Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Infected Space Tutorial (work in progress)

May 12 2015
This is looking really great, Andrea! :D You can also use Demo Record in game to move the camera around and take screenshots wherever you'd like in the map ^^; It's helped people many times in making machinima and tutorials.

How to use Demo Record:

1. In game chat type /demorecord insertname

For example: /demorecord infectedspace or /demorecord leroyjenkins

This will start recording :D

2. To stop recording, type /demorecordstop

This will stop your recording session!

3. Exit the game.
4. Relaunch the launcher.
5. Before hitting the ENGAGE button, click "OPTIONS" at the top.
6. Scroll down the options window and find the "Command Line" with an empty textbar below it.
7. type in -demoplay insertname
For example: -demoplay infectedspace or -demoplayleroyjenkins
8. Click save and repatch the game.
10. Once it's launched it will start playing your recorded session. To move the camera about, just Press F2, and use the the WASD Keys and Right-Mouse to move/pan the camera. :D

WARNING: If you want to play your game normally again, you'll have to make sure the Command Line text in the options is empty next time you launch the game!!
2 people liked this
Edited May 12 2015 by Eurrsk
Giacomo Scocco



May 11 2015
I've just sent a form for my V.S.S. Seleya.

I dare to say that the build I submitted is already advanced, but I'd love to receive any advice, especially how to max Particle generators and related damage generating powers.

Thank you in advance!


Salutations and Greetings from Jupiter Force

May 11 2015
howdy :)

Still haven't invented a cure for Mondays alas...but we have our best epohhs working on it...or the grass...or each other...or something :D


Salutations and Greetings from Jupiter Force

May 11 2015

Just stopping by to Check in and see whats new :)
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Andrea Maria


Infected Space Tutorial (work in progress)

May 11 2015
Thx for your offer, Gareth!

The first picture was edited with... *cough* PAINT. xD It was a test, just to see if the text is big enough (obviously not, lol).

On my other laptop I used GIMP, that´s basically Photoshop, only for free. B)
I´m going to install GIMP on this laptop as well, but first I have to install Windows 7, which I´ll get tomorrow. (I´m using currently Win 8.1 but it´s... crap and I never liked it anyway).

And no, I´m not looking forward to download / reinstall all of my billions of programs, lol.

Cheers, Andrea :)
Gareth GXV3


Infected Space Tutorial (work in progress)

May 11 2015
ooooo Looks great Andrea! cant wait to see the finished result.
Great idea to do an updated static guide, thats readaly available to the members.

If you need any help with the pictures, that Word wont let you do... Photoshop-online is a great online tool you can make use of, to put text in boxes, to really ensure it pops & to make adjustments on the contract of pictures etc.
I find it really good for quick editing when my normal photoshop isnt around :P
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Congratulations Gr_vity!

May 10 2015
eeee gratz, Milmar! :D
Andrea Maria


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

May 10 2015
Grats to all winners! Those stories were hilarious and fun to read! :)
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Dave (Voleron)


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

May 10 2015
Awe, thanks Paladia and what a fun idea to have us all get together in the forums to have some laughs! It was definitely a good time and it was entertaining to read everyone's entries!



May 10 2015
Submitted my build. Any help would be appreciated.
Adrien Camus Ratty


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

May 10 2015
Ha ha ha! Shortly... SHORTLY? Of course nothing is ever short with me, except my temper when I run out of pizza rolls. For what it's worth, it's finals.


For making me laugh, one prize goes to alex284!
For being the most accurate depiction of this game I have ever seen, one prize goes to Voleron!
And for making me want to pour another stiff drink to forget the face and voice of Jimmy K, one prize goes to coffeethrall!

Each of you gets a Master Key. After all, the prize was a SOMETHING in game. Maybe you'll get something good, maybe something that sucks.... who knows?
5 people liked this
Shawn Birch


Congratulations Gr_vity!

May 10 2015
Good lord....Get a room!
2 people liked this
Andrea Maria


Infected Space The Conduit - Guide (updated 04/14/2021)

May 10 2015


1. Defeat all Borg patrols
2. Destroy the transformers and the gateway
3. Don´t let the transformers be healed

You have 15 minutes.

Look around, talk to your team, launch your pets, get another cup of coffee, whatever. The stf won´t start until the first shot is fired.

After jumping into the map

That´s the view we´ll get.

We have three cubes directly in front of us, accompanied by a few spheres. In the background you can see a big gate, let´s just call it the middle gate. Stay away from it until the last stage begins (it´s mean, it causes damage to you. Much damage.).

At the left and right side are smaller gates (nanite transformers), below each of them are four objects (nanite generators), above each transformer are a cube and a single sphere as guards. I´ll talk about this later.

