A New Adventure
Part XII: To Rock the Cradle.
*Rip, slaughter, devour...*
*Thirst for their flesh...*
*There is no other way for survival,*
*Not here, my warriors of Purgatory...*
– Sirius Sector Block, Risa Sector, Newborn Borg Hive- “Counselor… What have they done… Good Lord…”
“Captain, I am Da’Lexian. Prince of the Borg. Resistance. Is. F U T I L E.”
“Counselor… Where-”
“Where is your Commander Reaver? He is a part of my Hive, he is one with me and my Beautiful Borg. Captain Talons… I am fond of you. You have two choices: First, allow my drones to assimilate you without a fight. Or, simply leave. Other vessels will serve to be assimilated. As I said, I am fond of you. I do not want to see your blood spilled. But do not infer my words incorrectly; I will annihilate you if you try to stop me.”
“Couns… Da’Lexian. Stop you from what?”
“Turn your small fleet around Captain. I am giving you your lives and expecting nothing in return.”
“I am afraid we cannot.”
“You intend to continue on your Death March?”
“Counselor, I swear to you that if we can rescue you and Kenneth we will do so no matter what. But we will remove this Borg infestation!”
“I am your Counselor no longer! Hear me Captain! I have become Death: Destroyer of worlds! I will wipe out all imperfections, your Federation among them! Not even the Undine can dare impede me! I shall rise above and become a horror far worse than the Iconians! Come Captain, let it begin with your first move!”
The transmission is suddenly cut and the helm is alerted to new transmissions from the fleet. Hal hurriedly manages to connect the communication link to the entire fleet. Jacien, Steven, and Twenty Four all appeared on the split screen. All three were standing on their bridge, Jacien conversing with his science staff and Twenty Four with his tactical officers. Steven however lunged directly towards the Viewscreen.
“What was that!? Tell me that wasn’t Doctor Heliree!”
Talons lowered his head, about to respond but cut off by Captain Rasilek.
“It sounded nothing like him! There must have been a mistake! Are you certain that was him!?”
“Captain Rasilek! Please!” Jacien cut in. “That was without a doubt Doctor Heliree. He has been claimed by the Borg.”
“I Trust the rest of you know what this means.” Steven spoke, his arms crossed.
“I do not understand the conundrum. He is but one man assimilated by the Borg. I must say, that given the circumstances, that a rescue attempt has too low a possibility of succeeding. Our only option is to remove the Hive, entirely.”
“Captain Twenty Four, I fear you are not up to date on latest Starfleet research. Captain Talons, will you brief us?” Jacien spoke as he took his command chair.
“Only a few within Starfleet was aware of this research. I myself was only chosen to be informed because my ship was a suitable site for the work. Doctor Heliree came aboard my ship, officially, as a counselor. However his true nature was secret. He was continuing his research into advanced weaponry and instruments. He has four projects. The first is the Hilbert Effect. The second is the Delta Assault. Those two are still within the applied theory stage. The third, the Hymn de Nephilim is already being field tested. The fourth, the DIVA System, has been completed by Heliree himself, though never applied.”
“Talons, all of these projects were to be aces against the Borg!” Stevens cut in. “Having Heliree assimilated throws all those projects out the window and gives the Borg a serious advantage against us!”
“I must point something out, Captains.” Twenty Four cut in. “Doctor Heliree is not a
normal drone. He has a self-identity, not a simple designation. He also claims to be ‘Prince of the Borg’. No such rank exists within the Borg Collective.”
“Then, you imply…” Jacien spoke as his mind ponders the situation.
“You infer correctly Captain Mandrake. Da’Lexian and his Borg, he is not connected to the collective.”
“Explain this.” Talons spoke, taking his seat.
“When your ship was attack, Captain Talons, the Borg did not follow their standard format. They were not upfront about their attack. They did not attempt to assimilate the ship or any information. Nor did they assimilate any crewmen.”
“They assimilated Narciso and Captain Talon’s XO!” Steven spoke, stating a fact.
“Having reviewed the security logs, I believe Commander Reaver was assimilated as a precaution. I believe this was a precision attack. They were only after one thing.”
“They were after the counselor!” Talons spoke surprised by the revelation.
“Correct Captain.”
“But why would the Borg only go after one person?”
“When under certain circumstances, the Borg have been known to do strange activity. If I am correct, they were after a new leader. This gathering of Borg have been cut off from the Collective in some way or another. Doctor Heliree was that leader.”
“So instead of a Queen they got a blood thirsty Prince. What a royal disaster.” Talons spoke, his head to the side thinking. “Cherrosk, what is the status of the Borg?”
“They are not moving sir.”
“They are lying in wait for us. Fine. This must end. If we’re correct, the Borg Collective does not know anything about the Heliree Projects. There is a chance that they will, we know the Borg do not allow strays. Captains, the Pallas Helena will take point! Hal, take us on these coordinates and keep the formation. Red Alert, ready all phaser arrays and torpedo bays!”
The Pallas Helena’s shields flared up and encased her body. The impulse engines flared and she lunged forward, cutting through the void of space, head first into the mass of Borg vessels. Behind the elegant odyssey are her sister ships. The armored Gran Pulse takes the right flank, her coordinates sending her on a round-about to lay heavy distracting fire. The Caelian took a position on the left flank, close and tight and ready to counter any anomalies. The Deep Sky followed in close, directly behind the Pallas Helena in a train like formation.
They hastily closed in on the waiting Borg…
– Borg Hive, Within a Queen’s Diamond. – “Look… They would rather forfeit their lives in the face of Perfection…”
“This is wrong… stop this…”“AGH! QUIET! They will be assimilated!”
“You can stop this…”“Quiet!” A tightly bounded hand suddenly punches through a monitor, shattering right through it. The hand is slowly retracted and was grabbed by a Borg medical drone, which instantly began to repair the damage. The hand belonged to the new Prince of the Borg: Da’Lexian. Who growled to himself as he watched the ships advancing in the viewscreen. “Leave us!” He shouted as he sent away the medical drone. He turned sharply, the cords connected to his scalp whipped as he did so, his body bound by plating and bindings. He jerked his shoulders and skeletal-mechanical wings sprouted out from under his flesh. The blood splattered on the consoles behind him and as they burst out he winced from the extreme pain. Soon a sick smile graced his pitch black lips and he stood in perfect posture. “I could swear that the nanites read my mind… Such a beautiful design, perfect, and coursing through my veins.” The wings were not intended for flight, they had other functions. They served as tools and instruments, allowing the manipulation of things in tandem with Da’Lexian’s hands.
The Prince of the Borg moved towards a surgical bed and began to stoke the arm of the person atop it. His dark purple eyes looked down at the body, currently halfway through surgery; the skin in several places was sliced open for implants to be inserted. “Soon you too will be perfection…” His hand rose up and he stroked the cheek of the drone-to-be. “My knight… My protector…”
The Prince began to walk out of the room but he stopped short.
“Imzadi…” He jerked his head to the side and placed his eyes on the body once more. After a moment he managed to force himself away and back into the central most room of the diamond. He looked to a large monitor and watched the Federation vessels finally come in range. “Your Death will only be the beginning.”
The Borg Spheres surrounding the small Hive suddenly began to move rapidly. They began to fire their Plasma arrays with astounding accuracy. The Spheres began to spread out, in an attempt to encircle the four ships. The Pallas Helena did not stray from her path, her forward shields were reinforced and she was determined to fight.
Captain Talons watched the spheres on his viewscreen, and took in the readings the sensors were giving. He typed hastily, writing commands to the other vessels while shouting commands to his bridge crew.
“Captain! The spheres are going after our critical systems! They know exactly where to hit!”
“We saw this coming Cherrosk! Keep the forward shields up! Marietta, Ric! Are we ready!?”
“Aye sir!” Ric’s voice could be heard through the intercom. “All personnel have been moved into position and we are ready to go!”
“Good! Be careful with that saucer Ric, she’s not got a scratch on her! Start Separation, now!” Talons shouted and as soon as his sentence was over the ship gave a jerk and started to separate. The Pallas Helena’s saucer section launched forward and sliced past a sphere, sending a relentless assault with its’ ventral phaser arrays. The Sphere, not seeing the attack coming took heavy damage. The Caelian merged in ahead of the Stardrive section of the Pallas Helena and unleased a rapid volley from its auxiliary cannons, finishing off the sphere and dodging out to its starboard and circling to the left flank once more, cutting between the Pallas Helena and the Deep Sky.
