

The Stonewall Annual Spectacular Spring Swing

April 08 2015
You should be on throughout axis :p


The Stonewall Annual Spectacular Spring Swing

April 08 2015
Quote by willjaneway
Depending on which part of Australia depends on the timezone but our resident Auz Admiral it starts 1am his time till about 10.30am

Yep not sure if I will be on for the start of the festivities but I'll give it my best (+8 GMT here in Perth, Australia).
Jamie O'Connell


6th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Meetup!

April 08 2015
I have seriously considered going this year. The real issue is having the money to go and stay in a room, plus acquiring the costume I want to wear AND then still having lots of spending money for food and niceties. I want to do the Captain's package, I just don't know if it is feesable yet.
Kiera Skylar


The Stonewall Annual Spectacular Spring Swing

April 08 2015
yeah, I'm in america, but I live with an aussie schedule mostly (wake in the afternoon, sleep around dawn)
Edited April 08 2015 by LoonShy

Unknown Person

Show us your gaming pad!

April 08 2015
Quote by SaintPlazma


It is I love it affordable and powerful
Unknown Person liked this
Shawn Birch


Show us your gaming pad!

April 08 2015
Quote by SaintPlazma

Is that the cool Alienware console computer thingy? I was looking at one of those when I bought my Area 51.

Unknown Person

Show us your gaming pad!

April 07 2015

4 people liked this


The Stonewall Annual Spectacular Spring Swing

April 07 2015
The event is covered throughout the American day, depending on what times you are usually awake you should be able to attend some of the events.

Are you in Auz??

Depending on which part of Australia depends on the timezone but our resident Auz Admiral it starts 1am his time till about 10.30am
Kiera Skylar


The Stonewall Annual Spectacular Spring Swing

April 07 2015
I hope there's some way I can either attend, or catch an "afterparty" set up for aussie time.


Show us your gaming pad!

April 07 2015
Here's my gamer pad when the pub is closed :D
I use an ASUS 2014 windows 8 :) I'm not tech savvy so there's my stats lol

Edit: please ignore my sideway image :D i tried to upload it on my iPad and it turns all images sideways...
3 people liked this
Edited April 07 2015 by Frozenlily
Shawn Birch


The Stonewall Annual Spectacular Spring Swing

April 07 2015

Coming up in a few weeks will be the Stonewall Annual Spring Event. Check out the Events Calendar for the dates and details!

6 people liked this
Edited April 07 2015 by Parker


Dragons Give Life To Gods? (Theory)

April 07 2015
Magic leaks and flows through the world, it is not without reason that the right person could absorb different types of magic and refine each on to suit their purposes/needs.

Kudos on a great theory!
Alain Rojas


Delta Recruitment Census

April 07 2015
Quote by jkusters
I made a Deltan (Alien) named Persis who is an Engineer. It's what came to mind every time I heard "Delta Recruit". Yes, I have an oddly associative mind.

I see what you did there. :)



April 06 2015
Question related to the shipwright program, what t6 would be a good fit for a Romulan KDF allied science cap? Currently the choices are just the 3 command, and the 2 dr ships, I wont be getting the new t6 dd for a bit.


6th Annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention Meetup!

April 06 2015
I am also setting myself up to go. I will be looking for a roommate, as hotel rooms are generally NOT inexpensive. Send a private message is you are looking for a roomie.

Unknown Person liked this
Alain Rojas


Delta Recruitment Census

April 06 2015
" I cant wait to get my hands on that Astika Class with my Anti-proton loadout."

That sounded dirty in my head. :blush:
Edited April 06 2015 by Ngagecloak


Delta Recruits Mini-Event

April 06 2015
Slow and steady win the race :)
Gareth GXV3


Delta Recruits Mini-Event

April 06 2015
ohh!! Ill be there! :woohoo: ill need to get my new guy up on his rep points.. (if i hit 50 by then) im slow :p
Jamie O'Connell


Show us your gaming pad!

April 06 2015
Quote by Dralthcaan
My baby is old but here are a couple pics.

OMG That box is huge! I absolutely love it. Plus the display...ohh myyy.
Edited April 08 2015 by medgirl1025
Jamie O'Connell


Re: Show us your gaming pad!

April 06 2015
Quote by Eurrsk
Gah!! Those Siberian Husky plushes are adorable!! :D

Omg soooooo cute :)

I will post mind once I get a chance to return home.
Edited April 06 2015 by medgirl1025