Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 22 2015
omg! What is that thing that looks like a shark behind you?? Punch it in the nose!

With all of these shark attacks lately, I can't help but think of the real victims...

Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Armada Chat for the Members?

July 22 2015
Just a quick note to discuss the armada chat access for members, as we don't appear to have access to it. I was wondering if restricting the chat is by conscious decision or if we just haven't figured out how to give access to non-leadership ranks.

I did some Googling and found that some other fleets were having challenges with it. It seems that the Armada chat permission is linked to the fleet chat permission, as discussed over on the Protectorate Alliance forums, as per below:

Quote by ProtectorateAlliance
With the introduction of the Armada system we have a new Armada chat channel.

If you are having an issue speaking to the Armada channel please first check the following solutions.

1) Apparently you need access to "Fleet" chat in order to talk in the armada, or it does not register you as part of the armada, For fleets that have an inter-fleet channel and disable their "fleet" channel please reactivate it. To reactivate fleet channel access go into the fleet menu -> Settings -> make sure the "Fleet" permission is checked. If it is not find someone who can re-activate that permission.

2) Check your own settings. You might have someone on ignore. Or you might have a buggy privacy setting.

To remove someone from your ignore list press [o] and then ignore tab.

To access your privacy settings press [o] and then lower right corner (Privacy)

Worst case scenario you might have to reset your chat settings. For this : [Esc] -> Chat Settings -> Lower right corner (Chat Options) -> Lower left corner -> Click the dropdown arrow and select Reset Chat options to defaults.

PLEASE NOTE a KDF armada chat will not be seen by ANY FLEET that is not listed under the armada tab.

Just wondering if we could get a quick word on this from our Admiral overlords :)

3 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 22 2015
[Edited, I must learn to read/listen to the news]
Unknown Person liked this
Edited July 22 2015 by GXV3
Gareth GXV3


Fleet Awards

July 22 2015

N E W · T R I B B L E · T H A N K · Y O U ' S !



12 people liked this
Edited December 03 2015 by GXV3


Skyforge Closed Beta key giveaway!

July 22 2015
bumping it


Skyforge Closed Beta key giveaway!

July 21 2015
So I know you made a web add for the pantheon on the forums but I couldn't find it under the pantheon subsection.


July 21 2015
Quote by bullocaj
Why yes, I believe you want to crosscheck the IR database and parse with the subdominate domain and then you absolutely must make sure the parent directory has chrysalis file formats so the predetermined domain is inexplicably replicated to produce to proper proportion of the intended expression.

Did you use some sort of technobable generator for that or did you make it up yourself?

Quote by bullocaj
You're welcome!

No thank you.
Unknown Person liked this
Antonio V



July 21 2015
I'm not gonna lie. This got me a little hot. Even though I have no idea what either of you are talking about. :-P
2 people liked this

Unknown Person


July 21 2015
Why yes, I believe you want to crosscheck the IR database and parse with the subdominate domain and then you absolutely must make sure the parent directory has chrysalis file formats so the predetermined domain is inexplicably replicated to produce to proper proportion of the intended expression.

You're welcome!
Unknown Person liked this


July 21 2015
Do we have an regex aficionados in the community? I could use some help with a regular expression when parsing some bbcode.
Dave (Voleron)


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 21 2015
Quote by KnightChucky
Teaching my pet Talaxian Brex the ways of Science

Joseph Leyland


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 21 2015
Teaching my pet Talaxian Brex the ways of Science

5 people liked this


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 21 2015
Quote by SiranNataan
Twillix considers chucking his cat at passersby from the ESD mezzanine.

I chuck mine down whilst floating about Risa... :evil:


Re:Re:The New Fleet Armada System

July 20 2015
Quote by Voleron
Quote by Princess-Hope
We at Nimbus are delighted to be members of your Armada! I'm considering doing some form of RP event at our Command Center in the next week or so to celebrate.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Sounds cool! Does your fleet have a website or message board that you all use? Just trying to figure out the best way to get some cross-fleet communication going

We did but the server died and I haven't set us up a new one yet. That is in the plans, though.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk


Re:The New Fleet Armada System

July 20 2015
We all like a party. Count me in x
Dave (Voleron)


Re:The New Fleet Armada System

July 20 2015
Quote by Princess-Hope
We at Nimbus are delighted to be members of your Armada! I'm considering doing some form of RP event at our Command Center in the next week or so to celebrate.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Sounds cool! Does your fleet have a website or message board that you all use? Just trying to figure out the best way to get some cross-fleet communication going
Whittier Strong


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 20 2015

Twillix considers chucking his cat at passersby from the ESD mezzanine.
2 people liked this


Re:The New Fleet Armada System

July 20 2015
We at Nimbus are delighted to be members of your Armada! I'm considering doing some form of RP event at our Command Center in the next week or so to celebrate.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
4 people liked this
Shawn Birch


Stonewall Pet Show!

July 20 2015
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Looks like Voleron is going full spinster in his retirement.

At least he's not chucking cats at passersby from his porch. (That we are aware of)