Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

Stephen Douglas


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 21 2015
I'm starting to redo my away teams. If money were no object, what is the gold standard of away team equipment for both captain and Boffs?

My first team to update is a Fed Engineering capt.

I realize I could find multiple answers depending on what I want to focus on, so here are my priorities

1) survivability/defense - I'd like to have the team be able to take a few hits before going down (please insert jokes here)
2) hitting power/offense - what contributes to overall damage done? including boff and capt skills, traits, etc.
3) is there anything particularly good to upgrade to MK14?


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 23 2015
I asked this in game last week and overall the response was the M.A.C.O. rep set.

I think any of the rep ground gear is going to be alright though.
Stephen Douglas


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 24 2015

At least you got a response, i've been asking for weeks and no one responded to any of my questions. even here the experienced people haven't answered.
Edited March 24 2015 by Zoxesyr
Shawn Birch


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 24 2015
My Main character (Parker) is an engineer. I use a combination of rep sets on my BoFF's. I am not a super elite player but I can hold my own. Here is how my away team is set up:

Parker (Captain)
Omega Force Set - Stacking Bonus Team Ambush Field stacks up to five times depending on how many in the team are using it. In my case, with my away team, it stacks 3.

Intelligence Specialist 1 (Eng)
Omega Force Set

Intelligence Specialist 2 (Tac)
Adapted Maco Set

Intelligence Specialist 3 (Sci)
Maco Set

Omega Force Set

This is by no means a gold standard but has worked well for me. Once in a while I switch out my BoFF's so I can use a variety of their skill sets just to change things up a bit.
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Stephen Douglas


Away Team equipment - what is the gold standard?

March 25 2015
Thank you very much, this is interesting to think about.