

Delta Recruit Mentor Prize Draw

April 15 2015
This is very much still open keep submitting the people who have really helped your levelling experience :D
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Adrien Camus Ratty


Delta Recruits Mini-Event

April 14 2015
I'll be there with bells on!
Andrea Maria


Delta Recruits Mini-Event

April 14 2015
I´ll X up and I´m donating my prizes in advance. :)
Adam Green


Thank you Stonewall

April 13 2015
Glad to hear the operation was a success and I am wishing you a speedy recovery also! :)
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The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

April 13 2015
Diplomatic Orders

From the big screen to your home comes an epic fail of a young Lieutenant whose aspiring to become an Admiral and his faithful crew! Little did he know that there was a dark secret about this mission that will become an eye opener!

You begin your journey when you get a lovely message from Fleet Admiral Quinn. He tells you to head off to Vulcan where the emotionless people will tell you, "you free to land" when You land you discover that you should not have warn your heels because you will be mountain climbing for this Diplomat. Once you get up the mountain he will tell you that he can't leave then it is up to you to save they day! So you go to a Vulcan that clearly knows better than you and you end up leaving with the diplomat.

Once you get in your shuttle its a shaky ride out for no reason because there is no wind at all, just your horrible driving. When you end up asking the other guy to drive you go over to the diplomat and you learn he has such an annoying voice. Nothing at all is fishy about this situation and you go on your Mary way to P'Jem.

Once you enter the system you get stopped by some Klingons. Following the footsteps of a legend taught at the academy you don't listen and you shoot to kill! Why do you not have to listen to your elders? that is beyond this narrator! So after you kill the Klingons in space and then go to the surface and kill the Klingons there and you don't even care about the Vulcans you just charge on through till you reach the monetary. Then the diplomat's aid calls you and is like "yo I was walking in my garden then I found the real diplomat. Yo beta watch out." The he transforms and is all like "muahahah I'm an undine and Im going to play dress up as a Klingon! They don't know their ship is destroyed" so after the fight then you run down killing more Klingons you decide to beam up all deceived.

When you beam up you find yourself fighting a MASSIVE Tethys Bio Deadnaugt!! Little does the Undine know that your little Miranda/NX/Orberth has the power to survive for 20 seconds for "real captains" to arrive. Once you survive and they clean up the mess you made for your failure to see the truth you go home and tell Quinn all about it.

So if you like drama, suspense, Vulcans and Undines playing dress up then This is the mission for you!!
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Adrien Camus Ratty


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

April 13 2015
I was going to wait until after the contest, but I just can't keep this to myself. For your enjoyment.... a word from our sponsor.

Night after night of restless tossing and turning. Day after day of feeling lethargic and unrested. You've tried warm milk, counting sheep, and even Ambien. Luckily, help is here in the form of a STO mission guaranteed to send you on an express transport to Dreamland: Of Bajor!

Of Bajor is the only STO mission proven to help players fall asleep and stay asleep. After Captain Kurland manages to lose DS9 to a confused troop of Dominion throwbacks who couldn't bother to ask for the stardate, you are ordered to beam down to a vacation resort on Bajor by an officer who is, by now, your subordinate in rank. There won't be any shore leave for you, Admiral, as the Bajorans are thoroughly incapable of handling their affairs without your hand-holding guidance. In fact, there's so much busywork for you to do you must run this mission multiple times to clean up every mess they make. I'm sure you're yawning already!

After completing a few chores, you can move on to run holodeck simulations to practice fighting all enemies you've encountered since the beginning of the Cardassian Struggle arc. The struggle certainly is real, but we're talking about you and not the Spoonheads. Next, try having a calm political discussion with an enraged Bajoran street preacher! I bet you feel like you're posting on Reddit already. If you're feeling like getting some old time religion, go chill out and pray in the Temple. Scientific sorts can run high school earth science experiments. It's like DS9 isn't overrun with Jem'Hadar turning their place into a high-volume Ketracel lab!

Your final task is to contact someone on the station that isn't busy cookin' up some White. After getting in touch with Not!Quark, you are treated to an unskippable cutscene in which Kurland is definitely here. Hopefully, by this point, you've gone sleepy-bye a long time ago.

Side effects of this mission include 'crying', 'complaining in fleet chat', 'shattered friendships' and 'thinking too hard'. If you find yourself wondering “Why does Starfleet send an Admiral to report to a chipper Lieutenant who wants them to repair Bajor's microwaves?” or “Why would a Klingon with ANY self-respect run errands for a Federation petaQ?” or even “Why the hell do the Romulans even give half a crap, especially after In The Pale Moonlight?” please contact your doctor right away.

Bajor may be for Bajorans, and they can keep it after this slog. Your bed is for you, Admiral. After all this nonsense, you've earned it. Sweet dreams!
7 people liked this


Delta Recruits Mini-Event

April 13 2015
Just a reminder, this event goes live tomorrow!
Dont be shy, X it up when they call out an STF in chat, to be entered for a prize!
2 people liked this
Adrien Camus Ratty


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

April 13 2015
These are amazing! Keep 'em coming!
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Fleet Holding Project Etiquette

April 12 2015
Antonio V


Fleet Holding Project Etiquette

April 12 2015
All your Fleet Credit belong to us!!!!!!!
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Whittier Strong


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

April 12 2015
The [strike]Freighter[/strike] House Always Wins

You are the captain of the freighter Sirol, importing 50,000 wrappages of mulberries for the great Klingon vintner K'Vetch. He has crafted the perfect blend for blood wine, and it's up to you to get him his berries before his vintage turns to vinegar!

