The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

Jay Eudy


The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

July 22 2011
Hi, I got this idea from Brandon's thread for The Office of the Admiral of Intelligence, and thought it would be nice to have a separate thread with a Klingon twist.

I am General Josh, our Chief of Klingon Affairs. I am here to help all fleet members with the game in general, but specifically I am here for our Klingon Warrior fleet members. If ANYBODY has any questions about how things work on the "Red Side", just post them here, and I assure you, I will do my best to find the answer for you.

I work at home and check the forums often, so I'll try to answer all queries promptly.
Brandon Felczer


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

July 22 2011
Would there be anyway to post a map of the new Qo'noS? Have you seen one that points out where everything is?
Jay Eudy


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

July 22 2011
Quote by bfelczer
Would there be anyway to post a map of the new Qo'noS? Have you seen one that points out where everything is?

Great question. Actually it's funny you should ask, as I am currently working on a guide to KDF gameplay guide which will start as a map of the First City and orbital shipyards.

Later the guide will include KDF DOFF guides, ship and character selection help, KDF tactics, and much more.
Brandon Felczer


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

July 22 2011
Quote by Six-of-Nine
Quote by bfelczer
Would there be anyway to post a map of the new Qo'noS? Have you seen one that points out where everything is?

Great question. Actually it's funny you should ask, as I am currently working on a guide to KDF gameplay guide which will start as a map of the First City and orbital shipyards.

Later the guide will include KDF DOFF guides, ship and character selection help, KDF tactics, and much more.

Awesome! Thanks! [confidential]in the mean time, you could link this if you want hehe: updated! had wrong link[/confidential]
Unknown Person liked this
Edited July 23 2011 by CapnBranFlakes


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

July 25 2011
sto wiki does have a map of the new 1st City with the general areas labeled. {8}
Jay Eudy


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

July 25 2011
Quote by Chrysom
sto wiki does have a map of the new 1st City with the general areas labeled. {8}

Here it is! A more detailed map is being worked on.
Edited July 25 2011 by Six-of-Nine


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

August 02 2011
I will be so happy to see more interest in the Klink side, the grinding aside its really (in my opinion) more of a strategic playstyle-the cloaking and all. It would be good to get more ppl into the BoP's they hate so much on the fed side, so they can see its not all cheese and wine, but really quite fun.


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

August 02 2011
I still prefer my Raptor, Bops just dont have the awesome.
Jay Eudy


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

August 02 2011
Quote by Seannewboy
I still prefer my Raptor, Bops just dont have the awesome.

Universal boff stations say BoPs to have the awesome.


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

August 02 2011
Quote by Six-of-Nine
Quote by Seannewboy
I still prefer my Raptor, Bops just dont have the awesome.

Universal boff stations say BoPs to have the awesome.

A real warrior can win with no stations at all. Besides, who wants to fly metallic pigeons. :S
Jay Eudy


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

September 08 2011
Please check the following thread for information on the changes to KDF when we go Free To Play.

Unknown Person

Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

May 03 2012
I was reminded last night that the coveted positions of fleet captain and admirals was one gained by popularity. Hopefully this isn't the case

Before I was a fleet capt I only talked to one person in the fleet, and he was not a fleet capt nor an admiral. I've been a member for 2 years, done 2 tours as a FC, I still wouldnt say I'm 'popular'. FC Voleron has been working on all the banks to get them organized. I did pulled the logs and saw that you have done a lot of work as well(thank you).

also tuvak and BrianBenzinger have been working on the banks
Edited May 03 2012 by Unknown Person
Joshua (Zepari)


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

May 04 2012
Gabriel. I think you make a good point and have every reason to make yourself heard. However I do disagree with your comments on Admirals (Officers) and Fleet Captains.

I'm not an active member of Stonewall Fleet at the moment, I'm guild leader of Knights of Stonewall, but I fought and (I hope) earned that title. I was the personnel officer for Stonewall Fleet for 2 years and so that's why I would like to comment on the recruitment criteria. And there are none! If you are willing and able? Then you are a potential officer.

If anything, knowing or being friendly with a current officer causes more concern about promoting someone. Nepotism is not what we are about, and for those of us who have had to show our abilities over the past few years to gain the respect of our peers, it is a bit offensive to suggest, lol.

I have to admit that the information needed by members on how they can become officers is lacking, but we run regular recruitment threads, and rarely deny anyone the position. Anyone, like you, who expresses an interest in helping the community is normally snapped up as we need people like you. You just have to let us know personally so we can respond personally.

Basically what I'm trying to say is... that "officers" are far more restricted than members in what they can do. They have to constantly be aware of the needs of every other member of the community. If that is something you want to do, then by all means let a SWF officer know that!

If you fancy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic in the future... I could use someone like you too! (sorry Nick)

Unknown Person

Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

May 04 2012
Quote by Gabriel Storm
Guys, thank you both for responding. Plazma, I by no means meant that across the board. It was something that was brought up during a discussion, and I did see some light in it. However this could be one person who was burned and felt quite passionately about.
I have to play devils advocate on this one, when looked at from the outside it could be percieved as being a popularity contest. hence why i said that I hope it wasn't.
Zepari, I MISS PLAYING WITH YOU!!!! You were always one of the most fun players to do missions with, and your music collection was TOP NOTCH!

I tried SWTOR when it first came out, and then wasn't at all thrilled with the constant issues, not to mention the lousey customer service. If it changes, I may.. MAY come back. lol

I do hope that this hasn't "burned any bridges", as I would greatly appreciate to show the fleet that I could be a valuable member of the officer corps.


Maybe I said it wrong. I spent the last few weeks trying not to blow my top over the smallest things. If I seemed upset or defensive in my response, I didn't mean to and I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you that becoming Fleet or Admiral isn't about nepotism.

Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

May 05 2012
Quote by Gabriel Storm
I know that ALL FLeet Captains have the authority to go from the Fed side to the KDF and invite personell, and also work issues on that side.

I think everyone's responded to your post pretty well. I just wanted to point out that in the Klingon house, Cadets and above can invite into the fleet. If you're only in the Klingon house and see someone needing an invite, then right click their name and invite. If I remember correctly, the Bank limits in the Klingon house are a bit higher than in the Fed fleets, as well.

I'll contact you about the Fleet Captain position, Gabriel.
Jamie O'Connell


Re: The Office of the Chief of Klingon Affairs

April 03 2015
I am Ja'xme! I see we have become too complacent. There is much honor to be gained still and many battles to win! Yet here we stay like a sloth! to battle we must go and onward to victory! We will find glory, honor, and one day Sto'Vo'Kor.
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