Lars Zandor


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 20 2015
Well, I can never beat Voleron's screenshots, but here is Lucky.


Seems like that picture is not really high quality, so here is another link to the picture:
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Edited July 20 2015 by Lars_Zandor

Stonewall Pet Show!

July 20 2015
Looks like Voleron is going full spinster in his retirement.
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Steven Skeffington


Show us your gaming pad!

July 20 2015
Quote by pnuttbuttah
Rasilek, great desktop background image. Seems familiar. Interstellar? Jupiter Ascending? Just my imagination?

Thanks! Yeah that's Gargantua, the black hole from Interstellar. Googled and found a high resolution image of it to span my desktop. Was not disappointed. :) And I do love the film.
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Pnutt Buttah


Show us your gaming pad!

July 20 2015
Rasilek, great desktop background image. Seems familiar. Interstellar? Jupiter Ascending? Just my imagination?
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Dave (Voleron)


The New Fleet Armada System

July 20 2015
Quote by kiddkasper
But Nick has to give us mere mortals permission to use it. :P

Yeah, confirmed. We were testing this out in-game today and found that regular fleet members are unable to see or chat in the Armada chat channel, but that fleet administrators are able to.

I think that giving the general membership across all of our Armada's fleets access to both read and write in our Armada chat channel, would really be beneficial to bringing the fleets in our armada closer. It would be great to be able to freely invite and participate in queues and events across all of the amazing fleets in our Armada-to-be!
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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


[Accepting Applications] Fleet Captain - Deadline 7/25/2015

July 19 2015
Good luck, guys!!! :D


Stonewall Times

July 19 2015
Please click below for the most recent issues
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Shawn Birch


[Accepting Applications] Fleet Captain - Deadline 7/25/2015

July 19 2015
Attention Stonewall Fleet,

As most of you know, Stonewall Fleet is a vast community spanning four separate fleets in game as well as an expansive social network both in our TeamSpeak Chat Rooms and in our online forums. With such a large community, there is a great need for individuals to be in a Senior Member role; to help assist, and guide the membership at large.

The leadership structure of Stonewall Fleet is built upon a familiar concept; That the fleet leadership is broken up into separate departments, and that each of those departments has a specific function. Furthermore, all departments work in tandem for the betterment of the fleet as a whole.

Each department has its own Chief: The Admiral. The Admirals comprise the Leadership of Stonewall Fleet. Under each Admiral is a highly skilled team of senior fleet members called the Fleet Captains. These Fleet Captains assist in the every day running of the fleet as well as give their valued input on fleet command and guidance.

The position of Fleet Captain is a privilege; not a right. It is a position which we do not grant lightly. Each person placed in a FC position has been an outstanding member of the fleet prior to the promotion. They are friendly, helpful, a positive influence, and work well with others.

If you are interested in stepping up to the challenge, and lending a helpful hand to your fellow fleet mates; please submit a request for application to me. With your request, please indicate your top three department preferences. You will then be sent a brief application. Once your application is received, it along with all other applications will be reviewed. After all applications are received and positions have been filled, all applicants will be notified of the results.

All application requests are confidential, and will not be disclosed to anyone outside of the Fleet Admiralty.

We thank you in advance for your time, and dedication to Stonewall Fleet.
6 people liked this
Edited July 20 2015 by Parker
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk



July 19 2015
!!!! HNRGRHR!!!


Unknown Person


July 19 2015
Glad to have you back, Steve. You've been missed. :)


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 19 2015
wow that tank top too..."he haz very nice muscles" :blush:
Kidd Kasper


The New Fleet Armada System

July 19 2015
But Nick has to give us mere mortals permission to use it. :P
Dave (Voleron)


The New Fleet Armada System

July 19 2015
Quote by medgirl1025
Supposedly there already is an armada channel when we created the armada. So it shows in my chat options anyway.

lol, thank you :)
Jamie O'Connell


The New Fleet Armada System

July 19 2015
Supposedly there already is an armada channel when we created the armada. So it shows in my chat options anyway.
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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 19 2015
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Dave (Voleron)


The New Fleet Armada System

July 19 2015
Welcome to the Armada, Joint Ops!

I'm not sure if this has been discussed already, but it might be a good idea to start thinking about forming an Armada chat channel for our collective of fleets, so that we can interact and/or team with members of other fleets in our Armada. Any thoughts on this?
Andrea Maria


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 19 2015
Lol! I don´t know... I don´t think those screenshots can be beaten.

(The cheese one... *still giggling*)
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Edited July 19 2015 by AndreaMaria
Andrea Maria


The New Fleet Armada System

July 19 2015
Welcome to the armada, Joint Operations Command Nimbus Sector!

Cheers, Andrea :)
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Andrea Maria



July 19 2015
Yay! Steve! Congratulations and welcome back! :)



July 19 2015
Welcome back Steve!! :D