Salutations and Greetings from Jupiter Force
Hello esteemed members of the diplomatic corps of Stonewall.
My name is Xal'Quelrin, better known as Big Daddy Xal', a diplomat from Jupiter Force.
We would like to formally extend our hand in friendship of your fine fleet, in hopes of bringing our communities closer together, as two large and separate multi-gaming groups, I think it would be an excellent idea if we had better communication with each other.
I have had many encounters with your fleet in Star Trek Online, and I have to say they never disappoint me, especially in STFs and other team based missions.
With these relations comes a chance for inter-community events and activities, so that all members from both our fine fleets and interact, learn some new things and have fun.
I would like to thank you also for the work you have done in STO for the LGBT community, as in a lot of games, in my opinion, they are often overlooked and under appreciated.
I hope to hear from you soon, so relations can start smoothly.
Jupiter Force
My name is Xal'Quelrin, better known as Big Daddy Xal', a diplomat from Jupiter Force.
We would like to formally extend our hand in friendship of your fine fleet, in hopes of bringing our communities closer together, as two large and separate multi-gaming groups, I think it would be an excellent idea if we had better communication with each other.
I have had many encounters with your fleet in Star Trek Online, and I have to say they never disappoint me, especially in STFs and other team based missions.
With these relations comes a chance for inter-community events and activities, so that all members from both our fine fleets and interact, learn some new things and have fun.
I would like to thank you also for the work you have done in STO for the LGBT community, as in a lot of games, in my opinion, they are often overlooked and under appreciated.
I hope to hear from you soon, so relations can start smoothly.
Jupiter Force