Chris Hatfield


Stonewall Times...Dec issue

May 28 2015
Wow this is terrific! I'm amazed at the efforts that went into this! Well done everyone!
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Kiera Skylar


KDF Uniform Voting

May 28 2015
C, F, or E are my preferences.
Dave (Voleron)


KDF Uniform Voting

May 28 2015
Interesting combinations! My vote is:

F, A, C

Romulan Uniform Voting

May 28 2015
Unfortunately, while we received several designs for Romulan uniforms, all of them were based off of locked parts that can't be used in Fleet Uniforms.

After reviewing the Romulan clothing options, its easy to see why. They have very few basic options that are unlocked and any of the more stylistic options are locked and often faction specific.

We'll have to review and revise our uniform guidelines soon to select an appropriate uniform for our Romulan friends. If you have any questions about your uniform submissions, please feel free to contact me directly.

KDF Uniform Voting

May 28 2015
The uniforms have been tailed, submitted, checked and are now ready for voting! Below you'll find the uniforms for Klingon Defense Force characters. To vote, reply below with the letter for your three favorite uniforms. To vote, reply below with the letter for your three favorite uniforms. For example, to vote for the first three uniforms, reply with "ABC".

Some uniforms don't include profession specific options.






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Starfleet Uniform Voting

May 28 2015
The uniforms have been tailed, submitted, checked and are now ready for voting! Below you'll find the uniforms for Starfleet characters. To vote, reply below with the letter for your three favorite uniforms. For example, to vote for the first three uniforms, reply with "ABC".

Some screenshots may or may not include rank pips and combadages. Please don't use these to base your opinion on the uniforms. On all Fleet Uniforms, you can use pips and whatever combadge you like.









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apps ive done

May 28 2015
Thanks, for these it was c++, jni, objective-c,and java mostly but I know as3, php, html5, css, and I could be here for days :P

apps ive done

May 28 2015
Looks nice!

What languages do you know?
Unknown Person liked this


apps ive done

May 28 2015
Hey guys got some apps I've done please let me know what you think some wont be out till friday where you are for google and for ios
PLEASE I want your feedback and what not!
Sej @Ereiid


Delta Recruit Mentor Prize Draw

May 28 2015
I'd like to nominate Divine@JohnWaters for teaching me that the only thing standing between me and 70K+ DPS are a pair of cha-cha heels for Christmas.

(Invalid video video code)
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Edited May 28 2015 by Ereiid
Jay Eudy


The 3rd Annual KDF Feast of Blood & Blade

May 28 2015
To be clear, we can use whatever mark and quality melee weapon we want?


Delta Recruit Mentor Prize Draw

May 28 2015
This is a bump on this for any last minute entries i will be doing the draw at the end of this week, bit later than anticipated but my birthday interupted me :P

So who helped you out with your delta recruits do we have any fleet MVPs who deserve some recognition, get posting here for them to have a chance to win :)
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

The 3rd Annual KDF Feast of Blood & Blade

May 27 2015
Also, please RSVP in the resoundingly affirmative if you're planning to take part in any of Saturday's events here.
Unknown Person liked this
Andrea Maria


The 3rd Annual KDF Feast of Blood & Blade

May 27 2015
Quote by calx
awesome vid!!!! :woohoo:

Agreed! :)

Thanks to Jacien and everybody who´s involved in organizing this event. Great job!

And the rules are more than fair.

Cheers, Andrea
2 people liked this
Edited May 27 2015 by AndreaMaria

Unknown Person

The 3rd Annual KDF Feast of Blood & Blade

May 27 2015
Greetings mighty warriors! A few words on the upcoming cross-faction Grand Melee competition. In addition to the grand prize fit for an Emperor, the winner of the competition will also hold the rank of House Champion with all the rights and privileges thereto.

In the interests of fairness we are requiring all participants to utilize the same armor for this event, the mk. IX Polyalloy Weave Armor.

Check out this link on how to become a master at wielding your weapon of choice to its fullest with with this handy melee guide.


You may use any ground melee weapon you like, whether it be a Tholian sword, Lirpa, Bat'leth or Ferengi energy whip.

IX Polyalloy weave Armor which can be purchased at:

KDF academy: from Lt B'eora: Bat 1722ec, PA 3960ec
First City: from Lt B'eora: Bat 1722ec, PA 3960ec
Ganalda Station: from Bekk Tok: Bat 1722ec, PA 3960ec
Deep Space 9: from Armorer Zentan: PA 3960ec

-Open hand combat is allowed. (it's faster than wielding a weapon and better on the debuffs but does less damage.

-NO kits, shields, hypos, tribbles or other weapons can be loaded or utilized. No set bonuses from gear like the Maco or KHG ect..

-No using captain abilities but you may slot as many non-projectile ground traits as you like. Reputation abilities like Medical Nanite Cloud and Defiance are not permitted.

If it becomes apparent one has been used, warrior will be disqualified and dishonored.

Species specific trait powers such as melee-based/physical damage attacks like Ferasan Pounce are permitted however abilities like Liberated Borg Neural Blast, Orion Female Pheromones, ect.. would be off limits. The same would go for innate abilities like Nanite Health Monitor and Tactical Team. Each match would be a fight to the death and a referee would then rez you once the match is over. There will be medical generators at opposite corners of the challenge floor where participants may go to be healed once their respective matches are over and before beginning new ones. Or you can always respawn and make your way back to the challenge floor on the PvP map.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
3 people liked this
Edited May 30 2015 by Unknown Person


Dungeon Runs

May 27 2015
This is the site I've been using to model my Ele. It lists some meta class/team builds:
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Thomas Jowett



May 27 2015
Hi, I have submitted a form and put my build here...

Looking for a Sci in a Sci ship Torpedo Build advice.


Dungeon Runs

May 26 2015
Sounds good! I think I'll go with Mesmer or Guardian, I'll have to look up PvE meta builds
John Neilson


X needs an Invite

May 25 2015
Thanks - after a day or so though I think it would be better for me to use the EU based servers rather than west coast US. When I am on Harbinger I'm running at 175-205 ping time and when I am on the EU servers its 15-30.

I will however have a character on Harbinger also but have to start over as I think it would be better (for me) to try a jedi knight this time and one that likes the dark side. As I'm a subscriber I'm getting this insane gazillion times xp buff for story quests which means I can outlevel other content pretty past (on starter planets anyway).

Once I have the character named, created and hiding his dark side traits right under the noses of the jedi I will wing out a chat check for folks online.

Thanks :)


Hilarious in game bugs.

May 25 2015
Guess the Borg really wanted to assimilate your ship.

The most common one I keep seeing is an allied ship during a mission will get stuck inside of an object (asteroid, another ship, etc) while turning and won't be able to fire.