Forum Signature Store!

(Click image to enlarge!)
It's with great pleasure, that I welcome you to the Stonewall Fleet Forum Signature Shop, being operated by your Fleet Resources Department.
In recent months, the fleet has seen extraordinary growth, and an increase in the usage of the forums. Many members have voiced their desire to customize their forum posts with their own, custom signature, which can be affixed to the footer of their posts.
For those members who don't have the necessary time, software or skills to create such a signature, we're happy to now be able to offer you your own, custom signature graphic!
The Forum Signature Shop is currently run by a single volunteer. As such, please understand that while we'll try our best to get your order to you as quickly as possible, you may need to allow several days for your order to be filled.
Please also understand that the shop operator is not a professional graphics artist and that the skills used to create the forum signature are self taught. You can expect your forum signature to resemble the examples depicted in the second post of this thread, in terms of quality. Please also allow for some artist discretion in terms of text styles and coloring. Be aware that backgrounds can be color-shifted with ease, to best suit your character, his or her vessel and faction.
Signatures are offered in two tiers of detail: simple and complex. The goal of providing two tiers of detail, is to be able to provide a quality product for those members on a budget, while also providing a more detailed option for those who would like a more custom look to their signature and are willing to pay a higher price.
Simple option - price: 250,000 energy credits
- Available for both Size 1 and Size 2 signature options
- Features your own character image
- Uses a single, background image
- Uses a ready-made ship graphic of similar design to your own
- Available only for the Size 1 signature option
- Features complex backgrounds, shadows and fonts
- Features your own character image
- Features your own ship image
- Features your ship or character in an action shot (scanning, shooting, launching fighters etc - artist's discretion)
The cost for a simple forum signature is 250,000 in-game, Energy Credits, while the price for a complex signature is 1,000,000 in-game Energy Credits. You will make your energy credit payment, by way of a deposit to the Stonewall Fleet Bank, AFTER you've received and are satisfied with your forum signature.
The revenue from the forum signature shop, assists us in keeping the Fleet Banks stocked, and allows us to purchase prizes for events hosted by your Fleet Resources Department, such as the Halloween Event, the Trek Trivia Events, the Scavenger Hunt Event and many more. Your purchase directly supports your fleet. None of the profits from this store are personally pocketed by any member of the leadership team.
Please use the following procedure when placing an order:
- Log into Star Trek Online with the character you'd like featured in your signature
- Attend a 'Tailor' NPC (located on Earth Space Dock, Deep Space Nine, etc)
- Edit the costume you'd like your character to wear in your signature
- Your character and costume will be displayed on the right side of the window
- Zoom in on your character, so that his/her torso is closely visible
- Use the 'PrintScreen' button on your keyboard, to take several screenshots of your character in various poses
- Take the ship you'd like featured on your forum signature to sector space (complex option only)
- Orient your ship the way you'd like it to appear in your signature
- Zoom in on your ship, so the ship fills the window but is visible in it's entirety
- On a solid dark background, use the 'PrintScreen' button to take several screenshots of your ship
- Exit Star Trek Online
- Select your forum signature complexity/price option from the options below
- Select your forum signature size option from the options below
- Select your forum signature border option from the options below
- Select your forum signature background option from the options below
- Select your preferred choice of font from the options below
- Locate the screenshots of your character and ship on your hard drive
Star Trek Online\Live\Screenshots
Now it's time to send your order to us:
- Email:
- Include your in-game @handle, so we can contact you in-game if need be
- Include your character, title or rank and ship name, to be featured on your signature
- Include your complexity, size, border, background and font preferences
- Include your ship class and type (if ordering a simple design)
- Attach the screenshots of your character and ship, in their original sizes
To set your new forum signature:
- Login to your account
- Hover over the 'Forums' button on the top menu bar
- Select 'Forum Profile' from the drop-down menu
- Click the small 'edit' button in the top-right corner of your forum profile
- Select the 'Profile Information' tab
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, to the 'Signature' box
- The following is an example of the text to type in this box:
- (Enter your own image hosting address in place of the example above)
- Click the save button at the bottom of the page
We're excited to offer you this service, and hope you enjoy your new forum signatures!
Admiral Voleron
Chief of Fleet Resources
Signature Complexity and Price Options:
Signature Size Options:
(All borders are available in either size)
Signature Border Options:
Signature Background Options:
Signature Text Preference Choice: