Kieran Kiki


Stonewall's Sompek Challenge!

August 30 2019

Honourable warriors of Nagh'reD!...Brothers and sisters of Legion...and redshirts Valued members of Stonewall fleet(s).

Captain Kiki and Admiral Trick are here to introduce to you our latest fleet event and challenge, Stonewall's Sompek Challenge!

Like years before, let us join forces in the fight against the fierce holograms without their safety protocols engaged to see who is the bravest of them all! Who can reach the highest number of rounds? Prove yourself as a warrior of Stonewall!

How will it work?
  • Between the 30th of August (from this forum post going live) and the 8th of September (closing 11:59 pm UTC) you will have the chance to fight with your fellow fleeties to show off your ground prowess and enter into the challenge by posting a screenshot on this forum post.

  • To be counted as a team you must have at least 3 members from the stonewall fleets or armada fleets (E.g. minimum yourself and 2 other fleeties)


  • You may enter as many times as you wish but only your highest score will count and win you a prize

Now we all know the real prize is the friendship we make along the way, however...
The Three teams that reach the highest rounds posted here will each win SWC to spend in our very own stonewall fleet store!
1st Place:
  • Each member of the first-place team will receive 3 SWC each!
  • Not to mention Bragging rights.

2nd Place:
  • Each member of the second-place team will receive 2 SWC each!

3rd Place:
  • Each member of the third-place team will receive 1 SWC each!

I hope to see you all in game soon!
Myself and Trick will be around to help as backup for teams during the event but don’t worry the glory will be all yours and we won’t take any SWC from the event! (We are just more excited to see how high we can all go!)
8 people liked this
Edited August 30 2019 by Kierix


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 30 2019
Day 10
In the Pale Moonlight - Sisko

A rather controversial decision...
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30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 30 2019
Day 31

Galaxy Quest is truly lovely
I have a little bag of it, which despite it being ripped (like Kirk's shirt) I still use to this day :)
Unknown Person liked this


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 30 2019
Day 30
TOS - without this, no other would be
TNG - grew up with this one
DS9 - well, the pew pew was actiony and fun right?
VOY - sweet sweet Harry, n the Doc n 7!
ENT - hated the first few seasons n then it got cancelled just as it was getting good
DIS - hating the first few seasons n waiting to see before passing final judgement
2 people liked this


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 30 2019
Day 1
Well. let's see...Who Mourns for Adonais - Apollo oh my gods!
then there's the Doomsday Machine - for the tragedy of Decker
and Mirror Mirror of course too - a reflection of what could be
also Journey to Babel - for awesome Sarek and Amanda
Let that be your last Battlefield - the futility of war.

but most of all, all those where Kirk got his shirt ripped, torn and bare-chested...which turned me gay!!!
2 people liked this
Edited August 30 2019 by calx
Gareth GXV3


Nagh'reD Fleet Uniform Contest - Time to vote!

August 29 2019
G / A / B

Good luck designers!

3 people liked this
Ted Hembach


Nagh'reD Fleet Uniform Contest - Time to vote!

August 27 2019
Uh, thats a tough decision. I like all entries, very good uniforms that are presented here. Nevertheless, my choices are:


Thanks to all participants, voters and the organization team. Qapla!
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Christopher Hearn


Nagh'reD Fleet Uniform Contest - Time to vote!

August 27 2019
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Joey Holweger


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 27 2019
Not even the Enterprise episodes with Romulans?
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Unknown Person

30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 27 2019
My favorite TOS episode: The Cage
My favorite Federation Race: Trill
My favorite Starship: U.S.S. Voyager 
Best Captain: Janway
My favorite TNG episode: Disaster 
Enemy: Fallen Star Fleet officers
Saddest event: The death  of the Doctors daughter 
Most shocking: Janeway and Noah Lessing... I mean  I'd do it.
Desired Crew Position: CMO
Disliked Crew Position:Yomen
Favorite DS9 Episode: In the Pale Moonlight 
Favorite Time Travel: End Game 
Best First Officer: Kira
Favorite Trek Game: Velocity
Favorite Trek Novel: TNG Masks 
Favorite Non-Aligned Race: Romulans 
My favorite Voyager Episode: Year of Hell or Scientific Method 
Favorite character: Janeway/Sisko I get  them 
Least favorite character: Archer he's  just stupid.
Favorite Star Trek Film: Nemesis 
Best Star Trek  Tech: Replicators 
BOSV: Nemesis Warbird 
Favorite Enterprise episode: eww
Planet I would like to see: Romulus 
Who would I date: Bashir 
Starship name: Enjolras or Righteous 
Favorite Trek Series: Voyager 
6 people liked this
Joey Holweger


