STEP COUNT CHALLENGE: Passage of the Suna shards

To take part you will need:
A mobile telephone or smart watch (step tracking)
create your own character (below)
Access to SGN discord (to send me screen grabs of your step count each night, before you go to bed)
Starting Monday 15th until your midnight Sunday 21st Nov, This years Stonewall step challenge is back!
As before we have had a few themes,
our lord of the rings inspired "Walk to Morder"
Then our Halloween inspired "Zombie walk"
and last years "Walk of thrones"
This year we have gone with another fantasy theme.. because its still cool!
For this challenge you will need: a Phone with either google fit or Apple health installed OR a fitbit, Apple watch, samsung, hawaei watch etc.

The basics of this challenge are simple.
You go about your daily business, at the end of each day (Mon 15th to Sun 21st) you must send me a phone screengrab of your steps, revealed to you in your health apps.
I will then move you on the map to the position of how many steps you have taken.
All your daily steps will add up toward your weeks progress.
Monday you did 7,000 steps,
Tues you did a further 10,000 steps for the day.. your total steps so far would be 17,000.
I will keep adding them and tracking totalling them.
The More Steps you do, the more I can Move you on the map above each day.
When you hit a Landmark that’s Listed on the map (below), you pick up a shard each shard is worth 1 SWC. (to use in the Stonewall credits store)
Example.. if you do 10,000 steps , you have travelled from Home base, to the next land mark.. you pick up 1 shard and win 1 SWC
Do 10,000 or more steps the next day.. and you would have reached the next destination.. Another shard you have claimed!
You don't have to precisely hit the goal steps, so long as you have gone past the goals requested steps, you've made it.
Once you've hit the last goal, the challenge is complete!
The Goal is to hit each landmark and pick up as many Suna shard's as you can.. and then if you go all the way, and hit the final goal (90k + steps by the end of the week, you've completed it!

Starting NOW, you now need to create your own hero that will represent you on this quest,
Head on over to to create your own unique character, you have until Sunday 14th to create it, and then send me a screenshot of your designed hero!
a great screenshot will look something like this:

To get a screenshot, either search windows for the "Snip & Sketch" programme (its already inbuilt into windows 10.
or press your "prntscreen" button, and open up microsoft paint, click paste, and save.
Send your screen grabs of your heros to me via Discord private message or leave a response on here with it attached!
I will then add you to the Heros board below.

more Hero slots can be added at any time to the board, there is no limit of players

On Monday the 15th November you start your steps, at the end of each day, take a screen grab and send to me via discord (GXV3)
at the beginning of each day I will update this map to the position your total steps are.
This map will change each day.

(Click here to enlarge map)

- No Cheating, dont photoshop your steps
- Try and get your steps for that day into me in a discord, if not send 2 screen grabs the next day
- The last day of accepting your step totals is end of day Sunday 21st Nov.
- Get your phones or Smart watches ready
- Create your own character via
- Send me a screen grab of your designed character via Discord PM (GXV3)
- Monday 15th start counting your steps
- Send me a screen grab via Discord PM of your total steps that day and I will keep record for the whole week and move you on the map.