The Admiralty presents...
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What is this you ask?
Well the Stonewall Job Fair is very much like any other except it is more fabulous and more fun than any other.
The Admiralty is seeking to fill several FC positions in the following departments:
Fleet Resources
Fleet Morale
Membership Management
Tactical Readiness
Combat Operations
Klingon Affairs
Here is the link to all of these wonderful departments, who heads them up and the awesome FC's that complete the Stonewall Leadership
Would you like to join the team?
Would like to know more?
Click Here To join us Sat 18th - or - Here To Join Us Sun 19th

WOW!! your front page of this thread looks cool parkie!
Sadly Im unable to make the Saturday fair due to work commitments..
I shall be there on Sun 19th to discuss the Resources Dept, what its responsible for, what we bring to the fleet and an FCs requirements
Hope to see you there!!