Stage 1 - Middle cube and spheres

That´s our starting point. And the real enemies aren´t the cubes. The spheres are. They can suck your shields before you can say "Oops, my shields are gone! Borg, you suck!" So try to take them out first - as fast as possible.

Stage 2 - Left side, nanite transformer and four nanite generators (that´s the tricky part of this stf)

Don´t mind the green "bubbles", they´ll be gone after stage 1.

Take out the cube and the single sphere. Try NOT to shoot one of the nanite generators too early (just fly high enough, 10.1 km above the nanite generators is perfect. :D).

The transformer can´t be damaged until the four objects (nanite generators) below it are gone. But as soon as the first nanite generator is destroyed, the following will happen:

1. More (a bunch of) spheres will spawn, directly in front of your nose. And they´ll start a) to suck your shields and b) do what Borg usually do. Nasty Borg things.

2. Nanite spheres (repair spheres) will spawn at the middle gate. And they´ll try to reach your destination, and to heal whatever you´re shooting at.

Above the transformer is the new spheres spawn and at the right side of the Scimitar are the nanite spheres, which are dangerously close to be in healing range

If they succeed (if they can heal the transformer), then the optional is lost.

Stage 3 - Right side, nanite transformer and nanite generators

It´s the same procedure as for the left side.

Stage 4 - Middle gate / tac cube

You´ve come far, fellow Captains!
You´re such a big threat to the Borg, that they were forced to call reinforcements. Which means that another tactical cube warped in while you´ve been busy on the right side!

Usually you´ll start to destroy the gate first, then the tac cube (or whatever you´ve arranged with your team). If you´re not in a high DPS group: don´t try to shoot both enemies at the same time. It´ll hurt.

Why the gate first? At this stage the tac cube should be in a position, where it´s too far away to be a threat to you, if you´re positioning yourself under the gate, at the blind spot.

Blind spot: below the gate (appr. 1 km distance), where the gate can´t hit you. That works in KASA as well.

Stage 1 - Stage 4

Destroy every enemy before you proceed to the next stage.


The 10%-rule

Shoot down every nanite generator to 10% health, then destroy all four of them simultaneously. That should buy you enough time to destroy the nanite transformer, before the repair spheres can reach it. Ignore the new spheres spawn, destroy the remaining nanite generators and then focus fire on the transformer.

Crowd Control

If a generator is destroyed too early and you don´t have the DPS to shoot down the transformer in time: use crowd control (for example Gravity Well) or other counter meassure systems (Tractor Beam Repulsors). GW will slow down the spheres, TBR will push them away from your transformer, and buy you some more time.


It´s essential, for every stf, not only for ISA. Use TS (makes lifes so much easier) or teamchat. But just talk to the people.

This stf is doable. It just requires a little communication and practice. Practice will come over time. So don´t be shy if someone asks in fleet chat to X up for ISA!

Nobody will kill or insult you if we don´t reach the optional (or Janeway will come after them! Undercaffeinated! :D). Everybody of us started as a stf-newbie at some point, so don´t worry!

And we have cookies!

Andrea :)
12 people liked this
Edited April 15 2021 by AndreaMaria
Tsar Agus


Congratulations Gr_vity!

May 10 2015

For the two years I've known you, you've been a friend, annoying yet supportive little brother, sounding board, guide, coolant agent, flame retardant, House of Cards buddy, the only guy that got my Science toon's naming convention and so much more.

For 2 years we've had high highs and low lows, sweet victories and bitter defeat through it all it's been an amazingly fun time.

I am proud of you and relieved that FINALLY after 2 years I get to do something I have been waiting 2 YEARS to do:

But seriously proud of you and I know you'll do great.
5 people liked this
Jay Eudy


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 10 2015
I submitted fed and kdf uniforms, but not romulan, I can't find anything I like with the restrictions as I understand


Congratulations Gr_vity!

May 10 2015
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Whittier Strong


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 10 2015
Good question. I thought that you can't join a fleet until at least level 5 anyway, and level 5 is dang close to level 11 when Romulans choose their faction.
Gareth GXV3


Congratulations Gr_vity!

May 10 2015
This Doff has evolved to Boff.

llongyfarchiadau mawr, Benjamin
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Jay Eudy


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 10 2015
So to be clear, romulans cannot wear the flotilla uniform or the tal shiar etc, because they are unlocked through gameplay? We are limited to things made at tutorial?
Whittier Strong


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 10 2015
Quote by calx
i hope there is a Eurovision style judging system for the entries ;)

I like this. I think I'd automatically get to represent Alaska.
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