

Reuters: Real-Life Star Trek 'Replicator' Prepares Meal in 30 Seconds

May 06 2015
4D pizza! it'll exist throughout time! yummy :woohoo:
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Jamie O'Connell


Reuters: Real-Life Star Trek 'Replicator' Prepares Meal in 30 Seconds

May 06 2015
This is an entirely awesome concept and idea. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this invention. One issue I have already is the greed factor...

"The Genie is expected to cost several hundred U.S. dollars."

~This part is reasonable.

"The team say the pods will be priced so they are comparable to a meal, snack or dessert."

~This however speculates that for materials that would be without extra ingredients -which our bodies don't need anyways - they would naturally be cheaper and as flash frozen foods tend to be and therefore would generate a drop in production costs and revenue. Now, what stands out here is the obvious market gouge in the words of the quote alone. Where is the desire to bring us closer together as humans.? Why must we focus on making something that costs less have a need to still cost the same as if it were prepared other ways? Simple...the possibility of not only greed, but also the risk of a start for destabilization of economy. Which in and of it self shows there are too many people who care more for money than humanity. I weep! If what I say is indeed correct then the pods should be marketed at a price lower then current market value and this should be a start in a global trend to eventually devalue the hold money has on people or to begin the trend of working our way towards ending the need for money in the world civilizations.

Edited for grammar.
3 people liked this
Edited May 06 2015 by medgirl1025
Jamie O'Connell


Elder Scrolls Online

May 06 2015
Kei, most people are found by the @ handle. As like in STO you will see a person's game name in the world.
Mark K


Reuters: Real-Life Star Trek 'Replicator' Prepares Meal in 30 Seconds

May 06 2015
Nice!! Pizza is the first thing I would order -- NASA knows what's up! LOL
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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Reuters: Real-Life Star Trek 'Replicator' Prepares Meal in 30 Seconds

May 06 2015
It's very cool! I know NASA has worked on a 3-D Pizza Replicator :D
2 people liked this
Mark K


Reuters: Real-Life Star Trek 'Replicator' Prepares Meal in 30 Seconds

May 06 2015
Hello Friends-Fleetmates!

Saw this today and thought it was interesting (you may have already seen it, but just in case):

The creator says The Genie was inspired by Star Trek's replicator.

Not sure if this is the right forum or if the article is worth sharing -- let me know!


Mark aka Atymnius
3 people liked this


Elder Scrolls Online

May 04 2015
HAHAHA welcome to the party :) BTW I'm still not sure how to see my name in game but I'm pretty sure my thing is @keioel
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Lars Zandor


Elder Scrolls Online

May 04 2015
After a year's worth of criticizing and condemnning this game, I have just bought a key and will see you all ingame shortly :P


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 04 2015
Quote by williamjaneway
Made my submission

Contest closed ;)

lol i'll see your closed and raise you nothing :woohoo:
Unknown Person liked this


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 04 2015
Made my submission

Contest closed ;)
Unknown Person liked this


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 04 2015
Quote by SiranNataan
Can we submit more than one set of uniforms per faction?

are you making our unis fabulous?!? :woohoo:

Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 04 2015
Quote by SiranNataan
Can we submit more than one set of uniforms per faction?

Ugh, if you keep it reasonable :P
Whittier Strong


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 04 2015
Can we submit more than one set of uniforms per faction?

Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 03 2015
Quote by calx
hmm all i have are a very cropped headshots in that folder...will it still work?

Yup, that's them!
Unknown Person liked this


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 03 2015
hmm all i have are a very cropped headshots in that folder...will it still work?
Michael Minks-Bungard


Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 03 2015
Just submitted my entry via email just moments ago.

I hope i am not too early in doing so.
Unknown Person liked this

Official Huge Fleet Uniform Contest

May 03 2015

It's time to air out your wardrobe and call in the tailors! We're updating the Fleet Uniforms! We've had out current set of Fleet Uniforms for sometime and its time to give them a refresh. This will include for the first time all three factions; Starfleet, Romulan and Klingon!

So head on over to your tailors and start experimenting! But be careful, creating Fleet Uniforms can be tricky. In STO, Fleet Uniforms can't have any locked parts. Locked parts are basically any item in the tailor that have to be unlocked through game play, the C-Store or any other means. This mainly leaves you with the default wardrobe options, so you have to be creative!

Klingon and Romulan uniforms add another level of challenge. Not everything wearable by a Romulan can be worn by a Reman and vice versa. With Klingons and all their races, it can be just a mess! Be sure to test your uniforms on multiple species, see how they look and modify where necessary. Also, we'll be excluding skirts from this years contest. They have significant issues when being included in a Fleet Uniform. Please include the three profession colors with your submission!

Once all the designs are in, we'll post screenshots to the forums for voting!

Submitting a Design

When finished modifying your design, click the save button! This will store your uniform as a file in your screenshots folder. Find that file in your screenshots folder and email it to so we can inspect it.

The file well be named something like this:


Finding the Screenshot Folder

If you're unsure where you're screenshot folder is, it can be hard to find. Try looking in some of these suggested places:

Windows XP:
C:\Program Files\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots

C:\Program Files\Perfect World Entertainment\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots

Windows Vista:
C:\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots
C:\Users\Public\Games\Perfect World Entertainment\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots

Windows 7 & 8:
C:\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots
C:\Program Files (x86)\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots

C:\Users\Public\Games\Perfect World Entertainment\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots
C:\Program Files (x86)\Perfect World Entertainment\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots
10 people liked this
Edited May 03 2015 by nicholasjohn16


Spectacular Spring Swing 2015

May 03 2015
i am going to be brushing up on my typing as well. i type pretty fast now but i couldn't believe some of the people during the event. where's mavis beacon when you need her. 1995? :-)
Unknown Person liked this
Shawn Birch


Spectacular Spring Swing 2015

May 02 2015
Quote by medgirl1025
Im so pissed I missed the Trek Trivia. I've been watching up on the episodes over and over to get ready for months now. Sigh. I'll have to wait for my ribbon a little longer. :(

Keep studying, another Trek Trivia will be coming up soon! Also I suggest you practice typing, some of the contestants type so fast it will make your head spin. (possibly I am just a really slow typist) :)
Jamie O'Connell


Spectacular Spring Swing 2015

May 02 2015
Im so pissed I missed the Trek Trivia. I've been watching up on the episodes over and over to get ready for months now. Sigh. I'll have to wait for my ribbon a little longer. :(