Greetings mighty warriors! A few words on the upcoming cross-faction Grand Melee competition. In addition to the grand prize fit for an Emperor, the winner of the competition will also hold the rank of House Champion with all the rights and privileges thereto.
In the interests of fairness we are requiring all participants to utilize the same armor for this event, the mk. IX Polyalloy Weave Armor.
Check out this link on how to become a master at wielding your weapon of choice to its fullest with with this handy
melee guide.
You may use any ground melee weapon you like, whether it be a Tholian sword, Lirpa, Bat'leth or Ferengi energy whip.
IX Polyalloy weave Armor which can be purchased at:
KDF academy: from Lt B'eora: Bat 1722ec, PA 3960ec
First City: from Lt B'eora: Bat 1722ec, PA 3960ec
Ganalda Station: from Bekk Tok: Bat 1722ec, PA 3960ec
Deep Space 9: from Armorer Zentan: PA 3960ec
-Open hand combat is allowed. (it's faster than wielding a weapon and better on the debuffs but does less damage.
-NO kits, shields, hypos, tribbles or other weapons can be loaded or utilized. No set bonuses from gear like the Maco or KHG ect..
-No using captain abilities but you may slot as many non-projectile ground traits as you like. Reputation abilities like Medical Nanite Cloud and Defiance are not permitted.
If it becomes apparent one has been used, warrior will be disqualified and dishonored.
Species specific trait powers such as melee-based/physical damage attacks like Ferasan Pounce are permitted however abilities like Liberated Borg Neural Blast, Orion Female Pheromones, ect.. would be off limits. The same would go for innate abilities like Nanite Health Monitor and Tactical Team. Each match would be a fight to the death and a referee would then rez you once the match is over. There will be medical generators at opposite corners of the challenge floor where participants may go to be healed once their respective matches are over and before beginning new ones. Or you can always respawn and make your way back to the challenge floor on the PvP map.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.