A typical shipment? No! Danger is afoot, in the form of some kind of political intrigue that's really hard to follow and doesn't particularly interest you. But the Klingon Defense Force has sent Birds-of-Prey to Gorath, just as you arrive to drop off your shipment. Disruptor beams fly as you seek safe passage through Gorath space. Will you escape? Most likely! And without firing a single shot! But you've made this run dozens of times and have never encountered any difficulties; maybe it'll be different this time...? Who knows!

And, coming in March 2023, all-new repairs to "The House Always Wins"! One leak indicates that you can ram your freighter straight into the planet!
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Dave (Voleron)


Fleet Holding Project Etiquette

April 12 2015
Fellow Stonewallers,

With the Delta recruit push upon us, we're finding that more and more fleet members are seeking opportunities to convert their hard earned fleet marks and expertise into fleet credits. In order to accommodate this new surge in fleet credit earning, you may have noticed that we've began queuing up ALL of our holding projects across ALL of our fleets. Our intention is to continue to do this until the end of the Delta recruitment event.

One of the challenges we're encountering, is that when a new project opens up, we're seeing the fleet mark and expertise intakes completely fill up instantaneously. This suggests that one or two members are likely benefiting by unloading all of their fleet marks, while the remaining membership are left to fill the duty officer, commodity and dilithium intakes, in order to get the project going.

What can you do to help?

What we're asking, is that fleet members be considerate when donating fleet marks and expertise to fleet projects. Rather than donating all of your fleet marks to one project and filling it up instantly, consider filling only half or a third of the project up, thereby affording a few other members the opportunity to donate marks.

What is the leadership doing to help?

We're trying our very best to keep special Starbase projects up as frequently as possible across Stonewall's four fleets. Not only do we queue up projects while we're in game, but several of us access the various fleet holdings through the Gateway on our mobile devices, even when we're not online, and queue up the projects continuously.

We've also created this lovely video tutorial (below), on how get duty officers for donation to fleet holding projects, rather than purchasing them off of the exchange at high cost.

Lastly, we try to get stalled projects underway by filling up intakes that may not be filling after some time. We don't want this to become the habit, but sometimes we help out in this way.

In Conclusion

Please be kind and rewind... err, I mean, share the fleet credit earning potential with your fellow fleeties. Thanks in advance!

8 people liked this
Adrien Camus Ratty


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

April 11 2015
I spit coffee out my nose on that one. I imagined the entire story in Wesley Crusher's voice.
2 people liked this


Delta Recruit Mentor Prize Draw

April 11 2015
@williamjaneway, @eurrsk, @rainbowwargames, and @pollockjaw all helped me with leveling Ellis, Corspa, Dante, and Hahku Tetrius :) without them I'd still be at level 5 trying to convince a borg im not worthy of assimilation and now I am ;D
Unknown Person liked this
Edited April 11 2015 by Frozenlily
Dave (Voleron)


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

April 11 2015
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: size
The following tags have no closing tag: hr


An Admiral's personal reflection his first official mission, which started his career.

Voleron's personal log, stardate 86998.62. Not two days out of Starfleet Academy, I'd already been promoted and awarded my late Captain's command. My stellar performance in successfully manoeuvring the pride of the fleet (the U.S.S. Miranda-Z) out of dry dock, obviously left a lasting impression on Admiral Quinn, who must have been properly astonished by my mad skillz as he undoubtedly watched on from Earth Space Dock with pride. No doubt, the celebrated departure of our ship on this all-important cadet training cruise to Vulcan, was observed by Starfleet brass, diplomats and foreign dignitaries alike. Obviously, my superior ability did not go unnoticed, as we navigated gracefully out of the Sol system, like a leaf on the wind, without so much as scratching the paint on the hull.

My lasting impression, left for the consideration of Captains and Admirals alike, obviously played a part in my quick ascent of the command chain. Soon after I allowed my Captain to be captured and murdered by the Klingons, I'd found myself relying on that initial awe-inspiring impression with the Admiralty, to thrust me into permanent command of the ship without so much as an inquiry. My greatness was known, and my career path set!

My first assignment as master of my vessel was to respond to a distress call from the S.S. Azura, which was believed to have come under heavy enemy attack. As we completed our pre-departure checklist outside of the Sol System, I noticed literally hundreds of battleships and heavily armed escort class vessels in range of the distress call, and I took a certain pride in knowing that Starfleet had selected ME, out of all of the seasoned commanders within range, to respond to this unknown threat in a 129 year old ship. This was just additional confirmation of my greatness and of the confidence that my commanders had of my abilities. This was the beginning of my path to joining the highest ranks of the Admiralty, a short five weeks later.

