Cheshire McCaster


Delta Recruits Initiation Ceremony

April 02 2015
Reads this after checking how the new Romulan uniform looks on me.* Well um bugger... Have fun on Earth folks.


Delta Recruits Initiation Ceremony

April 02 2015


Delta Recruits are here and to celebrate the Membership and Morale Department will be hosting an impromptu party at Starfleet Academy shortly after the servers come back online.

Although we appreciate you will all be keen to level up your new characters we hope that you can spare some time to join us in this party spirit!

Members who join us with their Delta Recruit for this event will be offered some Very Rare Mk II equipment to assist you in your initial journey into the stars.

We estimate this party to start 2 hours after the server goes back online. This is based on the fact the initial tutorial takes approximately 1 hour to complete! Although you should be able to join us before setting off on this assignment we appreciate some of you will be too keen to delay!

Estimated uptime is 09:30am Pacific / 16:30 UTC (GMT)

Initiation Ceremony start time: 12:00pm Pacific / 19:00 UTC (GMT)

We hope to see you soon,

Cadets, Dismissed!

Admiral William Janeway
Chief of Membership Management
7 people liked this

Unknown Person

[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

April 02 2015
Congratz and welcome to the team! :cheer:
Sej @Ereiid


Is The LGBTQ Social Scene Divided By Race And Gender?

April 01 2015
I've always liked to think of Orange County as the Connecticut of the West - where the whites keep down the other whites.
Jamie O'Connell


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

April 01 2015
Congratulations! Best wishes in your new role.
Jamie O'Connell


Congratulations Axis!

April 01 2015
Congrats and good luck!


Legacy Unlocks missing?

April 01 2015
Legacy Unlocks are indeed server-wide not game wide.
Unknown Person liked this


Is The LGBTQ Social Scene Divided By Race And Gender?

April 01 2015
In San Diego and Los Angeles you'd better believe it. In Orange County ironically I've very rarely run into it as the scenes are pretty mixed.
Shawn Birch


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

April 01 2015
Quote by calx
Quote by Parker
however, I am headed off to Vulcan for a conference on [classified] so when the Cat is away, so to speak...

ooh logical party? :silly:

Yes...Logical Party...that's it.

[Parker's BF is Vulcan]
Unknown Person liked this
Edited April 01 2015 by Parker
Pnutt Buttah


Legacy Unlocks missing?

April 01 2015
I could be way, way, way wrong, but... My understanding is that legacies are server-wide, not account-wide, but paid character transfers carry over existing legacy unlocks from the previous server to the new server or something something.
Unknown Person liked this


Legacy Unlocks missing?

April 01 2015
Hey guys!

I have a strange question :P isn't legacy accross all servers? because if so im missing my legacy and legacy unlocks :P also im a prefered member if that helps :)


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Quote by Parker
however, I am headed off to Vulcan for a conference on [classified] so when the Cat is away, so to speak...

ooh logical party? :silly:
Shawn Birch


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Quote by Lars1091
So, when does his, uhhm, 'unofficial' inition start? :P

I am sure I don't quite know what you are talking about Captain...however, I am headed off to Vulcan for a conference on [classified] so when the Cat is away, so to speak...
Lars Zandor


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
So, when does his, uhhm, 'unofficial' inition start? :P
2 people liked this
Shawn Birch


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congratulations on your promotion Pollockjaw and welcome to the team!
Kidd Kasper


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congo Rats!

Edited March 31 2015 by kiddkasper


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
*Throws confetti*


Unknown Person

[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Congrats and a big welcome! :) (great intro btw!)
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
w00t! Gratz!! \o/ *big hugs*
Gareth GXV3


[Fleet Captain Promotion] @Pollockjaw

March 31 2015
Ohhh congrats Pollock!!

:woohoo: :side: