First City Rework
Looks like it is a lv 60 STF only.
That said, and in regards to Ereiid's post, it is notoriously difficult to write for Klingons. Sure it's easy enough to do the occasional one-off, but beyond that, it becomes more and more difficult because the culture has never really been fully fleshed out, canonically, and there are too many discrepancies. There was, at one point, a pitch for a Star Trek Klingons tv series, but it never even got beyond the pitch. They didn't see that it would appeal to anything but a small niche audience.
Perhaps it isn't that the Klingons are difficult to write, it's that writers have difficulty wrapping their minds around them because, while they may be fans of Star Trek, they may not be big enough fans of the Klingons to make episodes about them feel fully realised. I feel this is likely one of the big issues in STO. I seriously doubt anyone's claims that the devs are actually Star Trek fans (especially with the one saying repeatedly that his favourite character, Scotty, was played by "James Doo'HAND" during a livestream (he didn't spell it like that, he pronounced it like that), and while levelling my KDF toons, interactions with Starfleet were quite often blatantly written by someone with zero familiarity with the franchise. Starfleet ships would appear, send the equivelant of "Die Klingon scum" and then attack.) so have no faith that they can fully wrap their minds around the Klingon culture and properly write for them.
Mind you, they have gotten better since they actually started watching Star Trek, but I really don't think the KDF will ever properly be a complete faction; I feel their best bet is to reunite them with the UFP and change factional PvP into "War Games" where you fight to disable and holodeck war games where you can fight to destroy.
That said, and in regards to Ereiid's post, it is notoriously difficult to write for Klingons. Sure it's easy enough to do the occasional one-off, but beyond that, it becomes more and more difficult because the culture has never really been fully fleshed out, canonically, and there are too many discrepancies. There was, at one point, a pitch for a Star Trek Klingons tv series, but it never even got beyond the pitch. They didn't see that it would appeal to anything but a small niche audience.
Perhaps it isn't that the Klingons are difficult to write, it's that writers have difficulty wrapping their minds around them because, while they may be fans of Star Trek, they may not be big enough fans of the Klingons to make episodes about them feel fully realised. I feel this is likely one of the big issues in STO. I seriously doubt anyone's claims that the devs are actually Star Trek fans (especially with the one saying repeatedly that his favourite character, Scotty, was played by "James Doo'HAND" during a livestream (he didn't spell it like that, he pronounced it like that), and while levelling my KDF toons, interactions with Starfleet were quite often blatantly written by someone with zero familiarity with the franchise. Starfleet ships would appear, send the equivelant of "Die Klingon scum" and then attack.) so have no faith that they can fully wrap their minds around the Klingon culture and properly write for them.
Mind you, they have gotten better since they actually started watching Star Trek, but I really don't think the KDF will ever properly be a complete faction; I feel their best bet is to reunite them with the UFP and change factional PvP into "War Games" where you fight to disable and holodeck war games where you can fight to destroy.