Lars Zandor


Nagh'reD Fleet Uniform Contest!

August 02 2019


Nagh’reD Fleet Uniform Contest!

QaleghneS, honourable warriors!

I ask you, what is the most important thing for a Klingon warrior in battle? Is it the fulfillment of bloodlust? Or maybe the screams of the petaQ’s you cut down with your bat’leth? Drinking a barrel of bloodwine with your fellow battle-siblings afterwards perhaps? Or maybe, just maybe, the pride in your Par’Mach’kai’s eyes as they fight at your side?

Well, all those things might be what makes life worth living for an honourable Klingon warrior, but none of that is possible without a proper uniform! A uniform is honour! A uniform is glory! A proper uniform shows your Par’Mach’kai that you bring honour and glory to your House!

Now, our current Fleet Uniform...

In order: Tactical, Engineering, Science

Although still good looking, is several years old. And thus we, the Department of Klingon Affairs, thought it was a fun idea to hold a contest for a new fleet uniform!

For the next two weeks (up until Saturday the 17th) all fleeties are allowed to participate by posting their submissions in this thread. Read up on Voleron's Guide to Uploading & Using Images in the Forums! for posting screenshots!
Then starting on Sunday the 18th, all fleeties can vote on their favourite submissions in a separate thread. How the voting works will be explained in the new thread. For now, let’s focus on participating!

The contest rules are:
- Only the use of the Bortasqu’ Warrior parts is allowed. Wrist Attachments, Shoulder Pads, and Collar are optional, but if you use those, only the Bortasqu’ Warrior parts are allowed here as well. The Right Hip Attachment “Klingon D’k tahg Dagger” is allowed (but optional) too.
- There need to be three variants: Tactical, Engineering, and Science. There are no rules on which colours to use - you’re only limited to the current available colour template.
- You are allowed to participate multiple times, but only your latest submission will be counted.

You are free to show off your submission however you want to. Screenshots are fine, but so is a video or a gif.

All submissions must be posted by Saturday the 17th of August at midnight (EDT timezone). This is 4 am UTC. Any submissions after this time will not be eligible for participation in the contest.

Of course there are prizes to win as well!

First Place - aside from being chosen as the official Nagh’reD Fleet Uniform, the first place winner will also win a T6 Na'Qjej-class Intel Battlecruiser!
Second Place - 5 SWC’s and a Bortasqu' Mirror Outfit!
Third Place - 4 SWC’s
Fourth Place - 3 SWC’s
Fifth Place - 2 SWC
Aside from these, there will also be given out a Warrior Mystery Package to the Third, Fourth a Fifth place!

We look forward to seeing all your submissions!


6 people liked this
Edited August 12 2019 by Lars_Zandor
Lars Zandor


May'Qep - 4 August 2019

August 02 2019
It means "battle meeting" :)
Looking forward to see you there!
Tourma Rivers


Multiplayer Games You Are Playing?

August 02 2019

Destiny 2 (PS4 atm, probably PC come October)
Dauntless (Its all the same)
Overwatch (Not much anymore.  Both PC and PS4)
MTG Arena (PC)

Probably more, but that's what sticks out.
Tourma Rivers


Any dark games?

August 02 2019
You might be interested in this game?

I backed it on Kickstarter.  It should be out this year.

May'Qep - 4 August 2019

August 02 2019
What does May'Qep actually mean? Also I will be there, may have to switch between my KDFs and Aligned.
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Kieran Kiki


May'Qep - 4 August 2019

July 31 2019
Kiki will join you with his nausican!

2 people liked this
Kieran Kiki


You can only miss someone if they go away.

