Did you buy a calculator to play STO, but just haven't found the right moment to whip it out? Do you find the game mechanics behind running and walking enthralling? Do you think it's too bright in here?
Then Coliseum is the mission for you. This fast-paced mission doesn't stop throwing curve-balls as Cryptic elegantly eschews traditional Western story-telling conventions like "telling you what's going on," "being interesting," and "making sense."
The mission opens with an fast-paced flurry of grade-school arithmetic. What's 2472 times 8543? Solve the problems to get the codes needed to save your ship, because someone ingeniously designed an encryption system that tells users how to hack it.
While you're calming down from the excitement of math, you'll be teleported into a coliseum where you'll have to fight in a barren arena. Before entering the arena, though, Cryptic adds another twist: you can't use those boring energy weapons or kit powers that were forced upon you in previous missions. No, it's melee combat against random animals who have no reason to fight you... or to be there at all, really.
The excitement is only increased by the lack of audience in this coliseum, the dreary decor, the music from TOS's "Amok Time" on an endless loop, and the Reman doing nothing while creepily staring at you. What mischief is your unknown jailer up to that actually requires you to fight animals in an arena? Well, you'll just have to play to find out. (*Spoiler alert* You never find out.)
The mission then takes an even more exciting turn, so players with heart conditions should be warned before playing it: you now get to pick polite responses in a breath-taking conversation with the Reman in the next cell (Slamek). Remember to pretend he actually fought in the arena; this little white lie adds to the mission's counter-cultural subtext.
Now it's back to the arena to kill monsters you already saw during the Nimbus story arc. Interestingly, you actually have to use the coliseum's own defenses against them, and their controls are conveniently located in the arena itself. Since apparently no one is going to prevent you from doing so, press F to destroy the brilliantly drawn and absolutely horrifying giant worm.
After escaping with all the other prisoners (*spoiler alert* the only other prisoner is Slamek) through a door whose controls are also conveniently located in the arena, you enter a room surrounded by sewage and chock-full of computer screens that will give you enormous blocks of text to read. You could spend hours here enraptured in back-story, but you must quickly escape the... uh, the coliseum aliens?
This is where "Coliseum" hits its groove. You're running across an enormous map with obstacles that redefine the word "fun": hide from a passing aircraft among some rocks that don't actually cover you, find herbs for Slamek because he's tired after running for 2 minutes, and collect firewood because Slamek sure as hell isn't going to help you. But mostly just enjoy the scenery; you're going to be staring at it for a while as you run across this enormous map.
Cryptic has one more trick up its sleeve at the end of Coliseum, as one of the many, many characters you interacted with in the mission betrays you. I won't tell you which, but you're in for a surprise.
Math, melee, manners, and a massive map - Cryptic shows that it still knows how to keep players on the edge of their seats.