The saucer section also circled back from its’ port side and took a position behind the Caelian. The Gran Pulse suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the wall of Borg spheres and positioned itself at the epicenter of a destructive assault.
“Fire at will.” Captain Twenty Four ordered calmly as his bridge crew cheered; two disabled spheres in their wake already. The Gran Pulse lit up with a surprising display of anti-proton devastation. The beams were widespread yet aimed properly, hitting sphere and sphere and causing them to slide off their formation.
The Deep Sky passed ahead and gave a sharp turn to her starboard, flashing her broadside to the spheres and firing a massive and overloaded phaser array. Its’ arcing path hit three key spheres and cut through their weakened shields causing explosions and destroying them completely. Those elite model phaser arrays given by Stonewall were more than paying off. The Deep Sky continued to its starboard to circle around, but without warning it was hit on its primary hull by a massive force. The odyssey class vessel was slammed to the side.
“Son of a bitch! Talons, they got us with a plasma charge!”
“Understood Rasilek! You may break formation and join the Gran Pulse!”
“Gotcha! We’ll start going after the remaining spheres!”
“And the rest of us will start cutting our way through those cubes! Make haste!”
The Saucer of the Pallas Helena was the first to break past the shattered wall of spheres. It soon came face to face with a Borg cube, which stopped short while on a collision course causing the saucer to cut to port. Ric took advantage of the situation and began a focused assault with his phaser arrays and managed to tear a hole in its’ shields. A volley of photon torpedoes was fired and passed through that hole, exploding along the hull of the cube creating various hull breaches. However the cube was still active.
The cube retaliated and fired off plasma beams, directly hitting the dorsal section of the saucer. Its’ shield withstood the assault but were drastically weakened. They tried evasive maneuvers only to end up surround by three cubes.
The Caelian quickly closed in and deployed a tractor beam, grasping the saucer section and pulling it away as the three cubes each launched a volley with their plasma cannons, the maneuver allowing the saucer to just missing the massive spray.
The Gran Pulse and the Deep Sky made short work of the leftover spheres and regrouped with the others. The saucer section was reunited with the Stardrive section and the Pallas Helena was made whole. The formation was reestablished but the troupe was met with shock, the three cubes that joined the fight were tactical cubes and one was headed directly into their formation.
The cube showed no sign of slowing or stopping, forcing the Federation vessels to split randomly. The Pallas Helena, the Caelian, and the Deep Sky broke to the port while the Gran Pulse was forced to pull to the starboard. Like wolves, the tactical cubes separated their prey. The Gran Pulse was suddenly surrounded by all three tactical cubes and was smashed on all sides by the plasma cannons.
The bulkhead above Twenty Four suddenly buckled and fell down, right beside Twenty Four who did not flinch. He rose from his seat hastily and moved to a nearby operations station. “Get those plasma fires extinguished!”
“Captain, the primary hull integrity is below seventy percent! Those cubes have us pinned!”
“Divert auxiliary power to the structural integrity field!”
“Captain! The shields are failing!”
“Fire the beam arrays! Aim for their weapons systems!”
The Gran Pulse continued being bombarded but shot out a focused anti-proton beam, disabling one cube’s weapons, but the cube did not withdraw. Instead all three cubes ceased their firing and seemed to position themselves in a triangle, with the Gran Pulse at their center. The Borg diamond suddenly appeared and fired a beam at the closest tactical cube. The beam continued to a second cube and then the third which shot the beam to the first, completing a disrupting field.
A shockwave blew out from within the field, heavily damaging the Gran Pulse and hitting the other vessels, edging them away.
“Talons come in! We are in need of assistance!”
“Captain! I hear… music…”“Talons, we need immediate assistance!”
“Captain! Something’s wrong with Edgar!”“What? Edgar? STOP! That’s an order!”
On the viewscreen, a red-shirted crewman, Edgar, suddenly lunges across the bridge violently and harshly tackles a yellow-shirted female officer by a station console. He savagely beats her until blood is seen splattering on him and the surrounding equipment. Another crewman runs up and fires a phaser on Edgar, who falls to the floor. As the crewman goes to check on the female officer, another crewman barbarically jumps onto the crewman and bashes his head with a phaser rifle. A female officers’ scream is heard from somewhere off the viewscreens’ visual focus. Twenty four is seen firing his phaser before he and the other bridge officers fall to the floor, unconscious.
The viewscreen cuts off but a faint voice could be heard singing intangibly. It’s a sensation that the voice is emanating from within a persons’ own mind, and not around them.
“Talons, Are you there?”
“I’m here Jacien!”
“Rider, They’ve just deployed the Hymn de Nephilim.”
“I know…”
“We have to finish this, now.”
“Jacien, you’re ship is capable of countering this.”
“It is… The Caelian can disrupt the weapons relay, but the resounding shockwave will destroy the Gran Pulse.”
“We’ll tow it out before that can happen.”
“You can try.”
“Talons to the Deep sky, we need you to tow the Gran Pulse. Expect to be under heavy fire. We’ll try to take some heat off of you.”
“Understood, let’s get our men out of there!” Steven shouted as he ordered his bridge to be ready.
The Caelian moved back and aimed its’ deflector array towards the cubes, making sure it had enough distance to not be hit itself. The Deep Sky’s nacelles flared up and it moved forward. The Pallas Helena came up behind it and cradled itself above the Deep Sky’s nacelles, providing additional cover. Both ships moved in conjecture and made a mad dash towards the Gran Pulse. As they came close to the cubes relay beam they pulled to the starboard. The Deep Sky grabbed the Gran Pulse with a tractor beam only to be met with resistance. The Deep Sky suddenly stopped short and buckled, it’s aft jolting upwards causing its port nacelle to slam up into the ventral hull plating of the Pallas Helena.
“Gods! Brace yourselves!” Steven shouted as he grasped his command chairs’ arms to hold himself down. His bridge crew was thrown forward, some falling down the partisan arc; Steven managed to catch his Operations Officer.
The ship continued to roll, as if its anchor was lodged. The Pallas Helena was pushed upwards, the crew falling to the floor from the impact of the nacelle.
“Report!” Talons shouted as he forced himself up and back onto his chair.
“The tractor beam failed and the Deep Sky’s nacelle scrapped our secondary hull!”
“Captain, we’ve got hull breaches all along the lower decks!”
“Cherrosk, Seal them with emergency forcefields. And Hal, Turn us around and get a lock on the cubes!”
“Aye sir!... Captain! The Deep Sky is already adjusting itself! It’s going right into the shockwave’s epicenter!”
“Steven! What are you doing!? You’ll be under the effects of the Hymn de Nephilim if you go in there!”
“We won’t be in there long enough!”
“What do you plan on doing!?”
“We’re going to use repulser beams to knock them out of there! We’re too far for tractor beams to work. We’ll punch through like a bullet! It’ll Work!”
“Dammit it man, for your species, you do not like to listen do you? Good Luck!” Talons answered then inputted new commands into his arm console. “Focus fire on the nearest cube!”
The Deep Sky punched through the beam relay and was met with extreme disturbance. The ship rocked violently and the hull took extreme damage and began to buckle in some areas. Coming close to the Gran Pulse, the Deep sky used its’ deflector to send out an amplified repulser beam. The Gran Pulse was violently pushed along the Deep Sky’s path, and both punched out from within the effect zone. However once out both ships rolled and went dark.
“Talons to the Deep Sky… Steven come in!”
“Son-of-bitch…” Captain Rasilek stood up from under debris and walked while using a fallen support beam for balance. He looked around and helped his tactical officers onto their feet. “We’re here Rider… We took a beating but we’re here.”
“Can you last for now?”
“Yes, we’ll be okay so long as they don’t come after us. We’ve gotten word from the Gran Pulse, they’ve taken a serious beating. They’re worse off than us, but we’ve got it under control. Go finish this thing.”
“Copy that. Talons to the Caelian.”
“No need to tell us Rider, We’re launching counter measures now.” Jacien coordinated with his bridge crew and his deflector began to hum loudly. The Caelian fired a torpedo spread of chroniton torpedoes. Right before they came into contact with the relay beam connecting the cubes, an anti-neutrino resonance pulse was discharged from the charged deflector. The result was a massive cascading burst within the triangulated area causing a massive shockwave to spread like wildfire. The three Borg Cubes were destroyed instantly from the sheer intensity of the wave.
The Gran Pulse and the Deep Sky were protected by the blunt impact force, as the Pallas Helena placed itself as a shield. The Caelian wasn’t even spared, as the end result was greater than they predicted. They took a massive hit to their deflector, causing a power surge throughout the ship.
The final Borg Vessel, the Prince’s Diamond, was all that remained. But it stayed eerily quiet…
“Captain Talons…”
“Everyone alive?”
“Few injuries on the bridge sir.”
“Get to treating the wounded Ms. Demark. Bridge to Main Engineering.”
“Jake here sir.”
“How are we?”
“We’re dead in the water Captain. We’re trying to restore power now, we’ve got a lot of injuries down here.”
“Shit… We’re in as bad condition was the Gran Pulse and Deep Sky. Hal, hail the Caelian.”
“Jacien? Can you hear me?”
“Yes, our viewscreen is missing.” Jacien sat in his command chair, staring out into the void of space from the massive gash where his viewscreen was. He could see the other ships, looking capsized. He could also see the Borg diamond beyond debris. “We were hit directly by wreckage from a cube. We couldn't move in time.”
“We can send shuttles to you.”
“No. We've got it under control. How are you and the others?”
“We’re all dead in the water.”
“I feared that. Our systems were fried as well. Yet we can assume that the final Borg vessel is disabled as well.”
“I hope you’re right Jacien. Rider out.” Talons moved towards a nearby console and brought up the damage reports of the Pallas Helena. The results made him cringe.
“Captain… We’re being hailed…”
“Onscreen Hal.” Talons turned and faced his viewscreen. The image of Da’Lexian came on, he seemed shaken and uneasy.
“The voices…. So little voices… It seems right… but no, need chaos… need to bring order… to all…”
“Captain Talons!” Da’Lexian’s head jerks to the side and the look in his eye changes to one of pure rage. “This shall be your end!”
A violent force suddenly causes the Federation ships to shake. A pulling sensation is felt and is instantly gone as quick as it came. The crews were all knocked to the floor, the ships hulls’ began to buckle and collapse from the sudden and overwhelming force.
“Transmission from the Caelian, audio only, sir.”
“Talons! We’ve all been pulled directly near the diamond!”
“Cherrosk, confirm!?”
“Aye sir! Sensors read that we’ve been pulled right next to the Borg octahedron!”
“See Captain? I told you… I have become Death… You put up an interesting fight… But I have a compromise to finish this. Your vessels are on the verge of destruction. Mine is merely disabled. I will have weapons within two hours. But I do not want to wait.”
“Tell me, ‘Prince’, what is your proposal?”
“I shall bring you onto my Vessel. All the Captains… And we finish this without use of our technology.”
“Your proposal is invalid. You cannot be trusted.”
“Captain I can just as happily place myself on your bridges and massacre you that way…”
“Help me Captain…”“What?... I accept your proposal!” Talons shouted out. Before he could take in a breath he vanished from his bridge and appeared in a large chamber within the Borg vessel. He looked around; trying to figure out how it was that he could be there and took heed of those around him. Captain Twenty Four was kneeling down, injured and taking raspy breaths. Captain Mandrake stood beside him, and having noticed him began to assist while effectively taking in his surroundings. Captain Rasilek suddenly appeared right beside Talons, from out of thin air.
“Rider!” Steven exclaimed while taking a defensive stance.
“That was not transporter technology. My crew had managed to bring up our shields.” Jacien spoke as he helped Twenty Four to his feet.
“No… it was…”
“It was I who brought you here.” Da’Lexian walked in from the opposite side of the large chamber. He was a distance away but it was obvious that he was attached by machines to the ship; a large apparatus connected to his back and took in the connections of the cords from his skull. “We shall end this now… Imzadi…”
A heavy figure dropped down from a non-visible ceiling and landed heavily, directly before the Federation Captains. The figure stood up on his feet, revealing himself to be a highly modified heavy tactical drone. Talons, however, recognized the mutilated face instantly. “Good Lord! REAVER!?!? Narciso, how could you!?”
“Hahaha!! Dear Captain, I am Da’Lexian! And I perfected him!”
