Ohhh Ive not noticed this!
Well id like to nominate a few peoples.. for helping me through leveling.
But not just through the delta recruit event, but from when I fist joined.
I'll start with
Ryan, @wsstks.Not only through the new delta recruits.. but from when I first joined the fleet.. I was a newb .. a bad one at that. I joined STO.. and it was rather like someone had thrown me into a barrel of nuts and bolts, and was ordered to make a ship out of them.. I had no clue!
..but I made a lovely rainbow beam boat!!
He befriended me and guided me through the inner workings, taught me what works well with what, what makes things boosted, taught me about skill allocation.
Guided me through the STFs.
he was my savior when starting out as a fresh faced recruit at the start on my STO experience.. and having to grind through missions again through the new DR made it more funner.
and hes been my wingman ever since, in and out of game.
Miss Andrea Coffee-lips, @chemistryset.The link queen, who has supplied me with a number of links to get a better build, to monitor my DPS.. and supplied me with a few goodies that are quite valuable.
(to which i still will pay you back :) )
Shes always on chat to lend a hand with anything, especially PVE runs to help grind for rep marks, or to help with a mission or two.
Sir Joseph Fritzl @knightchucky.When I was left alone crying and bored he befriended me, which is not hard to be his friend because hes a nice lad.. he again helped me with a ship build for a class i was unfamiliar with. He created a build on that fancy ST academy ship build.. and shared the link with me, included a heap of notes that guided me on how to actually FLY my new ship in battle, rather than me just hitting space bar.
Though some of the consoles I didnt own.. it was fun to grind for them, He inspired me to set goals.. for certain consoles and special items.
I guess not having it all handed to me on a plate was a good thing, as when grinding for these certain items helped my game play and a learned even more through that process.
His help & friendship has been invaluable.
Ive just hit 15k DPS.. and its in thanks to the people mentioned, for their guidance. whoop!
As well as the 3 listed above.. a LOT of the fleet has helped me.. in chat or on TS, just taking part in a chat has taught me a few secrets and tips.
So its always good to chat in chat or pop on teamspeak now and then, make friends! learn from each other.