

Blunt Talk

August 17 2015
Saw the first 2 episodes last nite, absolutely awesome. First one had a short scene with a certain white haired actor some of you may recognize, though he wasnt white haired in TNG.
Gareth GXV3


Armada Chat for the Members?

August 17 2015
Update 2

Another fine addition to our Armada is..


Nethersphere is a Fleet full of members who are Romulan players, FED alligned.
Made up of 70+ players, a glbt affirming Fleet.
They have accepted our Invite to join our Gamma Fleets, under Stonewall legion.

Nick has extended an invite for all the members of Nethersphere, to join us on Armada chat.
So when you have time, pop in Armada Chat and say hello or to maybe thow some PVE queues to anyone in our Armada.

We are still on the hunt for more to join us, and with the new additions we are growing in number.
Still we are on the look out for a great KDF Armada to join.

Again.. we would love to hear any suggestions you may have on other glbt/friendly fleets to join us.. or a home for our House of Nag reD.
6 people liked this
Edited August 17 2015 by GXV3


Guild Wars Music Medley by Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra

August 17 2015
Factions theme gives me dem feelz. :P

The Nightfall cover made me think Good Bad and Ugly. Nice Find!
Edited August 17 2015 by Carpenter


Guild Wars Music Medley by Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra

August 17 2015
Unknown Person liked this


Destiny: The Taken King

August 17 2015
Im sure there are people around who play it


Dungeon Runs

August 17 2015
Our official dungeon running day is Wednesday at 6pm EST. It doesn't matter which dungeon we run for me... I would be fine running AC until you're able to progress to other dungeons.

Destiny: The Taken King

August 17 2015
I know this is a heavily debated game, but with the new release coming out I thought I'd start a forum post about it! I'll be playing on the PS4 version so I'd love others to join! Plus we can all complain about connectivity issues and everything else!
Edited August 17 2015 by Rayne


Introducing our New Fleet Uniforms!

August 16 2015
The Create your Uniform guide has been updated to today's current uniform.

Feedback appreciated if you feel this doesn't adequately cover setting up your uniform.

This is a federation only guide currently
5 people liked this


New Fleet Uniforms Available!

August 16 2015
The Create your Uniform guide has been updated to today's current uniform.

Feedback appreciated if you feel this doesn't adequately cover setting up your uniform.

This is a federation only guide currently.
Unknown Person liked this
Sean Hall


BWE1 - Opinions and/or questions!

August 16 2015
I have a horrible feeling engi is going to be one of the last two (actually maybe even last!). I think it's going to go warrior, thief, ranger (druid), and engi! We'll see though - hopefully not too long :P
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


New Fleet Uniforms Available!

August 16 2015
Quote by calx
Quote by williamjaneway
I'll take care of it in the morning :)

can we also have some toast n OJ with that? ta muchly ;)

I second this. Now get to it, Dex. I want my breakfast :P
Unknown Person liked this


Anyone playing GW1?

August 16 2015
Im trying to get HoM points aswell! but man i feel like everythings so slow! Hard to play by myself, idk what heroes or builds to use! lol


Dungeon Runs

August 16 2015
The first dungeon is Ascalonian Catacombs at level 30. Only the party leader is tied to the instance, anyone else can drop in or out at any time.

I'd be more than happy to join as guardian or necromancer.


Anyone playing GW1?

August 16 2015
Awesome! :lol:


New Fleet Uniforms Available!

August 16 2015
Quote by williamjaneway
I'll take care of it in the morning :)

can we also have some toast n OJ with that? ta muchly ;)
Unknown Person liked this


New Fleet Uniforms Available!

August 16 2015
I'll take care of it in the morning :)
Unknown Person liked this


World of Warships

August 16 2015
Yeah the Phoenix is a very different beast to the St Louis. However you are far faster and agile. Make use of those skills and drive her like a Destroyer. Use the range of your guns and hunt Destroyers. Or use islands to sneak in close and unleash the Torps.

The Omaha is a Phoenix +1. It is useful as it has a fighter you can launch as well. But is a similar beast. Fast but fragile and need to make the shots count a lot more. BUt the guns are bigger than the St Louis so you may not fire as often, but they do more damage when they do hit.

I admittedly paid to use Xp and jumped ahead to the Cleveland. Kinda regret doing that on the NA side. The Cleveland is still not all that tough, but has a RoF only surpassed by the Atlanta.


World of Warships

August 16 2015
The problem most people have with the battleships is not getting in to medium range to use the sencondaries. Not to mention that with its damage control parties it last a really long time.
Whittier Strong


Introducing our New Fleet Uniforms!

August 16 2015
As the tailor is bugged for female Fed fleet uniforms, and we don't have the color specs copied down here, I'm going to copy that information here.

UPPER: Odyssey
Colors (in order): I1, A11/C11/F11, I1, A11/C11/F11 [Tac/Eng/Sci]

BELT: Odyssey
Colors (in order): I1, I1, H9, I1

LOWER: Loose-Odyssey
Color: I1

FEET: Shoe Odyssey
Colors: I1, I1

Hope this helps.
2 people liked this


World of Warships

August 16 2015
I did love the St. Louis and all those guns and am struggling with the Phoenix as well. It just seems so disarmed it is plain weird.

Hopping over the Battleship line though my Wyoming is not so shabby so long as you dont fire all the guns at once, i sort of got used to it with the Arkansas so wasn't a big change. I tend to try and pick fire as I move and not try to fire all guns in one go, this way I can easily keep swapping between HE and AP without the long wait times.

Be interesting to see what they have in the German line but I still want to be patriotic and go Royal Navy :P