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 26 2019
You are not a Herbert.
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30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 26 2019
This was so much fun to think of all the answers! Great idea, I really enjoyed this. Here are my answers:

1. favourite TOS: The Way To Eden
2. favourite fed species: Risians
3. favourite starship: Gomtuu
4. best captain: Kathryn Janeway
5. saddest event: when Tuvix dies
6. happiest event: end of Star Trek IV when everyone is in the ocean around the warbird
7. favourite TNG: Who Watches The Watchers and Angel One (for Rikers speech about how change towards equality will not be stopped)
8. favourite fed enemy: Section 31
9. favourite character: B'Elanna Torres
10. most shocking moment: when Janeway kills Tuvix. And when the Archer Enterprise does not help the cogenitor.
11. I would like to be a holo programmer at Jupiter Station.
12. I would not want any combat related stuff.
13. favourite DS9: Bar Association
14. best timetravel: VOY Relativity (or Star Trek IV but that's a movie, not an episode...)
15. best first officer: Leonard Nimoy Spock
16. favourite game: altonian brain teaser (what Dax plays in DS9 S1E2)
17. favourite novel: vulcans forge
18. favourite non-aligned: the Q continuum
19. favourite VOY: Blood Fever
20. I think I'm a bit like Reginald Barclay.
21. least favourite character: Ash Tyler. And before STD existed, Archer.
22. favourite movie: Star Trek IV
23. best tech: replicators! feed the universe!
24. best spacevessel: USS Relativity
25. favourite ENT: none
26. I wanna visit Risa!
27. the date question, well... Tom Paris, B'Elanna Torres, TOS Uhura, TOS Spock, Tasha Yar, Guinan, Sonya Gomez.
28. USS Encouragement
29. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.
30. favourite series: Star Trek Voyager
31. parody: the movie galaxy quest
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Ted Hembach


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 26 2019
  1. My favorite TOS episode is 'Let That Be Your Last Battlefield'.
  2. My favorite Federation Race are the Betazoids. No war at all, no lies, and naked weddings.
  3. My favorite Starship is the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 - no bloody A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J !
  4. Best Captain: Jean-Luc Picard, but only because he has so many episodes. If it would be only one episode it would be Rachel Garret.
  5. :-( event: The re-programming of Soren.
  6. :-) event: Neelix taking his first bath on Voyager.
  7. My favorite TNG episode is 'Emergence'.
  8. Enemy: Borg - Resistance is futile.
  9. There are so many (...e.g. Uhura) - but I pick Rom as my favorite Character.
  10. Most shocking: Archer torturing Prisoners in the brig - that's so NOT Star Trek.
  11. Desired Crew Position: Waiter in 10forward.
  12. Disliked Crew Position: Anything on Deck 15.
  13. Favorite DS9 Episode: 'Captive Pursuit'.
  14. Favorite Time Travel: Trials and Tribble-ations.
  15. Best First Officer: William Thomas Riker.
  16. Favorite Trek Game: Fizzbin! (but only on Thursdays while the STO maintenance).
  17. Favorite Trek Novel: The Tears of the Singers by Melinda Snodgrass.
  18. Favorite Non-Aligned Race: Organian.
  19. My favorite Voyager Episode: 'Distant Origin'.
  20. I think I'm most comparable with Tal Celes.
  21. My least favorite Character is Captain Jonathan Archer, by far.
  22. My favorite Star Trek Film is 'The Undiscovered Country'.
  23. If I would be serious, I would say 'Warp-Engine'. But I'm not, so I say 'Holodecks'!
  24. BOSV: Yonada.
  25. Favorite Enterprise episode: 'Acquisiton'.
  26. Planet I would like to see: Risa.
  27. Hm, who would I date? Perhaps Robin Lefler. Or Data.
  28. If I would own a Starship, the name would be 'Destiny'.
  29. "There is coffee in that nebula".
  30. My favorite Trek Series is Star Trek Next Generation. A lot of episodes, a lot of good thoughts. Always worth to watch.
  31. My favorite Trek parody: I also think its 'Where no fan has gone before' from Futurama, but that was already mentioned, so I pick these:

