

First City Rework

March 21 2015
Looks like it is a lv 60 STF only.

That said, and in regards to Ereiid's post, it is notoriously difficult to write for Klingons. Sure it's easy enough to do the occasional one-off, but beyond that, it becomes more and more difficult because the culture has never really been fully fleshed out, canonically, and there are too many discrepancies. There was, at one point, a pitch for a Star Trek Klingons tv series, but it never even got beyond the pitch. They didn't see that it would appeal to anything but a small niche audience.

Perhaps it isn't that the Klingons are difficult to write, it's that writers have difficulty wrapping their minds around them because, while they may be fans of Star Trek, they may not be big enough fans of the Klingons to make episodes about them feel fully realised. I feel this is likely one of the big issues in STO. I seriously doubt anyone's claims that the devs are actually Star Trek fans (especially with the one saying repeatedly that his favourite character, Scotty, was played by "James Doo'HAND" during a livestream (he didn't spell it like that, he pronounced it like that), and while levelling my KDF toons, interactions with Starfleet were quite often blatantly written by someone with zero familiarity with the franchise. Starfleet ships would appear, send the equivelant of "Die Klingon scum" and then attack.) so have no faith that they can fully wrap their minds around the Klingon culture and properly write for them.

Mind you, they have gotten better since they actually started watching Star Trek, but I really don't think the KDF will ever properly be a complete faction; I feel their best bet is to reunite them with the UFP and change factional PvP into "War Games" where you fight to disable and holodeck war games where you can fight to destroy.
Edited March 21 2015 by Angelsilhouette
Sej @Ereiid


First City Rework

March 21 2015
One hopes. I'm sure in hindsight, it'll be as evidently telegraphed as anything.

But it's more filtering this through the poor track record of factional parity KDF has always suffered.


6th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Meetup!

March 21 2015
I'll be there! Maybe I can get a bottle of something Scottish into the country, haha :D Doubt I will be able to shop when I am over there for booze :S
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First City Rework

March 21 2015

Are they planning a rework ala ESD here, i mean the story line is very similar sounding
Unknown Person liked this


Defiance MMO (Based on the TV series, and a really fun game!)

March 20 2015
Definitely fun again. I did some arkfalls and soloed some.. um... what'sits. Like where you go in and free dockworkers or turn off turrets at a mine and defend a miner from hellbugs.

Does anyone still play?


Elder Scrolls Online

March 20 2015
I've got it and am glad it's gone sub free as I hardly ever play it. I'd be up for some more play if people fancied it?
2 people liked this


The Secret World just got a little easier and, perhaps, a little more fun?

March 19 2015
If you're thinking of going back to TSW and want to catch up to Tokyo, this looks like a pretty good deal for 3 Issues and a bunch of Sidestories, plus an outfit to boot:

TSW Pack


Elder Scrolls Online

March 19 2015
Quote by GXV3
It wants ingame money for everything.. even to travel, so its a grind fest for everything.

Actually, you need in-game gold for very little really. As far as travel goes, if you go up to a Wayshrine you can travel for free to any other area's Wayshrine in the game that you have previously discovered. You do have the option of instant travel for gold if you don't want to go to the many Wayshrines scattered around each map. Horses can cost about 43K gold, or if you bought the Imperial Edition you can buy the Imperial horse for 2 gold or spend 900 Crowns (like Zen) in the store for the same mounts sold for in-game gold. Other than that your only other recurring expenses are for repairs and maybe some crafting materials you haven't looted out in the world. Of course the usual things can be bought if you wish like bank space, character respecs, vendor sold equipment, and at the Guild Traders that are similar to an auction house.
2 people liked this
Edited March 19 2015 by kjmk
Gareth GXV3


Elder Scrolls Online

March 19 2015
Quote by caijamin
I was a bit put off by it's monthly cost, but not it seems to have gone free (well apart from the upfront cost). Is it worth playing? Or should I just crack open Skyrim again to get my fix?

I know that my friend is really addicted to it.. but for me.. i bought the game and played it for a mth since the day of the launch.. but it didn't give me the skyrim feel of excitement and exploration.
But it was fun none the less if your used to.. and like, Fantasy MMORPG you will like it.
It wants ingame money for everything.. even to travel, so its a grind fest for everything.

But.. Skyrim.. it isnt (in my personal view) .. though it may have changed. My friend keep telling me to jump back into it.. So as soon as I get my new PC, ill be going back to it for another try.. you need a good up to date PC or PS4/XB1 to play it properly.
Im glad its not completely free.. as you tend to get annoying troll players.

Unknown Person

Elder Scrolls Online

March 19 2015
I was a bit put off by it's monthly cost, but not it seems to have gone free (well apart from the upfront cost). Is it worth playing? Or should I just crack open Skyrim again to get my fix?


Defiance MMO (Based on the TV series, and a really fun game!)

March 19 2015
So after a year of not playing, I tried the game out, again and they have brought it back to being fun again. :) Back in and having fun! :D
Antonio V


2015 Hallmark Star Trek!!!

March 18 2015
Oh Em Gee!!!!!! Thank You for this!!!


Re:My Apologies

March 18 2015
Don't worry about it, we all have times like that at some point, what's important is that you did it, and you've learned and grown as a person because of it, and welcome back
Philip Bower


My Apologies

March 17 2015
The wonderful thing about a social community full of trek lovers is that we can all understand that sometimes life happens and that sometimes the best thing to do is step away and come back when the head is cleared..

Glad you were able to come back and issue an apology, while I did not and will not read the original post I welcome you back to the family with arms wide open.

Unknown Person liked this
Patton Baugh


Delta Recruitment Event

March 17 2015
I suppose I can make a Liberated Human Engineer ... that uses Antiproton ... on an Astika Class. I, clearly, have not thought this through :)

Show me where to sign UP!!!
Alain Rojas


2015 Hallmark Star Trek!!!

March 17 2015
Quote by Vidan@notaredshirt79
I like the plug in ship ornaments better as well. Trouble is I am too lazy and clumsy handed to switch out every single piece. Most of them are not compatible with newer light strands.

Hallmark addressed that issue. :-)

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Zander Hawk


Re:My Apologies

March 17 2015
The good thing about voluntary social groups is that you can come and go as you please, hang out for hours upon hours or simply make a 5 minute appearance. Things happen and life matters need to be taken care of, or, a time to unplugg is often needed, either way, in the end no worries and feel free to come and go :).

Zander Hawk
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Kiera Skylar


2015 Hallmark Star Trek!!!

March 17 2015
Quote by Voleron

There have been some... external pressures... suggesting that we should re-theme our tree to something more normal after five years of it being nothing but Trek ornaments, but now with this new ship...!

solution, get a black tree just for the trek ships and have the other tree for the non-nerd things.
Antonio V


2015 Hallmark Star Trek!!!

March 17 2015
I like the plug in ship ornaments better as well. Trouble is I am too lazy and clumsy handed to switch out every single piece. Most of them are not compatible with newer light strands.


Daily Log In Bonuses

March 17 2015
Hi Margali! ^.^ I nearly forgot about World of Warships. I remember aching to play that.