

Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 16 2015
Quote by medgirl1025
So much for bothering to do the event. Thanks for a big Fuck You Cryptic. I can sense that STO is starting to get made to be a game to slowly die..

yeah i've worked hard to grind enough so i didn't have to grind for the next summer and winter events (winter 2 years running!)...that's coz last winter, I spent virtually all the time running that silly run, it used to be my fave event, it was such a cool place to be with but they made it grindtastic that i didn't even spend much else doing anything else - even for summer last year i didn't even manage to do a single hoverboard race :( for once i was hoping i could enjoy this year's events as i saved all those for this very reason...just to have a proper break, but no, they decide to change the system of taxation...and 1000+ rage comments on the forum later thye finally conceded a slight change but still the grind goes on.

i remember when the Borg STFs gave out the randomness nature of it - yes it meant you had to do it forever to get all the setpieces but in a way, it was still that chance attached to it...then it turned into the holy reputation system, and one by one, it's turned into work...something i returned home from work to do...more work. there is very little fun left in this game for me now, the only thing left is you guys and the fleet...perhaps i will just ignore the grind this year, and enjoy risa properly as it was meant to be. displaying my horny horgans! :blush:


The 3rd Annual KDF Feast of Blood & Blade

May 16 2015
awesome vid!!!! :woohoo:
Unknown Person liked this


Tactical Readiness Livestream 6: Pilot Ships

May 16 2015
I'm curious to see these pilot ships myself. I've seen people flying around in sector space but not actually seen them in action.
Sej @Ereiid


Annual Membership Town Hall Meeting

May 16 2015
...we have an IRC channel?

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Unknown Person

The 3rd Annual KDF Feast of Blood & Blade

May 16 2015

Attention warriors of the Empire! The time has come once again to test your mettle and celebrate what it is to be Klingon! Join us Saturday May 30th for the House of Nagh'reD's annual Feast of Blood and Blade! Prove your prowess with the blade by participating in our bat'leth tournament. Fight alongside your fellow warriors in Fleet actions. Keep a wary out out for random Trivia in the in-game events channel and win amazing prizes! A very special thanks goes out to Admiral Voleron of the resources department for an amazing event poster and video!

(Invalid video video code)

Schedule of Events:

10AM PDT: Opening Ceremony (KDF Starbase Strength)

10:30AM PDT: Fleet Mark and Shuttle & STF Runs (Private Queues)

12:00PM PDT: Bat'leth Competition (Private Queues)

2:30PM PDT: Feast of Blood and Blade Dance Party (KDF Starbase Strength)

Prizes include lockbox ships, rare crafted items, weapons, ground and space traits.
Warriors, prepare for glory!
6 people liked this
Edited May 30 2015 by Unknown Person
Jamie O'Connell


Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 16 2015
So much for bothering to do the event. I've always been slow on gaining rep, in anything, because I cannot always make it basically it seems as if only those who can show up daily get the rewards anymore. Thanks for a big Fuck You Cryptic. This is greatly going to determine my avg playtime these days while I search for a new game. I can sense that STO is starting to get made to be a game to slowly die...Call me crazy, but I've called it in many mmorpg games prior.
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Dave (Voleron)


Annual Membership Town Hall Meeting

May 15 2015
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S T O N E W A L L ยท F L E E T

Greetings, members of Stonewall Fleet!

On Saturday, May 23, 2015, at 2:00 PM Eastern time, the Admirals of Stonewall Fleet will be hosting the community's first annual membership meeting. The meeting will take a town-hall style format and is open to ALL current members of the fleet. In this meeting, we will:

Report on the current status of the fleet and community
Have various Admirals on hand to report on their department's performance and progress
Let you know what events and services are new, planned and upcoming in the fleet
Go over some housekeeping items
Answer some of the community's pre-submitted questions (submit in this thread)
Close with a brief question and answer period

This is YOUR chance as a community member to hear about the fleet's roadmap for the future and to have your questions answered by your leadership team!

11 people liked this
Edited May 23 2015 by Voleron


Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.

May 15 2015
I only had one char who had any significant number of pearls, my Fed Tac who for some reason had 640 on in her inventory. I don't remember why I had them when only two chars needed to get 1,000 pearls for the event ships. When I traded them in, I got 2 spec points, 4 large tech upgrades, and the Live Long and Prosper emote to honor Leonard Nimoy.
Tsar Agus



May 15 2015

So I've been intrigued about this since I've hear about it any one else have any interest in this?
Unknown Person liked this


Togruta Confirmed

May 15 2015
I'd love for them to add several new races, but togruta and caitians are a good start.

And I want an Ortolan companion! I love them so much! ^____^


Togruta Confirmed

May 15 2015
Time to make my own epic Shaak-Ti! She was my favorite race in Star Wars :)
Tsar Agus


Tactical Readiness Livestream 6: Pilot Ships

May 14 2015
REMINDER: 5/16 at 4:30 PM Eastern Time

Pilot Ships are fast but maybe...too fast? They are incredibly powerful and the Pilot BOFF Abilities like Pilot ships require skill to control and use to their maximum effectiveness.

On this live streams we will break down each of the pilot ships and discuss their traits as well as their consoles. Then we'll discuss the expanded Pilot Tree and the new Pilot Abilities.

The Livestream Channel:

If you want to review and get caught up on our past livestreams they can be found at

During the Livestream we will be giving away a full set(s) of Pilot BOFF manuals (1 Pilot Qualification PADD and 1 each of the Level 3 Pilot Boff Abilities) the more people we have at the livestream the more sets we will be giving out.

The Tactical Readiness Dept have been working hard data mining, PvPing, plenty of trial and errors (more errors than anything really) and experimenting with different things. We are more than excited to bring this to you.

Chief of Tactical Readiness Department
2 people liked this


Togruta Confirmed

May 14 2015
LOL I already bought the Caitans when they became available...and still haven't made one LOL


Infected Space Tutorial (work in progress)

May 14 2015
Hey Andrea. If you need any editing help, I have photoshop on my computer now. I've been stupidly stressed lately, but if you need anything - I'm always happy to help.

(I find photo editing rather relaxing)
Unknown Person liked this
Whittier Strong


The Best of the Worst: A Mission Review Contest! (Read: Prize!!!)

May 14 2015
Congrats to all, it was a great bunch of entries.
Evangeline Wilson


Togruta Confirmed

May 14 2015
hmmm, i could extend my invite code to you (i bought a two month sub for the 12x exp bonus XD) should you ever find the time ^_^
Evangeline Wilson


Expanding Horizons?

May 14 2015
i agree that STO is a good game, but i like SWTOR better, and as i said, when i tire of them both, i hop on Aura Kingdom and Need For Speed World


Expanding Horizons?

May 14 2015
Nothing to be concerned about you are making a perfectly reasonable suggestion. We have an active group playing GW2 aswell as people playing SWTOR. However, in the past we have struggled to get new games setup and remain active as STO tends to steal all the people back after a while.


Togruta Confirmed

May 14 2015
Its awesome, just makes me regret that i simply do not have time to play SWTOR any more :(
Evangeline Wilson


Togruta Confirmed

May 14 2015
According to this forum post (which has links to proof) the Togruta race (Ahsoka Tano, Jedi Master Shaak-Ti) will be a playable race in TOR some time in the near future.

What are your thoughts on this?
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