July 31 2019
missed you tek!
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Edited July 31 2019 by Kierix
Patrick Aka Trick


KeyBay - STO & more giveaway Codes

July 29 2019
Not so much a giveaway as a free-with-purchase thing, but here it is:

Green Man Gaming ( has a sale where buying one "Gold" level game (the cheapest of which is around $6) gets you several incentives, one of which is an "Intel Starter Pack." Redeeming that code at gets you an Arc code for an "Intel App Pack" which includes:

Temporal Starter Pack
  • T1 Constitution
  • Temporal Battlecruiser [T6] - Paladin Class
  • TOS Ripped Uniform
  • 0718 Bridge Officer (Unlockable once per character)
  • Title: Temporal Agent

There's also a Female Federation Orion Science Bridge Officer, but that's only claimable on one character.
5 people liked this
Edited July 29 2019 by trick
Lars Zandor


May'Qep - 4 August 2019

July 28 2019

QaleghneS, fellow warriors!
Listen here!

Sharpen your bat’leths!
And calibrate your guns!

For it is time for another May’Qep!

This time, we shall invade the Voth Ground Battlezone and the Undine Space Battlezone!
For battlezones are where we Klingons belong!

So come join your siblings in battle on the Fourth of August, 18.00 UTC/14.00 EDT
at the Voth Ground Battlezone!

And as always, KDF-aligned Romulans and Jem’Hadar are welcome!

5 people liked this
Edited July 28 2019 by Lars_Zandor
Dave (Voleron)


You can only miss someone if they go away.

July 28 2019
Glad to have you back with us!! 
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Unknown Person

You can only miss someone if they go away.

July 28 2019
Hello again fleeties!

I've been away since February due to plain old game burnout, but the 217th Rule of Acquisition (you can't free a fish from water) started nagging at me so I'll start to be online a bit more. I half expected to have gotten booted out of the fleet for inactivity after that much time, but it looks like @Zander_Hawk just assumed I was cloaked and didn't notice I was actually gone for that long.  :P

I'll probably ease back into the game slowly since after 6 months I'm sure to be rusty (not to mention having the time), but I've missed STO and you all, so I will be online here & there. I've actually been jumping on for about 5 minutes a day this month to get the Risa Corvette tokens, but that's really been all.

Rather than my Ferengi main I'm most likely going to be playing my TOS "kinda-sorta-but-doesn't-really look like me IRL" toon the most to start with, since I finally got that TOS T6 Connie I've been lusting after ever since it came out, hooray! And it's not one of those JJprise or Discoprise mutants either; it's the old-school originator, not the imitators (crewed with the TOS holo-boff set, natch). I thought that Voth boat I didn't really want was never going to sell, so imagine my delight when I logged in yesterday to find a message saying that it finally had! 

Anyway I've prattled on more than Morn after a few drinks, so I'll STFU now and see you in-game!
2 people liked this
Rich Ryan


Swearing - an apology.

July 27 2019
What? Moi? Kind? Surely, you jest. 

I do not have a kind bone in my body and my feelings were surgically removed years ago, rofl.

All I did was point out a little bit of truth. And isn't truth supposed to set us free?

You're alright in my book. And I can afford to be picky about who I say that about. 
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Ian M. Walker


Swearing - an apology.

July 27 2019
Thank you, Thunder, that was very kind of you.  It made my eyes malfunction.
I shall ponder what you have said.
Rich Ryan


Swearing - an apology.

July 27 2019
Why are you apologizing for this? I see no good reason for you to do such a thing. 

This isn't on you at all. Or at least only on you. I swear. A lot. As in I have been asked upon occasion if I flush my mouth before I eat with it. Does not bother me at all to exercise a little restraint and decorum around you. I am glad to do so on your behalf. Because I benefit as well.

In fact, doing so is very good for me.

What was Colin Furth's line from Kingsman? 'Manners maketh Man.' Yeah, that is it. Great line.

Language is a precision instrument. Whether in spoken or printed form. If I rely upon F-bombs to express everything I think or feel, my thinking becomes sloppy. My emotions become one dimensional. And I become just like nearly everyone else on the internet.

One more thing: 
I get irritated when people apologize for being themselves. Regardless of how or why they became who they are. The only person in all of the human race you owe any sort of apology to is the person you look at in the mirror every morning. As long as that guy is okay with who you are, the opinions of the rest of us count for less than nothing. I cannot speak for others here, but you owe me no apology for being yourself. 