Da’Lexian was suddenly raised up high; a shielding forcefield was established around him, giving him the appearance of a roman emperor looking down on a coliseum, waiting for bloodshed.
Reaver suddenly threw a wide swing of a punch, a long blade extending out from his prosthetic arm. The blade caught Jacien on his right arm as he jumped backwards, Twenty Four braced his jump. Steven reflexively gave a kick to Reaver’s armored chest. The only recoil was on Steven, who was forced back onto his ass.
Talons jumped backwards, checking to see if Steven was alright. “Dammit! This isn’t going to work!”
“We need to stun him and get him back to one of our ships! We can restore him back to who he was!” Jacien shouted as he grasped at his belt and pulled his phaser. He fired three shots, all of them hitting Reaver directly. The small assault managed to stun Reaver for a few seconds, but he began moving again and lunged forward, grappling with Twenty Four.
“I’ve got him restrained!” Twenty Four exclaimed as he struggled. “There must be a way to disable him!”
“The only way I can think off will kill him!” Steven shouted.
“Talons! Help Twenty Four, I think I can disable him!” Jacien shouted as he ran behind Raver and began pulling at different implants. Talons tackled Reaver on his flank and helped to restrain him. Jacien continued to look over the implants but was baffled. “He’s been modified to much! I’m not sure what’s what!”
Steven came up and began to look with Jacien. “What about this?”
“No, that cord supplies energy to his upper implants, it’ll kill him!”
“What about the lower implants? Will that kill him?”
“… No, it’ll only disable his motor function…”
“Is it this cord implant!?”
“I have no idea! Rider!?”
“We have no choice! Pull it!” Talons ordered. Both Steven and Jacien grasped the implant and pulled it out with sheer force. The implant took some flesh with it, making it a gruesome procedure. Reaver fell to the ground, hard. He did not stop moving slightly however. He was still active and thus still living.

The troupe was forced to jump back as the sound of machinery racked the chamber. Da’Lexian was lowering himself down. As his feet touched the metal floor, Da’Lexian pulled forward and disconnected himself from the ship. Without speaking he ran forward and delivered a swift punch to Talons’ sternum, knocking the air right out of him and making him collapse. Not letting the others take a moment to understand what had happened, Da’Lexian gave a swift low kick to Jaciens’ legs, knocking him over as well. Steven dealt out a serious punch which caught Da’Lexian on his jaw, but he did not move an inch. His purple eyes turned and looked at Steven, they became bright and a haze appeared to come out of his eyes. His eyes narrowed and Steven felt a massive blow to his stomach, sending him flying out until he hit the wall. Without looking he ducked and dodged a punch from Twenty Four. In retaliation he suddenly whipped his head and ‘hair’ upwards, the cords slashing Twenty four on his chest and face, making him flounder backwards until he fell, deep cuts on his skin bleeding out.
Da’Lexian rolled his head and looked down at the Captains, his eyes flashing bright. He let out a sudden shout and grasped his head. The walls on the room suddenly buckled in, as if being compressed from the outside.
“Haha… That’s your perfection?”
“Quiet Talons!” Da’Lexian screamed out in excruciating pain. “I AM perfection! I AM the Borg!”
“No you are not! You are Narcissus Neves-Heliree! My ships’ counselor and an outstanding scientist!”
“Save Reaver, Captain…”“I am Borg!”
“You are NOT!”
“SILENCE!” Da’Lexian jumped and landed atop Talons, injecting his assimilation tubules into his neck. “You shall be BORG!”
“LIKE HELL!” Talons tapped his combadge. “Marietta! NOW!” The diamond suddenly jerked and shook as if hit by a massive earthquake.
“You would fire on us and destroy us all!?”
“You only have his shell! The real Narciso, would happily die, but that’s not the plan!” As he finished his sentence the entire group, Da’Lexian and Reaver included, were beamed onto their respective ships with the last two being beamed onto the Pallas Helena.
-A while later-“All ships. We are to set course to the Stonewall Fleet Starbase! I trust you’ve all made enough repairs to go to warp.”
“Don’t worry Marietta, we got them both… But we still need to find out if we can revert them back to their normal selves…”
“I know we’ll liberate them… I just know it.” Marietta continued on the repairs to the bridge, but a single tear made its’ way down her cheek.
-To Be Continued-