Stonewall Times...end of year issue!



Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

October 27 2013
Hi Stonewallers :)

Sorry been quiet of late, been kinda ill and also far too busy with work alas BOO! Not even enough time to do DOFF missions!

But I digress, would love to get your contributions for the Nov-Dec edition of the Stonewall Times and looking for articles and things, please get in touch with your pics, prose and pinups galore!

For this issue, it would be great to get a review of this year from events that we all took part in, to memories of the times we've shared together, from fleet to house to forum.

Looking forward to seeing your stuffs! And spread the word! :woohoo:

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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

October 27 2013
Hey, Cal! No need to be sorry! We all have priorities. I'm sorry to hear you've been ill, and I hope you feel better soon! *big hugs* Thank you for all the hard work you've put into the Stonewall Times! And I am more than happy to help contribute to this! :)
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Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

December 01 2013

Calling all crew, Captains, Fleet Captains and Admirals - if you have news you'd like to include in the upcoming End of Year issue please get in touch - what plans you have for the new year, review of 2013, anything and everything please :)


Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

December 29 2013
It's the end of the year and here is your year end issue in advance of it popping into your inboxes, our very own Saint Nick has been a bit too busy delivering presents around the galaxy so hopefully you can read it here! Of course please feel free to give feedback on this issue and we are always looking for more articles and input!

Stonewall Times

Hope you've all had a great Christmas holiday and wishing each and every one of you a fantabulous super Happy New Year, see you all in 2014!!! Poppers at the ready now!!!!!!

10 people liked this
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

December 29 2013
Wonderful job on the new SW Times, Calx! B) Amazing work and effort you put into this! Thank you and to all who contributed!
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Michael Minks-Bungard


Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

December 29 2013
Wonderful work Cal..

I can't wait to see the next edition.
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Unknown Person

Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

December 30 2013
This is fantastic! Great work, Cal!! :cheer:
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Dave (Voleron)


Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

December 30 2013
Nice job, Cal! Thanks to Chipz and all of the other fantastic contributors is edition... great layout :)
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Kevin Van Eeten


Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

December 30 2013
Quote by Voleron
Nice job, Cal! Thanks to Chipz and all of the other fantastic contributors is edition... great layout :)

It was my pleasure to write for the Times. :)

And Cal; great work Chief!
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Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

December 30 2013
Awesome edition everyone.
Unknown Person liked this


Re: Stonewall Times...end of year issue!

January 01 2014
Cal, I am beyond impressed. It looks very professional and great content.

Bravo Zulu.
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