by Parker
however, I am headed off to Vulcan for a conference on [classified] so when the Cat is away, so to speak...

ooh logical party? :silly:

Yes...Logical Party...that's it.

[Parker's BF is Vulcan]
Unknown Person liked this
Edited April 01 2015 by Parker
Jamie O'Connell


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

April 01 2015
Congratulations! Best wishes in your new role.

Unknown Person

[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

April 02 2015
Congratz and welcome to the team! :cheer: