Zander Hawk


The Office of Membership Management

September 16 2019
Monthly Comparisons
Number of Active Characters (Toons) in-game (PC and Consoles)

Have a great day!

Admiral and Chief of Membership Management
Stonewall PS4 & XB1 Fleet Administrator

Department of Membership Management

Discord: Zander Hawk#8659
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Edited September 16 2019 by Zander_Hawk

KeyBay - STO & more giveaway Codes

September 13 2019
Endless Space is great :D I'd' be down to play it with folks
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


KeyBay - STO & more giveaway Codes

September 13 2019
FREE complete game- Endless Space : collection
Steam Key

Via Humble Bundle
While stocks last (can you get stocks for digital?) Offer closes Tomorrow (24 hours from the time of posting this)

"Endless Space is a turn-based 4X strategy game, covering the space colonization age in the Endless universe, where you can control every aspect of your civilization as you strive for galactic domination."

Link to get key:



Star Trek Online: Awakening - BOFF & Ship pack
Via Steelseries
  • Klingon Ferengi Engineering Bridge Officer
  • B’Rotlh Bird of Prey Ship

Link to Get Key (found by Lars??) :

3 people liked this
Edited September 13 2019 by GXV3


Stonewall's Sompek Challenge!

September 13 2019
yes this is almost like overwatch!
u do have to apply teamwork, in conjuction with your gear and skills and equipment slots
but it's so satisfying and exhausting at the same time :)
Unknown Person liked this


30 Star Trek question challenge!

September 13 2019
Day 29

i have been and always shall be your friend

the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many

i think it's in alameda?

what does god need with a starship?

So dis is goodbye...

Who fired that phaser?!?

to boldy go where no man...where no one...has gone before
Dana Depew


KeyBay - STO & more giveaway Codes

September 13 2019
I need more... omg... addicted to free stuff...
Unknown Person liked this
Mckenna Mears


2nd Annual Romulan Farmer's Festival

September 12 2019
im moving back into my college dorm around that time but I will absolutely do my best to be there for at least part of it. no way am I missing out on my first Eitreih'hveinn
3 people liked this
Mckenna Mears


Collecting Ferasan Lore

September 12 2019
Quote by Balduranne
Theres basically no lore for Ferasans outside the STO zen store which is a shame because these psychic purple cat warriors deserve so much better. So I want to use this as a place to collect the tidbits of information we have (or that ppl have made up).  
There's plenty actually. The catch is that the Ferasans are actually the Kzinti from The Animated Series. The name had to be changed due to some legal issues, as Larry Niven (Who originally introduced them into Star Trek) actually wrote them for his own IP prior. 

Yeah i know they're based on the Kzinti but there's enough differences (such as ferasan females being fully sentient, even though many other kdf races only have males playable anyway so they could've easily stuck more closely to the kzinti inspiration) that I think it would be interesting to explore from the perspective of ferasans being their own unique species. 

Collecting Ferasan Lore

September 12 2019
Quote by aroaceRihanha
Theres basically no lore for Ferasans outside the STO zen store which is a shame because these psychic purple cat warriors deserve so much better. So I want to use this as a place to collect the tidbits of information we have (or that ppl have made up).  

There's plenty actually. The catch is that the Ferasans are actually the Kzinti from The Animated Series. The name had to be changed due to some legal issues, as Larry Niven (Who originally introduced them into Star Trek) actually wrote them for his own IP prior. 
Mckenna Mears


Collecting Ferasan Lore

September 12 2019
Theres basically no lore for Ferasans outside the STO zen store which is a shame because these psychic purple cat warriors deserve so much better. So I want to use this as a place to collect the tidbits of information we have (or that ppl have made up).  
2 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


Stonewall's Sompek Challenge!

September 09 2019
Congrats to the winners and ALL participants .. all your SWC cards have been updated.

