Social Network Presence

Social Network Presence

September 14 2012
Now that we've announced the name of our combined community, we need to start working on our web presence and a big part of that is our social networking profiles. The recent downtime of our websites underscores the importance of having an external means to communicate with our membership.

Among the Officers, there does seem to be a bit of disconnect about how our social networking profiles should continue. Currently, we only have them for Stonewall Fleet (Facebook, Twitter, Google+), but we'd like to include all of our other guilds on these sites as well.

The big question is whether or not we should create new profiles (a separate Facebook fanpage, Twitter account, and Google+ page) for each guild or create unified profiles for our entire community (a Facebook fanpage, Twitter account and Google+ page) for the Stonewall Gaming Community.

There are many advantages to having a unified presence. First of all, it'd be less maintenance for us. Instead of having to create three new pages for each guild, we could just direct all of our members to the same pages. As well, when we have community wide messages, we wouldn't have to post them to 9+ different accounts. In the future, if there's ever another social networking site that we'd like to have a presence on, it would only compound this problem further.

The big disadvantage is that we'd be cluttering your activity stream with information for a game that you may not be involved in. Announcements for all of our games would be posted to these accounts. Whenever we were to post announcements for Stonewall Fleet, for example, those members that don't play Star Trek Online, would still receive them.

We'd really prefer a targeted solution, but the increased complexity of the alternative is a real issue. The last perk would be that it'd build up our unified community.

So what do all of you think?
Edited September 14 2012 by nicholasjohn16


Re: Social Network Presence

September 14 2012
I wholeheartedly agree with one portal that encompasses all our groups I'm sure we can find a way to direct messages to the sections they pertain at some point if needed ... In Unity we find Strength


Social Network Presence

September 14 2012
In my opinion, a unified approach seems to be the way to go. A strength of this group is the network; there's quite a few people in different guilds and games me, this equates to stability. If one game folds, there's still a network. I think a unified social media presence will further enhance that strength.

As a new member, I personally don't mind getting feeds for other games/guilds. In fact, I'm a huge Star Trek Fan and never heard of STO..after reading some posts/feeds and doing a little research, I may be installing it when my addiction to gw2 wears down(not anytime soon).

I also see where others would be bothered by getting the news feeds of sister guilds; it could be disorganized for them. But I personally prefer a unified approach .
Zander Hawk


Re: Social Network Presence

September 14 2012
Unity! Keep us all united :)
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Whittier Strong


Re: Social Network Presence

September 15 2012
All the reasons everyone has already given are good for keeping everything "united."
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Dave (Voleron)


Re: Social Network Presence

September 17 2012
I agree that I'd like to see the Facebook/Twitter feeds a combined feed for the Stonewall community. I don't mind getting the odd feed about the other guilds, even if I'm not a part of them.

If we have big events that we want to broadcast to only a subset of players from a single guild, I assume that we could probably customize an email fan-out to do that?

As it is, the social networking feeds aren't terribly active, so a universal Stonewall feed may bring some life to the groups too :)
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Isaac Burrough


Re: Social Network Presence

September 25 2012
I agree, I would like to see what is going on in the other groups as well as the one I am most active in.
John Winstead


Re: Social Network Presence

September 25 2012
Let’s keep them all together. The feeds or tweets that or from the others is ok with me. Lets me know what’s going on and a lot easier to keep up with.

Unknown Person

Re: Social Network Presence

September 27 2012
I agree that the unified format is the best course to take. I don't mind getting feeds from any of the sister guilds I'm not a part of.
Unknown Person liked this
Linda Layne


Re: Social Network Presence

September 27 2012
I agree we should keep all the groups together if for nothing else but simplicity. I read all the new posts on the site in an attempt to keep up with all the different group happenings. The only problem is I will have to learn how to use all these different networks. I refuse to use Facebook but maybe my wife will let me use her account to follow Stonewall postings. I've just never seen a use for Twitter. Yes I am one of those people without a social network and I can still function! :laugh: