What's in a name?



Re: What's in a name?

February 03 2012
Quote by Halish
Jon, did you create that logo completely youself? the hand and everything? I used to lead a guild which had "fist" in the title and our logo was a fist very much similar to that so naturally I love it!

I don't however like the name, it's not something that really rolls of the tongue. It also limits the guild into a smaller box than I thought "gaming" already did lol so naturally It's not my cup of tea... sorry!

Yeah I made the entire logo including the hand. I can understand I was thinking since mmo (massive multiplayer online) it's specific but also general. I was also thinking of it after the Analytics were posted because I started wondering of keywords people might use to find us. Stonewall and mmo popped into my head and I went with it lol.

Thanks for the compliment on the logo I figured it showed power and strength and symbolized what stonewall was all about.
Will Tubbert


Re: What's in a name?

February 03 2012
Quote by Justjon
I think we should call ourselves Stonewall MMO. Site would be stonewallmmo.com(yes it's available) and I made a rough sketch logo in Adobe Illustrator to show my idea of a logo =)

Nice work on the logo Jon. My only hesitation is on the iconography itself. The fist seems a bit aggressive or militaristic for a welcoming community. I know the games we play are filled with conflict, but I think the goal is to represent the community as a whole rather than the games we play.

Then again, I could be way off. Like Hal said, this isn't something we've ever discussed at the Officer level.


Re: What's in a name?

February 04 2012
Quote by DakonKor
Frankly I don't like any of the options in the "poll." They are either too formal, too generic, or intentionally humorously too specific. "Polls" also show that the majority of voters want to ban Gay Marriage. I'm personally glad a poll isn't a vote.

But the majority of voters chose Gore, and a greater majority of voters chose Obama. Both progressive forward thinking individuals. Gore, unfortunately, didn't get elected because it turned out that the majority of voters didn't really have a say; it was the government (the electoral college) who decided the winner.

Without the vote... Well... We would be something like a dictatorship or a monarchy. Like Saudi Arabia (Star Wars Appropriate Link) a nation who likes to believe that homosexuals should be stoned, burned or thrown from mountain tops. Maybe we'd be like the Soviet Union or pre US influence People's Republic of China.

Luckily for us, a large enough majority voted someone with the type of mindset to abolish the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" and allow gays to serve openly in our military. Without the vote, we'd likely have a government full of good ol' boys where the only change would come through revolt or a military coup.

Re: What's in a name?

February 04 2012
Quote by Angelsilhouette
But the majority of voters chose Gore, and a greater majority of voters chose Obama. Both progressive forward thinking individuals. Gore, unfortunately, didn't get elected because it turned out that the majority of voters didn't really have a say; it was the government (the electoral college) who decided the winner.

Without the vote... Well... We would be something like a dictatorship or a monarchy. Like Saudi Arabia (Star Wars Appropriate Link) a nation who likes to believe that homosexuals should be stoned, burned or thrown from mountain tops. Maybe we'd be like the Soviet Union or pre US influence People's Republic of China.

Luckily for us, a large enough majority voted someone with the type of mindset to abolish the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" and allow gays to serve openly in our military. Without the vote, we'd likely have a government full of good ol' boys where the only change would come through revolt or a military coup.

I think you're right. The majority has spoken and 67% of them don't like "Stonewall Gaming Community".

We aren't a national government and we can be more flexible than that. We can listen to the majority and the minority and give both of them influence on decisions.
Edited February 04 2012 by nicholasjohn16
Ryan Waller


Re: What's in a name?

February 04 2012
I dont like any of the options. Though I dont have any ideas to submit.
Will Tubbert


Re: What's in a name?

February 04 2012
Quote by Rybo
I dont like any of the options. Though I dont have any ideas to submit.

Psst... say you like "Stonewall United." That's what the rest of us rebels are going with. ;)