Read that stuff you posted on Discord about when your 'adult life' began. You tried to help another human being out of a bad place they went into. This makes you a force for Good on the planet. It also makes you someone I proudly respect. Most people would not even try in such a situation. You obviously made a sincere effort despite the odds against you. I may have read too much into what you posted but somehow I don't think I did. Bravo and Well Done for making an effort to bring someone back into the Light. Especially these days. When so many just walk by and then publicly condemn someone for failing to help themselves when they are unable to do so.

You go on being you. Suits you to a "T". And if anyone gives you grief about it, call me. I'll provide backup. And may God have mercy on their soul. Because I can guarantee I will not. 

"The fields of fire from the moral high ground are magnificent!"
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Edited July 28 2019 by thunderfoot1007
Ian M. Walker


Swearing - an apology.

July 26 2019

Today in therapy one of the things we delved into is my dislike of swearing/cursing.  I've always had it.  I am a tad reserved on some counts but for this, we concluded that it is a trigger to some of my childhood trauma.  

That is on me and is my problem, though, nobody else's.

So to anybody I've ever annoyed with comments about swearing on Discord or in-game, I apologise.  Whilst I would hope we don't have too much of it, I shall do my best to just ignore it from now on.

Thank you.
5 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Writing Contest: Fables of Betrayals!

July 24 2019

I've spent the last few weeks reading and re-reading all of the amazing entries for the "Fables of Betrayals" #WritingContest and want to extend my heart-felt appreciation to everyone who took part.  Every story was amazing and it's always such a challenging task to pick the top three, when each of the stories was enjoyed so thoroughly.  The writing talent in this community is absolutely out of this world and I genuinely thank everyone for their submissions.  

Since the close of the contest, each entry was scored on a scale of 1 to 10 in three different categories: detail, creativity and impact.  I read each entry multiple times to arrive at a final score, and so many entries were deserving of placing that it made picking just three beyond difficult.  Click the link below to find out who won and to read all of these amazing entries!  I hope you'll all enjoy Stonewall's amazing writing talents as much as we did!

The writers of our top three ranked entries will be contacted within the next few days to arrange for delivery of prizes!  All of our other contestants will be awarded TWO Stonewall credits, which can be redeemed for in-game loot through our Stonewall Credit Store!

4 people liked this
Edited July 24 2019 by Voleron
Adam Martin



July 23 2019
Hey, thanks for the welcome! :) 
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Dave (Voleron)



July 21 2019
Hi Adam!

This is obviously a really late reply to your hello thread and quite honestly, I'm not sure how we missed it, but: Welcome to Stonewall Fleet and to the Stonewall Gaming Network as a whole!  We're happy to have you join us and hope that you've found Stonewall to be an amazing online home for your Captain! 

We'd love for you to follow the Stonewall Gaming Network on social media through your choice of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit and invite your friends to follow us as well!  We'd also like to invite you to join our community group on Discord, where you can both voice and text chat with your Stonewall friends while in any other game or on the road!  Click the icons below for quick links to each.

Finally, be sure to interact with us here in our forums, as it's where we post about our community events, share resources and have an opportunity to interact with one another outside of the games. 

Welcome once again and I'll see you around the galaxy!

Pronouns: He/him/his

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Lars Zandor


[Processed] Newbie

July 21 2019
QaleghneS, fellow warrior!
The Department of Klingon Affairs welcomes you to Stonewall! Our Klingon fleet, House of Nagh’reD, is ready to accept your KDF and KDF-aligned characters into the battleline!
If you wish to battle alongside your KDF-siblings, there is an opportunity for that on the first Sunday of every month! The Nagh’reD May’Qep event changes each month, but all KDF and KDF-aligned characters are welcome to join us! If you wish to know more, you can find the thread for the most recent May’Qep in the “Events” section of the forum!
Admiral of Klingon Affairs