The Stonewall Times needs you!
The Stonewall Times needs you!
After a short hiatus, the Stonewall Times is returning, and we need a strong team of writers and creative people to help make it an essential monthly read for Stonewall Fleet (STO), the House of Nagh reD (STO), and Knights/Lords/Soldiers of Stonewall (TOR).
Rather than rely on contributors each month, we'd like to appoint a number of staff writers with responsibility for producing regular content. Each staff writer will have control over a section of the monthly magazine, and will be able to bring their own creative ideas to it.
Please see the list of open positions in the following post.
If you'd like to apply for a position, please send an email to or, or send me a message via the websites. Please include a short summary of the skills and experience that you think will make you a good fit for the position.
You may apply for as many of the positions as you like.
What will you get out of it? We can't pay you... but writing for the Times is a good way to support the guilds and your fellow members, and for anybody interested in a career in writing it will enable you to build up a valuable portfolio of experience and published work.
The deadline for applications is the end of Saturday March 31, 2012.
I look forward to working with you!
Ali (alimac30)
Editor-in-Chief of the Stonewall Times
After a short hiatus, the Stonewall Times is returning, and we need a strong team of writers and creative people to help make it an essential monthly read for Stonewall Fleet (STO), the House of Nagh reD (STO), and Knights/Lords/Soldiers of Stonewall (TOR).
Rather than rely on contributors each month, we'd like to appoint a number of staff writers with responsibility for producing regular content. Each staff writer will have control over a section of the monthly magazine, and will be able to bring their own creative ideas to it.
Please see the list of open positions in the following post.
If you'd like to apply for a position, please send an email to or, or send me a message via the websites. Please include a short summary of the skills and experience that you think will make you a good fit for the position.
You may apply for as many of the positions as you like.
What will you get out of it? We can't pay you... but writing for the Times is a good way to support the guilds and your fellow members, and for anybody interested in a career in writing it will enable you to build up a valuable portfolio of experience and published work.
The deadline for applications is the end of Saturday March 31, 2012.
I look forward to working with you!
Ali (alimac30)
Editor-in-Chief of the Stonewall Times