Time to sell your pearl necklaces, darlings.
So much for bothering to do the event. Thanks for a big Fuck You Cryptic. I can sense that STO is starting to get made to be a game to slowly die..
yeah i've worked hard to grind enough so i didn't have to grind for the next summer and winter events (winter 2 years running!)...that's coz last winter, I spent virtually all the time running that silly run, it used to be my fave event, it was such a cool place to be with but they made it grindtastic that i didn't even spend much else doing anything else - even for summer last year i didn't even manage to do a single hoverboard race :( for once i was hoping i could enjoy this year's events as i saved all those for this very reason...just to have a proper break, but no, they decide to change the system of taxation...and 1000+ rage comments on the forum later thye finally conceded a slight change but still the grind goes on.
i remember when the Borg STFs gave out the randomness nature of it - yes it meant you had to do it forever to get all the setpieces but in a way, it was still that chance attached to it...then it turned into the holy reputation system, and one by one, it's turned into work...something i returned home from work to do...more work. there is very little fun left in this game for me now, the only thing left is you guys and the fleet...perhaps i will just ignore the grind this year, and enjoy risa properly as it was meant to be. displaying my horny horgans! :blush: