Jamie O'Connell


Re:First City Rework

April 06 2015
Speaking of new designs....if we are to keep to the storyline then no one should get to see the newer designs of ESD or Qo'noS until you reach a certain point in the story arc....sadly for fed players that means waiting a long time, but getting to enjoy the nostalgia more of the older design.

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Patton Baugh


Delta Recruitment Census

April 06 2015
Julian Currie
22 year old, Liberated Borg Drone
Starfleet Engineer

I cant wait to get my hands on that Astika Class with my Anti-proton loadout.
Whittier Strong


Delta Recruitment Census

April 06 2015
Delta Recruit
Name: Azvan
Species: Reman
Faction: RomFed
Role: Engineer
Fleet: Stonewall Legion
Kidd Kasper


Delta Recruitment Census

April 06 2015
Quote by jkusters
I made a Deltan (Alien) named Persis who is an Engineer. It's what came to mind every time I heard "Delta Recruit". Yes, I have an oddly associative mind.

That said, is there a special fleet for the Delta Recruits? Or should I just request to join Deep Space Stonewall?

With each major expansion, we get an influx of new toons. Your main should be in the main Stonewall Fleet. Any alts should be in either Deep Space Stonewall or Stonewall Legion. That being said, if you consider your Delta Recruit toon as alt, then please ask for an invite in either DSS or Legion as appropriate.
John Kusters


Delta Recruitment Census

April 05 2015
I made a Deltan (Alien) named Persis who is an Engineer. It's what came to mind every time I heard "Delta Recruit". Yes, I have an oddly associative mind.

That said, is there a special fleet for the Delta Recruits? Or should I just request to join Deep Space Stonewall?


Delta Recruits Mini-Event

April 05 2015
now that's one fully loaded gun! :woohoo:


Delta Recruits Mini-Event

April 05 2015


13 people liked this
Edited April 21 2015 by Dralthcaan
Kiera Skylar


Delta Recruitment Census

April 05 2015
well, I made a Federation Tactical officer, but I am not sticking to escorts all the time.

you can actually see my new toon and the away team in my sig here.


Delta Recruitment Census

April 05 2015
My main toon is a 150% diplomat ambassador pacifist Betazoid fed science, so I decided to make my new toon a bit different and now I have an agressive Romulan KDF engineer :) And finally I see I can inflict some damage on enemies... Even though it's lvl 18... My lvl 60 science can't do that ;)
Unknown Person liked this


Forum Signature Store!

April 04 2015
I wish cryptic would slow down on the new ships/specs so I have time to figure out what t6 ship I want.

Nice on those last 2 by the way.
Edited April 04 2015 by Seannewboy


Forum Signature Store!

April 04 2015
Once again, excellent work Dave, thanks a bundle.

Unknown Person

Delta Recruitment Census

April 04 2015
I don't mind it on the homeworld. But yeah it's bloomin filthy, and not in a good way!
Gareth GXV3


Delta Recruitment Census

April 04 2015
Quote by Gravity
You can change the UI colour on KDF side i believe if you dont like the orange.

its everywhere.. from ship interiors to ground KFC homebase or whatever they call it... its like everythings rusted .. thats what put me off. it feels dirty to me.. like everything needs a bloomin good Polish !

i said that once in chat, and someone spat at me ..


Delta Recruitment Census

April 04 2015
You can change the UI colour on KDF side i believe if you dont like the orange.

Unknown Person

Delta Recruitment Census

April 04 2015
Joined Trill-Klingon Tactical Officer....

Not sure if I'll keep it though, but I will level it all the way. I don't mind these raptors, and I love the character, but it's just that blasted orange everywhere. Ugh.

I might make a Romulan Science or engineer after levelling up the klingon. I have a feeling one of these alts might become my main. I

Delta Recruitment Census

April 04 2015
Created a Romulan Fed to put in charge of Stonewall Legion. Figured it was about time a Rommie took the top spot there instead of that lowly Andorian. :P
2 people liked this
Jamie O'Connell


Delta Recruits Initiation Ceremony

April 04 2015
Quote by SiranNataan
Tried half the day to get into game yesterday and was stuck on the loading screen.

Aww, hope your communication systems problems are fixed soon. Hope the Starbase completes it's work fast. We miss having you out there with us.
Edited April 04 2015 by medgirl1025


Delta Recruitment Census

April 04 2015
well I just wrecked the census some more... lol. I made two Delta Recruits... Fed Sci and Rom/Fed Sci. I plan to in the next couple days make a KDF likely also Sci but could only select one.
Nicole Onyxheart


Delta Recruitment Census

April 04 2015
i made a Talaxian Engineer for the KDF

and will be making a Romulan Tac aligned with the KDF as well ^^
Brian Klotz


Delta Recruitment Census

April 04 2015
Made a Caitilan Tac and a Ferasan Tac