Not soon after arriving at the Azura's last known coordinates, we found ourselves under attack by a superior Orion force. Luckily, my many minutes of spacebar mashing training at the academy paid off, and we were easily able to destroy multiple attacking ships with only two phaser beam arrays, even with our weapon systems set to half power. It wasn't until some time after this mission that we even realized that we could re-allocate power to different ship systems, so needless to say, we were quite pleased with our decisive victory in the face of what one would have thought to be overwhelming odds.

I decided that we should board the Azura, in order to save as many crew from the distressed ship as possible. I stepped onto the transporter pad with a full away team but found myself the only one to re-materialize on the ill-fated freighter. My tricorder could see that the members of my away team were alive somewhere in the distance, but no matter how far I ran on the ship in any direction, it seemed as though they were becoming more and more distant, as though I was in some sort of hellish fun house at a carnival. Although panic initially began to set in at the thought of rescuing the entire freighter crew while fending off crowds of adversaries by myself, I soon realized that this must be a further test of my combat prowess, possibly ordered as far up the chain as Admiral Quinn himself. He probably wanted to make sure that I was a Lieutenant (Junior Grade) of many talents, and not just a good drydock departure pilot.

Committed to proving myself worthy of the Admiral's faith, I Leroy Jenkinsed my way through the rooms and corridors of the ship on my own, with nothing but a Mark nothing hand phaser. Apparently I also had a phaser rifle strapped to my back, but didn't realize until after the mission that regulations allowed me to alternate between the two weapons during combat, or that it was even there to begin with.

I encountered several groups of Orions just standing around in various parts of the ship, seemingly unphased by the critical condition of the warp core or the gravity of the looming disaster. It was as though they were completely entranced until I stepped within a few paces of them, and I can only assume that they'd interrupted their boarding operation to allow for some sort of afternoon prayer or solemn, silent reflection. Of course, I capitalized on their hesitation by murdering them all where they stood, rather than engage in tedious negotiations as per my Starfleet training.

I gallantly fought my way to the engine room where I found Captain Blott. She wanted me to stabilize the warp core, but having only attended classes on tactics during my entire four years at the Academy, I knew there was nothing at all that I could do. Once I realized that the situation was hopeless, I decided to make a break for it, back to the transporter room and get the hella off that ship. I saw several of the injured freighter crew laying on the ground and calling out for help, but I ignored their pleas and sped past them, knowing that without the benefit of any science training, there was little I could do for them... not even carry them back to the transporter pad or anything. Since my first aid training had also expired, I recognized that rendering any sort of assistance could have placed myself and Starfleet in a precarious position and may well have exposed the organization to civil litigation, so I further demonstrated my command decisiveness by committing to leave them to die in the looming explosion, a decision for which I was later praised by the legal department.

Ultimately, I happened to rescue two able-bodied crew members who must've followed me from engineering and got caught in my transporter beam as I rushed to beam back to the ship. I was kind of surprised to find them on the transporter pad with me when I beamed back, but rescuing people without ever knowing it is the mark of an excellent officer in the making.

One easily won space battle later, and my first mission as acting Captain was complete, paving my way to the Admiralty! As a reward for my efforts, I received a new set of energy resistant body armour, tailor made to my endowments by Admiral Quinn's personal tailor in Milan, as well as a monogrammed pen and pencil set!

I look back upon my first mission with pride and encourage all new Captains to seek out similar challenges that will help to shape their character as they freshly emerge out of Academy training. Five stars!
8 people liked this
Edited April 12 2015 by Voleron
Lars Zandor


Delta Recruit Mentor Prize Draw

April 11 2015
Well, I am never going to top Paladia's return (welcome back btw :woohoo: ), but @rixter1978 and @williamjaneway both helped me level up. Nothing too fancy, but I like to have the company in all those missions that I have played a lot of times already.
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Edited April 11 2015 by Lars_Zandor
Mark H


Delta Recruit Mentor Prize Draw

April 11 2015
Quote by Paladia
'If you come back we can all make clones of the same Vorta and it will be grand,' they said.

In case anyone doubts, here are four of us and a worried-looking passer-by:
6 people liked this
Adrien Camus Ratty


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

April 11 2015
This review was a thing of beauty. I no longer tire of this life.

Keep 'em coming, folks!
Adrien Camus Ratty


Delta Recruit Mentor Prize Draw

April 11 2015
@zeryon, @rasterpup, @eurrsk, @darkcreepsin

They made me come back.

'Ohhh Paladia, look, if you make an alt you'll get all this neat stuff!' they said.
'Oh but, like, life.' It was a flimsy excuse, but an excuse all the same.
'If you come back we can all make clones of the same Vorta and it will be grand,' they said.
And this is how I found myself doing the Fed tutorial mission between clients in the clinic.

I could spend a long time talking about how my fellow clonesies helped me out ingame, but suffice it to say that I wouldn't even BE ingame in the first place if it weren't for them.
3 people liked this


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

April 11 2015
to be honest I don't think it's the worst. That would have to be one of the forgettable missions in the first part of the cardassian or klingon story arcs. But Coliseum is more fun to hate.