Starfleet Uniform Voting
I know I'm a new member, but I like "I".
Many will soon find the littleicon in their task trays. The long and short of it is that Microsoft is offering a free upgrade to Windows 10 for anyone that has a "genuine" version of Windows 7 (with SP1) or Windows 8.1 as long as you reserve your copy within the first year.
It won't include things like Windows Media Center and Minesweeper. Also, you'll have to use a 3rd party program to watch DVDs. Getting the upgrade free is a nice deal. But adopting it right out of the gate exposes you to the flaws that have yet to be fixed. Also on Windows 10 Home edition, you don't have an option about updates, they're automatic.
I'm curious as to the communities thoughts on this one.
aghh its just appeared on my task bar!!
I dunno what to do.. ive only just got this new pc, and im liking windows 8.1... i shall have to research this more