Im thinking next Sompek challenge.. I need to strategize a bit more than i did this challenge.... it also gives me time to upgrade my ground gear .. sadly I have never paid that much attention to ground pew pews.. but this was fun!! 
I need gold gear!!!! all goooold!!
Thanks Kierix and Tricky, looking forward to the next one!
4 people liked this
Patrick Aka Trick


Stonewall's Sompek Challenge!

September 09 2019


The Sompek Challenge has drawn to a close, and the following honorable warriors have emerged victorious:

1st Place - 86 rounds - @Jspectre, @Saintplazma, @TLara, @Mawzie and @Calx win 3 SWCs each

2nd Place - 79 rounds - @Ereiid and @Rolendis win 2 SWCs each

3nd Place - 47 rounds - @audiored and @aroaceRihanha win 1 SWCs each

Prizes will appear in your SWC accounts shortly.

The Combat Operations and Klingon Affairs Departments acknowledge all of the combatants for their heroism and bravery in valiant combat against endless waves of opponents, and would like to also recognize Fleet Captain @Kierix for his work in organizing this event. Qapla'!
8 people liked this
Hai Tang


2nd Annual Romulan Farmer's Festival

September 09 2019
I wish I could join but I have a wedding invitation to attend on September 28th. 
2 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


2nd Annual Romulan Farmer's Festival

September 09 2019
I’ll be there!  
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Ted Hembach


2nd Annual Romulan Farmer's Festival

September 09 2019
Uh! Gotta call my Romulans back from their deep space missions!
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Unknown Person

2nd Annual Romulan Farmer's Festival

September 09 2019
It's  going to be  such an awesome time!
3 people liked this
Kevin Van Eeten


2nd Annual Romulan Farmer's Festival

September 09 2019
2nd Annual Romulan Harvest Festival

Jolan’tru, Fleeties! It is with pride that Stonewall Fleet’s Department of Fleet Morale announces the Romulan Harvest Festival. Due to a phenomenal cosmic event, autumn on Mol’Rihan (New Romulus) has aligned with autumn on Earth’s Northern hemisphere... some believe it to be caused by one of Q’s omnipotent antics, others blame the Iconians, but a true Rihannsu knows this. It is cradol (fate) of the Elements that has blessed us with another Eitreih'hveinn (Farmer’s Festival).

Join your fellow Fleeties in Romulan style for the 2nd Annual Romulan Harvest Festival on Mol’Rihan on:

(click to see in your time zone)

Completely styled in the Faith of the Elements, celebrations will consist of:

15:45 UTC: Aefvadh (Welcome) - Ceremonial opening
Beam down to New Romulus in front of the City Gates at the staging area where the Eitreih'hveinn will be opened in ceremonial fashion, thanking the Elements for a plentiful harvest.

16:00 UTC: Okhala (Fire) - KDF/Republic PvP
Battle of Narendra III Reenactment: In 2344 Romulan forces attacked the Klingon outpost on Narendra III. Despite the help of the Enterprise C, the outpost was quickly overwhelmed. Join Commander Plazma in putting down the Klingon 'savages', or help defend the outpost from the 'honorless' Romulans. This is a historical re-enactment, so for this event Romulans should be in Warbirds, and Klingons in Klingon vessels. There will only be one Federation vessel (an Ambassador class), flown by someone from Morale Department.

17:30 UTC: Avilh (Earth) - Trivia
A brand new type of trivia event in which you will be tested on your creativeness, knowledge of Romulan language, culture, cuisine, or basically anything Rihannsu. Instructions on how to join this event will be given at the start, but you can participate on any device that has access to a web browser, be it PC, laptop, smarthphone, or tablet. The top scoring contestants will win Stonewall Credits!