Simpsons E10 S26
Stargate SG1
All about that Borg (song)
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Lars Zandor


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 26 2019
1. I think I have only seen The Cage of TOS, so that one. It sticks with me the most anyhow.
2. Andorians. They're like the Klingons of the Federation, and like the cold (like me!)
3. Voyager. It was a pleasant atmosphere, akin to a village (unlike the Enterprise D, which was more comparable to a city)
4. Janeway, she tried her best to hold up Federation values in an impossible situation, and although she did not always manage to do so, she generally did her job damn well. Also, Voyager was on tv a lot in the years after my mom died. Looking back on that time, although I wasn't really depressed or anything back then, watching Voyager certainly was one of the highlights of every day life for me and subconsciously did help me through that loss (as did TNG btw), so although not my favourite series, that ship does have a special spot in my heart.
5. Naomi Wildman fearing for her mother's life. There were more children who lost a parent in the series, but they were usually just there for one episode, or it was something of the past. Naomi Wildman was more of an established character.
6. This is a hard one. I think when Leeta decided she wanted a relationship with Rom. Always having had a very negative self-image, that kinda gave me... well, not hope, since I know it's just a script and not real, but it was nice to see. You go, Rom!
7. Measure of a Man, I think. It has everything I love about TNG. Moral questions, Data researching his humanity, and an epic Picard-speech.
8. The Dominion. Aside from the awesome battle-scenes the Dominion War provided, they were also so incredibly different from the Federation. There are no similarities, they are different and you don't belong to them, so you either wage war until you surrender, or die. Of course, he different solution was found, but it was not by finding similarities and building on those that the peace was gained.
9. Garak and Martok share this spot. Both are awesome, in different ways.
10. Dukat killing Jadzia. She was a main character for almost six full seasons already. I just did not expect that. Tasha was only there for one season, so that impact wasn't as big, and Kes I was more annoyed at - I wanted more episodes of her, and I wanted to see her interact more often with Seven. But Jadzia, that was just, you know, properly shocking to me.
11. Transporter room operator. Having my own spot, doing my own thing, making sure everything there is up to specs, and still being able to see most of the interesting stuff going on.
12. Captain. I'd so mess up important things. I would probably start a war with the Tholians for accidentally offending them or something.
13. In the Pale Moonlight. Moral dilemmas, Garak being Garak, Romulans dying, Sisko being badass, what more could one ask for, really? Seriously though, this episode is awesome.
14. Don't really have one, I think. If I really had to choose, Voyager's last episode, if Admiral Janeway going back in time to get Voyager back home earlier counts.
15. Kira. She was in a very odd situation. She belong to one organisation, her commanding officer is from a completely different organisation, and on top of that, said commanding officer holds a place of religious importance on her homeworld, who she wants to serve from a religious position, but has to serve from a military position. She had to balance all that, plus that she undoubtedly has mental issues from fighting to free her homeplanet all her life and gets sucked into a new war (in which she both fights and assists her former oppressors), and still managed to do her job properly. Also, two of her boyfriends died and the third one was a collaborator for a little bit, and then had to leave to do his part in gaining peace. So yeah, Kira is the best First Officer. Fight me.
16. Does it need saying? I currently have 9765 hours in STO, so that one, I guess.
17. I'm not much of a reader, so can't really answer this one.
18. Klingons, of course. They're the metalheads of Star Trek.
19. At first I wanted to say Author Author, since it's in the same vein as TNG's Measure of a Man, but I think I'll go for Shattered instead. It's one of the later episodes where Chakotay gets to shine (he's awesome and really did not get enough episodes centered on him as the series progressed), and it showed Voyager in different eras of their journey, with some nice throwbacks.
20. Morn. I never shut up!
21. Neelix, I think. He's not a bad character, just the most annoying, more so than Quark even.
22. Don't really have a favourite trek film. I'm more focussed on the series.
23. Replicator. Any kind of food I'd want while having to do only the bare minimum amount of effort for it! How great is that?! I would get fat so fast if I had one.
24. Voyager. It was able to survive pretty damn well for multiple years away from Federation territory.
25. Don't really have a favourite ENT episode, I think. Two come to mind currently. The one where Tucker got pregnant, and the one where Porthos was sick. So one of those, probably.
26. Bajor. It seems like such a tranquil place (when there is not being fought anyway). I can imagine why Sisko was planning to live there.
27. No one. I wouldn't date anyone who's taste in men is so bad they'd go for me. :P Nah, just kidding, I just don't know.
28. I.K.S. PltSa'Chab - because, pizza. 'Nuff said.
29. Kinda stereotypical, but "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life." Mostly because it's such a good thing to keep in mind.
30. DS9. Awesome battle scenes, and lots of Klingons.
31. Haven't really seen any Star Trek parodies, so I'll go for my favourite Discovery character instead. Which is L'rell. She's not only awesome, she's hot as well, and her outfit in Such Sweet Sorrow is epic!
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Kevin Van Eeten


