Andrea Maria


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congrats, Pollockjaw and welcome to the team! :)


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congrats Pollockjaw ;)


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 30 2015
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
So he taking over Milmar's cell...err office in the dungeons...err vaults then? :-P

I didn't know we had dungeons? Now where's my training manual for Kinky-Manoevures III :blush:
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Tsar Agus


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 30 2015
So he taking over Milmar's cell...err office in the dungeons...err vaults then? :-P

Good Luck and Congrats!
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[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 30 2015
Yay :D Welcome to the team Pollockjaw :D
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Dave (Voleron)


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 30 2015

TO: Pollockjaw
FR: Admiral Voleron
RE: Promotion to Fleet Captain

Attention to orders!

One of the great honors and privileges of being an Admiral of Stonewall Fleet is to share in the positive experience it affords others and to our community.

A founding principal of Stonewall Fleet is to seek out new forms of diversity, to spread the Federation ideals of unity and acceptance, and to boldly go where no one has gone before. As a long time Star Trek fan, I am reminded of that very simple ideal every time I watch the introduction to an episode of Star Trek the Original Series or The Next Generation. Yet for so simple a statement, it carries such significant weight; not only to our past and the present, but also to our collective future.

In any fleet or membership based group, there must come a vision - one which is guided by the decisions of senior leaders to help influence the actions of others toward a common goal. They are tasked with the welfare of the membership, including delegating such authority to those who embrace and best represent the principles of the group as a whole.

By the powers vested in me by the Admiralty of Stonewall Fleet, I hereby announce the following promotion to the rank of Fleet Captain, effective immediately and as of this date:

As a Fleet Captain, @Pollockjaw will be responsible for general Fleet Captain duties such as assisting members in game, conducting fleet invites, hosting fleet events and general forum/chat moderation just to name a few. Fleet Captains participate and assist with the day to day operations of this vast community that we all appreciate and care about.

If you are in game and need assistance, feel free to reach out to any of the Fleet Captains, or to any Admiral that may be online at that time.

Please join me in congratulating and welcoming @Pollockjaw to his new role as a Fleet Captain!

12 people liked this


Time to study maths!

March 30 2015
No i alas met plenty of those but your not meant to get both one or the other its totally a rule :P
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Time to study maths!

March 30 2015
is that where its a rule you're not meant to be horribly unattractive and horribly stupid too Ben? :P
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Time to study maths!

March 30 2015
I saw this and I can believe it some of the people i met who were studying for their PhD were horribly attractive. Its not fair your not meant to be that pretty and really intelligent its like a rule :p
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What They Left Behind

March 30 2015
Currently under "Review Content"

Title: What They Left Behind
Author: itspyros
Faction: Federation
Level Requirement: 31+
Description: The destruction of the Romulan sun spread the Romulan Star Empire across the galaxy. While the Romulans searched for a new home, thousands of people previously under their rule suddenly found themselves free from the Tal Shiar.

Lawlessness and skirmishes have become the norm in the Iota Pavonis sector block, with the Tal Shiar still operating but unable to exert the influence they once did. Starfleet has asked you to respond to a colony's distress call that raiders have attacked their settlement.

A rising threat will challenge for hold of the formerly Romulan-held area, and their methods will be brutal. Prepare for a long battle.

Author Notes: This one was fun to make. An entirely new race designed for enemies, and a custom map of a decommissioned Starfleet base along the Romulan Neutral zone. Hopefully y'all enjoy.

For screenshots, go here: Click Me!

Thanks Nick

March 30 2015
No problem Sean! Glad I could help!!
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Time to study maths!

March 30 2015
presenting your maths tutor
hot dayum :blush:
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Thanks Nick

March 30 2015
I was having a problem getting SWTOR to work after a new monitor was put in. Nick was able to send me a link to something he found, in perhaps all of a minute that solved the problem. Thanks.
2 people liked this
Stephen Douglas


Space combat in STO

March 29 2015
I have a healing-tank and I do quite well in the space combat. I like STFs with the other fleeties because my ships seems to be appreciated.

I don't do the pug PvE queues anymore.
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Rumour Has It

March 29 2015
You just broke my heart cal :'( now who wants to be the next writer for the next Star Trek lol
2 people liked this


Space combat in STO

March 29 2015
last night my neggyveggyvar only managed 1.4k DPS :blush: ....the others around 20-30k. part of the fun is learning to improve too, and the shipwright service is quite something, learnt a good few tips too!


Rumour Has It

March 29 2015
ah, these rumours are untrue alas

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Vince Librandi


Space combat in STO

March 29 2015
It is intimidating coming across some of DPSers in a queue. I know I felt that way when I did my first STF (I avoided doing queues when I first started out, fear of looking dumb I guess and I was happy playing the story content). As I moved further along I did learn bit and pieces here and there but it has taken me a good 3 1/2 years to get to this point. There is a steep learning curve in the game that it just never explains. This is one thing I hope the devs fix but till then its really the fleets that end up helping players.

The biggest damage boost you can do isn't via equipment (although it certainly helps) its via the strategy of how you fly it and what you do it certain situations to boost your damage.

So without knowing your build or how you like to fly your ship its hard for me to help via here but Ill make the offer to help just hit me up. Any ship can do it (even the space bus oddy I'm flying atm can and I'm a tac).

Don't give up there is a light at the end of the tunnel just needs a buff that's all.
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Vince Librandi


Twitch Build 3 (T4 Negh'Var) - A DPSers take

March 29 2015
Here is my take on this ship.

This ship is the perfect candidate for Aux2bat, i.e. too many engineering slots and not enough tac.

Like in the last build, grab the techs from the Btran doff mission(

and for how to run the ship go my forum post on Aux2bat here

I have the leach on here but you can replace it with another (i.e. a cheap mk xii EPS Flow Regulator or SIF console). The only reason i recommend it for a KDF toon is because it is cheap. Just buy the T3 Vandal ship and you have your leach (as a bonus you can claim it on any other KDF or ROM KDF, best $10 you can spend in game)

Hit me up for any questions
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Edited March 29 2015 by Au5513
Vince Librandi


Twitch Build 2 (T6 Presidio) - A DPSers take

March 29 2015
So here is may take on the same ship. All beams broadside your target for max damage. 2-3 kms is best but you will need to use all the healing ability's to keep up your damage resistance

Grab the techs from the Btran doff (

For how to run the ship go my forum post on Aux2bat here

This will bring down your cool downs such that you can fire APB and FAW together followed by TT

The three partgen plasma consoles are there for the DPS boost and more importantly to increase the damage from your tykens rift.

For the future of this build I would look to get a leach at some stage (and if you do add a full 9 points to flow caps) and go for the Bioneural infusion circuits and the tacyo kinetic converter (very powerful consoles) but save your way there don't get them immediately but it is a good thing to know what to aim for (replacing the rcs and the neutronium)

This build could also be done in a drake mode with a either reciprocity or a single zemok (both expensive but ill save that for another post) which would allow you to use your sci abilities without the need to time it between a2b cycles.

Any questions hit me up.
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