18:30 UTC: Jaeih (Air) - Atmosphere Assault PvE
When was the last time you used your Smallcraft? Yeah, I can't remember either. For this year's Farmer Festival, let's have a Smallcraft Appreciation Hour by subjecting ourselves to an hour of Atmosphere Assault, led by Captain Anna. So what are you waiting for? Pimp out your shuttle and let's fly! All you need for this event is a Smallcraft, but make sure you actually outfit one, as we'll be playing the event on Advanced. Bonus points for style!

19:30 UTC: Cradol (Fate) - Fashion contest
There will be three categories during this fashion contest, and you can participate in all three of them, or just the one or two you feel that allows you to show of your fashionista skills and earn some Stonewall Credits! The categories are:
A Day on the Farm - Just because you’re a farmer doesn’t mean you can’t be stylish. Whether you herd Khelids, grow tubers or build sheds - Show us your freshest workwear. We encourage you to get creative with your occupation!
Fall Sports - Mol’Rihan’s rugged, untamed nature presents many opportunities for sports. So take some time away from the farm and play! Show everyone your best 25th century fall sport uniform (Cross country,  football, golf, soccer football.
Embassy Ball - Building a new world is not all about work - Sometimes you have to relax and show everyone you’re better through superior fashion sense. Dress up for the annual Embassy Ball and dazzle your allies with your Romulan Chic.

20:30 UTC: Ihhuein (Water) - Sportive triathlon in the Atlai
We will travel down to the Atlai for a sportive element during the celebrations! In a series of three physical activities, you will be awarded points for grace, speed, and strength and those who score the most points will be awarded Stonewall Credits! Event details will be announced in this Forum Post in the coming days and shall be recapped right before the start of the triathlon in in-game chat.

22:00 UTC: Bedah (Goodbye) - Lake party, closing ceremonies, and movie night
At the closing of the triathlon, we will begin to dance the night away in the lake near the Great Nanov. Words of wisdom will be spoken about the Elements, and afterwards we can enjoy all the deliciousness that was harvested while watching some Romulan themed movie or episode(s) during movie night. What we will be watching is entirely in your hands in the following Forum Post.

But wait… there is more! With the plentiful harvest coming up, we need ways to enjoy the fruit of our labours at the farm. In the weeks leading up to the event, we can teach one another our favourite recipes in a brand new recipe exchange forum event.

Mark your agendas right now for a Saturday filled with Romulan-themed fun. This post will be updated with more event details in the days leading up to the Eitreih'hveinn.

Some of these events will give you the chance to win Stonewall Credits (SWC) which you can use to buy extremely desirable, and valuable items from our Stonewall Credit Store. Per event the following amount of credits will be awarded:
First Place - 3 SWC
Second Place - 2 SWC
Third Place - 1 SWC

Last minute update: In addition to loads of SWC to be won, by a very generous donation by insanefuture79 we will be handing out two Nog BOffs as part of the Trivia and the Triathlon.

7 people liked this
Edited September 27 2019 by Chipz416


Stonewall's Sompek Challenge!

September 08 2019
only joined to get the dancey unlock but we ended up doing 86 rounds!

that was rather fun and brought back challenge to STO and made it feel good again!
kudos to the full stonewall team and special shout out to amber who single handedly kept us going :D

our team:
4 people liked this

Unknown Person

Stonewall's Sompek Challenge!

September 08 2019


Round 17! ... not to shabby considering I forgot to equip my weapons at the start so for the first couple of rounds i was punching the baddies :p
6 people liked this
Rob Smith


Multiplayer Games You Are Playing?

September 05 2019
Currently i'm in City of heroes homecoming 

but also play: 
BDO(as gw)
STO (r&d and daily events, but that's about it right now)
GW2 (as gw1)
Warframe (as gw1)
Destiny2 (as gw1)
SWTOR (as gw1)
Ark Survival Evolved (periodically, but pretty random, and SP only)
GW1 (pretty randomly, and really infrequently.
Aion online (as gw1)

i have access to a lot of others, but either haven't played them in ages, or just got em due to being freebies lol
Edited June 25 2020 by Injunuity