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 26 2019
Ooh, Judgement Rites! I loved that game too!
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Joey Holweger


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 26 2019
Oh Ensign Connor was a dream he was 3rd on my list.  And Spock was my favorite growing up mostly cause I only got to see the original cause TNG wasn't being aired in my area at a time I could watch.
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Dave (Voleron)


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 26 2019
Some nice choices there, @Jspectre!  A fan of Spock, I see!  Here are my own choices:

1. The Corbomite Maneuver
2. Andorians
3. Nebula class
4. Captain Georgiou
5. Spock's death
6. Picard joining the crew for Poker at the end of All Good Things
7. All Good Things
8. Romulans
9. Weyoun
10. Janeway killing Tuvix
11. First officer
12. Transporter officer?
13. The Siege of AR-558
14. The Sound of her Voice
15. Chakotay
16. Star Trek: Judgement Rites
17. Haven't read any recently!
18. Vorta
19. Counterpoint
20. Chakotay
21. Barclay
22. The Motion Picture
23. Umm, starships
24. Prometheus class
25. North Star
26. B'aku (just to deal with a crowsfoot or two)
27. Ensign Connor
28. USS Tycho
29. "It's easy to cling to principles when you're standing on a vessel with its bulkheads intact, manned by a crew that's not starving" -- Cpt. Ransom
30. For me, Trek is a tapestry of every series.  I've watched TOS reruns the most, but I love the moral plays of TNG, DS9 and VOY.  Love Enterprise for the return to exploration and Discovery for capturing my imagination and giving me something new to think about and enjoy!
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Lars Zandor


May'Qep - 1 September 2019

August 26 2019

Listen here, warriors of Nagh'reD! It is soon time for another May'Qep - a battlemeeting of the finest warriors of the Klingon Empire and their allies! Come join us on the Nagh'reD Starbase at 18.00 UTC/14.00 EDT!

What glorious battles await us?!

We will start with announcing the winners of the Nagh'reD Fleet Uniform Contest! (prizes will be send to the winners the following day)

If you have not voted yet, do so now in the voting thread!

After that, we will dive into Random Advanced TFO's! Let's get those marks!


5 people liked this
Edited August 26 2019 by Lars_Zandor
Kevin Van Eeten


30 Star Trek question challenge!

August 26 2019
1. Balance of Terror
2. Betazoids
3. USS Phoenix (or any other Nebula class)
4. Picard
5. Tasha Yar's death
6. Voyager's return home
7. The Inner Light
8. Romulans
9. Lwaxana Troi
10. Discovery spoiler:

11. Morale Officer
12. Security Officer
13. In the Pale Moonlight
14. VOY: Endgame
15. Riker
16. STO
17. Rihannsu
18. The Q Continuum
19. Scorpion
20. Lwaxana Troi
21. Rom
22. Nemesis
23. Transporter
24. The Oberth class
25. Babel One, United, the Aenar - Joey was allowed to name one three-episode arc too
26. Risa
27. The outrageous Okona
28. USS Peter Parker
29 Q: "It's not safe out there. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it is not for the timid!"
30. Discovery
31. Pigs in Space
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Edited August 26 2019 by Chipz416